Red Steel – Wikipedia

Red Steel is an ego shooter by the game developer Ubisoft, which was developed exclusively for the Wii and was launched in Japan, the USA and Europe at the same time as the game console. Red Steel is the first Wii game ever presented in the public. The sequel was released on March 26, 2010 Red Steel 2 in Europa.

The player slips into the role of Scott Monroe, who is to be presented to the father of his Japanese fiance. The father is boss of the Yakuza and in possession of a valuable ceremonies, the Katana-Giri, the surrender of which a competing gang tries to blackmail by the kidnapping of the fiancee of the protagonist. The story is told in the style of Max Payne in still images.

Generally [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

You control the game with the Wii Remote (weapon) and the Nunchuk (running, open doors, press switches). Opponents and objects are targeted directly with the controller by targeting on the screen. The sword is swung with the Wii remote. It is recharged with the Nunchuk by moving your hand up and down. The control only allows rotations at a relatively low speed and also requires a relatively long training period.

Multiplayer [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

There is a multiplayer mode by split screen, which you can play in the “Deathmatch” and “Team Deathmatch” mode. There is no online mode. In addition, there is a “killer mode” by getting their own mission goals through the Wii-Remote speaker. This mode is playable too four.

At E3 2006, Red Steel was playable for the first time for a broad specialist audience. There, the control of some specialist visitors was described as “not yet mature”. However, Ubisoft continued to improve it. Red Steel is shown with 3D graphics and uses the Unreal Engine 2.5 as a graphic engine. In addition, the game has an extended, realistic game physics using the Physx engine from Ageia.

Although the trailer of the game shown for the E3 2006 suggested swords, which took place in real time, i.e. synchronous to the movements of the Wii remote, the game was not so playable at the time. Many journalists criticized the only indirect sword leadership, as this reacted delayed with the controller after a certain command. A more recent version was shown at the Games Convention 2006, which was able to represent swords better and almost delayed without delay. First, due to the assumption that the actions of the Wii Remote were transferred one to one to the sword in the game. However, as it turned out, this was not the case, since the possibilities are rather limited to eight movements (two horizontal, two vertical, four diagonal), which, depending on the player’s, are determined. According to the manufacturer, this principle should benefit the playability. As with many launch titles at the time, the rest of the control is not yet 100 percent mature. So are z. B. quick turns impossible – if an opponent appears unexpectedly behind the player, this often means the involuntary return to the last point of storage.