[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BlogPosting","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki1\/2017\/06\/15\/furstenwalde-beeskow-wikipedia-railway-line\/#BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki1\/2017\/06\/15\/furstenwalde-beeskow-wikipedia-railway-line\/","headline":"F\u00fcrstenwalde – Beeskow – Wikipedia railway line","name":"F\u00fcrstenwalde – Beeskow – Wikipedia railway line","description":"F\u00fcrstenwalde (Spree) -Beeskow Line number (DB): 6521 Course book line (DB): 209.35 Route length: 41,2\u00a0km Trade distance: 1435\u00a0mm (Normalspur) Maximum","datePublished":"2017-06-15","dateModified":"2017-06-15","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki1\/author\/lordneo\/#Person","name":"lordneo","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki1\/author\/lordneo\/","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","url":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","height":96,"width":96}},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","width":600,"height":60}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/3\/3c\/BSicon_STR.svg\/20px-BSicon_STR.svg.png","url":"https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/3\/3c\/BSicon_STR.svg\/20px-BSicon_STR.svg.png","height":"20","width":"20"},"url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki1\/2017\/06\/15\/furstenwalde-beeskow-wikipedia-railway-line\/","wordCount":8555,"articleBody":"F\u00fcrstenwalde (Spree) -Beeskow Line number (DB): 6521 Course book line (DB): 209.35 Route length: 41,2\u00a0km Trade distance: 1435\u00a0mm (Normalspur) Maximum inclination: first \u2030 Top speed: 80 km\/h from Berlin 0.0 F\u00fcrstenwalde (Spree) to M\u00fcncheberg 2.7 Bush garden to Frankfurt (Oder) Feeding track for feeding Spree 5.7 F\u00fcrstenwalde (Spree) South A 12 6.5 Ketschendorf 8.9 Petersdorf Seebad 10,30,0Petersdorf 2.5 Bad Saarow Kurhaus 3.2 Bad Saarow West 4.7 Bad Saarow old oaks 6.7 Bad Saarow silver beach 7.6 Bad Saarow-Silberberg 8.2 Silberberg Waldsch\u00e4nke 12.0 Bad Saarow Former Bad Saarow-Pieskow, Saarow Ost 12,684 Infrastructure limit DB Netz \/ Scharm\u00fctzelseebahn GmbH 12.9 Bad Saarow Clinic (since 2011) 14.4 Bad Saarow-Pieskow Formerly: Pieskow, until 2006 Bad Saarow-Pieskow S\u00fcd 19.0 Wilmersdorf (Kr Beeskow) Formerly: Lamitsch-Wilmersdorf 20.4 Pfaffendorf B 168 24.1 G\u00f6rzig 26.7 Gro\u00df Rietz B 168 B 87 30.4 Beeskow Nord Formerly: Neuendorf (B Beeskow) von L\u00fcbben, from K\u00f6nigs Wusterhausen 33.0 Beeskow to Grunow The opened in 1911 F\u00fcrstenwalde – Beeskow railway line , also called “Scharm\u00fctzelseebahn”, connected the two cities to the east of Berlin. Until 1945 she was as Kreisbahn Beeskow\u2013F\u00fcrstenwalde an in-house operation of the former Beeskow-Storkow district. It also included a branch from Petersdorf to Saarow-Silberberg. Today the route is only in operation from F\u00fcrstenwalde\/Spree to the Bad Saarow district of Pieskow. The first years of operation [ Edit | Edit the source text ] From June 3, 1911, the route led from F\u00fcrstenwalde-located on the Berlin-Frankfurt (Oder) State Railway-after crossing the Oder-Spree Canal to the Schaarm\u00fctzelsee. It initially ended in Pieskow, followed on December 20, 1911, the southeastern section to the district town of Beeskow on the railway line Frankfurt (Oder) – K\u00f6nigs Wusterhausen. The standard -lane small railway line was 33 kilometers long. At the same time, a branch was opened, followed by Petersdorf to the west bank of the Scharm\u00fctzelsee to Saarow West. From there we continued from May 1, 1921 to Silberberg Waldsch\u00e4nke. This eight kilometer long side route, which primarily served tourist purposes, was destroyed in January 1945 and was not put back into operation. The Provincial Association of the Province of Brandenburg had the management of the railway. When you take the company, there were four three-axis steam locomotives from Orenstein & Koppel, as well as six passenger cars, two luggage\/postal cars and twelve freight cars. Passenger transport was easy, in 1914 205,834 people were promoted. The freight traffic was rather low: in 1914 22,368 t goods were transported. The timetable in 1914 provided four train pairs across the entire route and four pairs of train between F\u00fcrstenwalde and Pieskow, and two train pairs from F\u00fcrstenwalde drove to Saarow West. Regardless of the district railway, the district of Beeskow-Storkow had maintained power traffic as a further company since October 1, 1928. His three bus lines sometimes drove parallel to the circular railway. After the Second World War [ Edit | Edit the source text ] After the Second World War, the power of disposal over the train initially passed the state of Brandenburg from the district. In 1949, like all the railways operated by the Brandenburg State Transport Office, the route was incorporated into the German Reichsbahn in 1949. Between 1959 and 1963, train traffic was discontinued due to the poor top construction state. Development after 1990 [ Edit | Edit the source text ] As of December 31, 1993, freight transport was discontinued on the route. In 1994 the stations Pfaffendorf, Wilmersdorf and Beeskow Nord were closed. After the offer in passenger transport had been limited to around five or six train pairs a day for decades, a continuous two -hour clock was introduced in 1995. However, the route state deteriorated over time, so that the clock could no longer be observed. Therefore, from 1997 the Pfaffendorf – Beeskow section was driven on by bus in rail replacement traffic, only the first train a day and the last train to Beeskow went through. A year later, the entire route was closed and only buses drove. In October 1999, the Saarow-Pieskow section was reopened after renovation. [first] This section has been used every hour since then. Although the renovation of the remaining section of the route Bad Saarow-Pieskow-Beeskow was initially announced, the state of Brandenburg announced in 2006 that the federal government should be dispensed with as a result of the reduction in regionalization funds. The rail replacement traffic on this section was replaced by regular buses. After the renovation of the F\u00fcrstenwalde section-Bad Saarow-Pieskow, the trains were initially driven by DB Regio. From December 9, 2007 to December 13, 2014, the East German railway carried out passenger traffic on this line, since December 14, 2014 the Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn. Regio shuttle vehicles have been used since 2007. On April 18, 2008, DB Netz wrote down the Bad Saarow-Pieskow-Beeskow section for takeover by third parties, alternatively this section should be shut down. The shareholders of Erlebnisbahn GmbH & Co. KG (operator of the Zossen adventure railway – J\u00fcterbog), which are used with Draisinen) took over the section of the route with the Schartelseebahn GmbH, which they founded for this purpose. The railway administration limit is 12.684. [2] Passenger traffic has been taking place again on a 1100 -meter -long section of the route taken over by Schar\u00fctzelseebahn GmbH – from Bad Saarow to the newly built stop – since October 21, 2011. [3] [4] The Scharm\u00fctzelseebahn again wrote down the route section Bad Saarow-Pieskow S\u00fcd-Beeskow in November 2010 for the takeover by other railway infrastructure companies. At the same time, the rails were started on this section of the route in early 2011, although this section was still considered a railway line at that time. The company stated that tourist traffic had planned there, but it would not have paid off. The German regional railway, which was defeated in the 2008 tender, then accused the company “raisin picking”. After there were protests against the unauthorized track mining from the state of Brandenburg, it was initially stopped. [5] On November 17, 2011, the Bad Saarow-Pieskow S\u00fcd-Beeskow section of the State Office for Building and Transport of the State of Brandenburg was released from rail operating purposes in accordance with Section 23 AEG. [6] In 2016, further modernization work was made, which included the construction of a new bridge in F\u00fcrstenwalde. Due to the shortened travel times, an extension of the company to the Pieskow district made it possible again without needing an additional vehicle circulation. For this purpose, the route was rebuilt for 1.3 kilometers in length from the Bad Saarow Clinic stop to the new Bad Saarow-Pieskow stop on Bahnhofstrasse. [7] The track laying work began in January 2021, and traffic was started on December 12, 2021. [8] A reactivation of the southern section from Bad Saarow S\u00fcd to Beeskow is not in prospect. [9] Hans-Dieter Rammelt, G\u00fcnther Fiebig, Erich Preuss: History of the small and private tracks. Development, construction, operation . Transpress, Berlin 1995. ISBN 3-344-71007-9. Reiner Preuss, Erich Preuss: Schmalspurbahnen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg . Transpress, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-344-71023-0. \u2191 Ceremonial commissioning of the “B\u00e4derbahn” F\u00fcrstenwalde – Bad Saarow -Pieskow. (No longer available online.) Ministry of urban development, living and transport (today: Ministry of Infrastructure and State Planning), October 9, 1999, archived from Original am January 11, 2002 ; accessed on December 10, 2021 . \u2191 Trass portal master data. (XLSX; 2.29 MB) Status: July 14, 2015. (No longer available online.) In: dbnetze.com. Deutsche Bahn AG, July 16, 2015, archived from Original am December 11, 2021 ; Retrieved on December 11, 2021 (Table leaf “List of the route”, cell area “K17717: L17717”): “12,684 Bahnverw. Border” \u2191 Ruth Buder: Rails of the bath rail are dismantled. In: M\u00e4rkische Oderzeitung. February 2, 2011, archived from Original ; accessed on September 17th, 2022 . \u2191 Scharm\u00fctzelsee-Bahn is extended. (No longer available online.) In: RBB-ANLINE.DE. October 21, 2011, formerly in Original ; Retrieved on October 21, 2011 . @first @2 Template: Toter Link\/www.rbb-online.de ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) \u2191 Bahn-Report 2\/2011, S. 40 \u2191 Exemption of rail operating purposes. State Office for Building and Transport, Retrieved on December 15, 2021 . \u2191 Bernhard Schwiete: Train line grows around 1300 meters. In: M\u00e4rkische Oderzeitung. October 3, 2018, archived from Original ; accessed on September 17th, 2022 . \u2191 Reactivation: The RB35 will continue in Bad Saarow from mid -December. (PDF) In: www.vbb.de. December 3, 2021, accessed on December 14, 2021 . \u2191 Peggy Lohse: Traffic: No chance for Bad Saarow – Beeskow. In: Moz.de. July 20, 2020, accessed on July 24, 2020 . 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