Pelchrzim – Wikipedia


Coat of arms of Pelchrzim

Pelchrzim (spoken pelcherzim) too Pelgrzim , Pilgrim , Peldrzim , Peldřim , Pelhrim , Pelhrzim or Pelhrzym Written, the name of an old Silesian nobility from the Duchy of Teschen, which appears for the first time at the beginning of the 13th century.


The gentlemen Pelchrzim from Trzenkowitz belong to the old sexes of Silesia, the so -called Silesian Uradel. They were initially called the villages of Katschitz and Groß Kuntschitz near Skotschau in the Duchy of Teschen. The name Pelgrzim was only used at the end of the 14th century. With a knight Grzymisław In the area of ​​Teschen on a document by the Breslau Bishop Lorenz of May 27, 1223, they are mentioned for the first time. [first] Grzymislaw’s great -grandson was Grzimislaus von Katschitz , documented in Bielitz on March 14, 1316. [2] In the years 1322 to 1337 Pelgrzim von Katschitz As the advice of Duke Kasimir III. From Teschen as well Nikolaus von Kuntschitz and Nikel von Trzankowitz mentioned. [3] With Nicolaus Pelgrzym , Lord on Katschitz and Kuntschitz ( Kończyce ) The direct series of tribes begins at Teschen, which is documented in 1388. 1413 will Kaspar Pelhrzym confirmed the old privileges. [3] In 1416, three pelhrzyms can be detected: Nicholas on Trzankowitz and Klein Pruchna as well as the brothers Gorschy and Mnischek on Katschitz. From Mnischek come the Polish Counts Mniszek ( Dandelions ) from, from Nikolaus the pelchrzim from Trzankowitz (Trzenkowitz), which is still flowering today. [first]

The headquarters of this old noble family are the villages of Třanovice and Groß-Okab. The village of Pielgrzymowice near Pawlowitz goes back to the foundation of the family in 1305. The Pelchrzim were rich in the Duchy of Teschen and also had some property in neighboring Moravia. Because of her participation in the Bohemian estate in 1618, her property in Bohemia and Moravia was confiscated by the Bohemian sovereign Ferdinand II. [4] In East Prussia, the family became Berghof, Ladtkeim, Pokraken today Leninskoje (Kaliningrad) and shirted. In Silesia they were still sitting in Gordawitz and Gieraltowitz in 1805 and in 1830 in Rogosina. [5]

In the middle of the 17th century, Sinapius performed the Wenceslaw brothers from Pelgrzim and Trzenkowitz on Ottrembow and Friedrich von Pelgrzim and Trzenkowitz. Only Friedrich’s son Kaspar von Pelgrzim and Trzenkowitz on Bobrek, the free civil rule Beuthen Landrechtsbeisitzer, continued the line in the man’s tribe. [5]

The family promoted Protestantism early on and was significantly involved in the construction of the Teschen Evangelical Jesuskirche, which has been the mother of all Protestant churches in Austrian Silesia since 1709. [6]

The coat of arms shows in silver a black eagle wing covered with a silver (also golden) crescent moon. On the helmet with black and silver ceilings, the shield image.

  1. a b Ludwig Igálffy Affairs: Silesian grave monuments, dead shields and ancestors . In: Yearbook of the Gesellschaft Adler . No. 8 (1971/73) , S. 79–82 .
  2. Codex diplom. Tess., Urk. 2.
  3. a b G. Biermann: Stories the Durathumums tic . Tically 1863.
  4. Ch. Knight the elvert of Contributions to the history of the rebellion , Brno 1867.
  5. a b H. Kneschke: German Adels-Lexicon . Vol. 7. Leipzig 1867.
  6. G. Biermann: History of the Evangelical Church of Austrian Silesia , TIKE 1859.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility, Adels lexicon , Vol. X, p. 236 (Vol. 119 of the total series), C. A. Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1999, ISBN 3-7980-0819-1.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility, Noble houses B , Vol. V, p. 275 (Vol. 26 of the total series), C. A. Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1961.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility, Aristocratic houses a , Vol. XXVI, p. 381 (Vol. 126 of the total series), C.A. Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 2001, ISBN 3-7980-0826-4.
  • Emilian von Żernicki-Szeliga: The Polish nobility and the other countries in the other … , Publishes H. Grand, 1900.
  • Konrad Blažek: Siebmaacher’s Grosses und Allgemaines Wappenbuch. Der Adel von Oesterreichisch Schlesien – nobility of Austrian Silesia . Nürnberg 1886. Reprint: Brno 2000.
  • Pelgrzim. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler: Large full universal lexicon of all scientific and arts. Volume 27, Leipzig 1741, col. 177.
