Authori – Wikipedia

Authari (also Autari, Authachar, Orthius ; * around 540; † September 5, 590 in Pavia) was king of the Langobards from 584 to 590.

Authari was the son of King Cleph from the gender of the Beleo. [first] Probably his wife Masane was [2] his mother.

After Cleph 574 died, the longobardic duces (dukes), which had been considered independently, refused to determine a successor, so that there was a ten -year ruling time, an interregnum.

Consolidation in Italy [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

It was only 584, when Italy was threatened by a Franconian-byzantine alliance, was the King of Langobard’s King. However, the kingship lacked the material basis, so that the dukes removed half of their property to Authari so that he could finance the “state business”. [3] To legitimize his rule over Italy, Authari took the Roman gentleman name Flavius [4] at; In late antiquity, this had actually become a title that demonstrated his wearer’s belonging to the Reichselite.

Around 585 the Langobardian Dux Drocctulft had overflowed to the Byzantines and had entrenched itself in the city of Brexillus (Brescello). Authari conquered the city and let the walls grind. Drocctulft fled to the Exarch Smaragdus in Ravenna and freed the port of Classis from the Langobards in his service. Authari then closed a three -year peace with Smaragdus. [5]

King Authari sent Dux Ewin von Trento in 587 to Byzantine Istria with an army. Ewin looted and fire the region before returning a one -year peace and returning to Authari with great wages. The island of Comacina in Lake Como was also taken by the Langobards after 6 months of siege. The Byzantine Magister Militum (Master Master) Francio was allowed to retreat to Ravenna. [6]

legislation [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Authari’s rule caused a general country peace, from which the Romanesque population in particular benefited from the fact that their tax duties were regulated and there were no arbitrary looting. [7] Paul Deacon [4] described this phase as the “golden age”.

The Catholic faith of the novels was tolerated, but there was an express ban to baptize Langobardian children Catholic. [8]

Marriage policy [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In order to improve the Franconian-Langobardian relationships, the Arian Authari Chlodosuintha, a sister of the Catholic King Childebert II, wanted to marry, but he later solved the engagement. [9] Probably in 588 Childebert attacked the Langobards, was beaten by Autharis Heer and withdrew with high losses. [ten]

In view of the Franconian aggression, Authari was now looking for an alliance with Bavaria and arranged his engagement and wedding 589 with Theudelinde, the daughter of the Bavarian Dux Garibald I. [11] And the Walderada, so granddaughter of the Langobardenkönig Wacho. On the one hand, this family gang protected the empire in the northeast, on the other hand, Authari combined with the royal dynasty of the Lethinger and increased with the mighty dux Ewin von Trento. [twelfth] When the Bavarian Duke Garibald I was threatened by Childebert II in 589, he sent his children Gundoald and Theudelinde to Italy to their brother -in -law Eoin (Eoin) of Trent. On May 15, 589, König Authari married on the Sardisfeld near Verona Theodelinde and used her brother Gundoald for the Dux of Asti. [11]

War with the Franks and Byzantium [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Not all Langobardian duces stood behind their king. The new exarch Romanus freed the Ravennas area of ​​the Langobards in the years 589 and 590. He won Altinum, Modena and Mantua back, and achieved that the Langobardian dukes of Parma, Reggio and Piacenza submitted to the Roman Empire and provided their sons as hostages. [13]

Childebert II. Griff 590 with 20 duces the Langobardreich. The army marched in two separate associations. Part of Audoval and six other duke advanced to Milan, suffered some losses in smaller battles, but Mimulf, the Dux of the island of St. Julius in the Ortasee, over to the Franks. The Langobards retired to paved cities and entrenched themselves. [14]

Another part of the army under Cedinus (also Chedinus) and thirteen other Duces penetrated northeast in Ewin’s duchy. Five Castile (Smaller fastenings) [15] as well as the camp (Larger fortifications, “Burgen”) Tesana (Tisens), Maletum (Mölten), Sermiana (Sirmian), Appianum (Eppan), Fagitana (Faedo), Cimbra (Cembra), Vitianum (Vezzano), Bremtonicum (Brentonico), Volaenes ( Volano), Ennemase (unclear), two fortifications in the Alsuca (Valsugana) and one in Verona were conquered. The residents were abducted as prisoners [15] But the bishops succeeded in Ingenuinus soap (Säben) and Agnellus of Tridentum (Trento) in May 591 to convey peace and to buy the residents of Ferrugis (Verruca) against a ransom. [16] When the Ruhr broke out in the Franconia army, they withdrew. [17] A letter from the Byzantine Exarch Romanus to Childebert proves that Cedinus closed a 10-month peace and withdrew over the Alps. Ultimately, the Franconian-byzantine attack failed due to the lack of coordination of the two allies. [18]

Death and successor [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Shortly thereafter, Authari sent a legation to the Frankenkönigen Guntram I of Burgundy and Childebert from Austrasia to negotiate peace on a “royal level”. King Authari died childless before the negotiations were completed on September 5, 590 in Pavia; It is assumed that it was poisoned. Agilulf, the Duke of Turin. [19]

Autharis Brautfahrt [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

According to legend, Authari Incognito went to the Bavarian Court on the bridal show. Only at the home ride …

Authari, as much as he could, straightened up on the horse and bumped into a nearby tree and let them put it in it and said: “Such blows lead to Authari!” The Bayern, who gave him the escort, realized that he was the King Authari himself. [11]

The legend was in the brothers Grimm in the Germans say Published in 1816. [20] The poet and Germanist Wilhelm Hertz wrote the poem in 1859 King Authari’s Brauchau . [21] Friedrich von Bodenstedt wrote a comedy of the same name in 1860. [22]

Autharis taking land [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Authari is said to have taken possession of the regions of Spoleto and Benevento and ridden to Reggio on the southern tip of Italy. There he touched a pillar in the surf with his lance and is said to have called: “Up to this point, the borders of the Langobards should reach”. [23]

The legend was made by the brothers Grimm in Germans say Published in 1816. [24]

  1. The origin of the Lombard Kap. 6
  2. History of Lombards 2, 31
  3. Hartmann: History of Italy in the Middle Ages Vol. II Part 1, p. 64
  4. a b HIS LANGOBARDORUM 6, 16
  5. History of Lombards 6, 18-19
  6. History of Lombards 3, 27
  7. Institute Patristicum Augustinianum: Encyclopedia of the early church . Vol. 1. 2, Clarke & Co, Cambridge 1992
  8. Hartmann: History of Italy in the Middle Ages . Vol. II, Part 1, p. 168
  9. History of Lombards 3, 28
  10. History of Lombards 3, 29 und Gregor von Tours; Historical IX, 25
  11. a b c History of Lombards 3, 30
  12. Hartmann: History of Italy in the Middle Ages . Vol. II, Part 1, p. 68
  13. Hartmann: History of Italy in the Middle Ages . Vol. II, Part 1, p. 72
  14. Hartmann: History of Italy in the Middle Ages . Vol. II, Part 1, p. 74
  15. a b Gregor von Tours, Historical X, 3
  16. Martin Bitschnau, Hannes Obermair: Tyrolean documents book, II. Department: The documents on the history of the Inn, Eisack and Pustertal. Volume 1: until 1140 . University publisher Wagner, Innsbruck 2009, ISBN 978-3-7030-0469-8, S. 16–17, no. 25 .
  17. History of Lombard 3, 31
  18. The New Cambridge Medieval History . Band I: c. 500-c. 700 , S. 155, Cambridge University Press 2005, ISBN 978-0-521-36291-7
  19. History of Lombards 3, 34-35
  20. Say from King Authari ( Memento of the Originals from October 9, 2010 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/ , Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm: Germans say . Bd. 2, hood 402
  21. Wilhelm Hertz: King Authari’s Brauchau
  22. Ludwig Julius excharches: Bodenstedt, Friedrich von . In: General German biography (ADB). Volume 47, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1903, pp. 44–67.
  23. History of Lombard 3, 32
  24. Autharis column ( Memento of the Originals from October 9, 2010 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/ , Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm: Germans say . Bd. 2, hood. 403