Bernhards (Fulda) – Wikipedia


Bernhard Is a district of the East Hessian city of Fulda and is about five kilometers northeast of the core city.


The place is characterized by agricultural courtyards and is located in the immediate vicinity of the B 27. Bernhards is also a carnival stronghold, this district of Fuldas has its own Rose Monday parade. Bernhards borders in the south or west to the Fulda districts of Lehnerz and Dietershan, north and east, the municipality of Petersberg joins the districts of Marbach, Steinhaus and Steinau.

In the Turkish Tax Register of the Fürstiedi Fulda from 1605, the place is under names Bernnharts mentioned with 21 families. [3]

On August 1, 1972, the previously independent community of Bernhard was incorporated into the city of Fulda in the course of the regional reform in Hesse by the state law. [4] [5]

Population [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

• 1812: 23 fireplaces, 140 souls [6]
Bernhards: Inhabitants from 1812 to 2017
Year Resident
1812 140
1834 176
1840 195
1846 189
1852 192
1858 188
1864 221
1871 160
1875 152
1885 171
1895 155
1905 138
1910 143
1925 174
1939 184
1946 259
1950 280
1956 266
1961 243
1967 286
1970 339
1988 445
2010 526
two thousand and thirteen 501
2015 506
2016 505
2017 499
Data source: History directory for Hesse: The population of the municipalities 1834 to 1967. Wiesbaden: Hessian Statistical State Office, 1968.
More sources: [6] ; 2010,2012,2015,2016,2017: [7] [8] [9]

The community center and the Herz-Jesu Church

Religious affiliation [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Source: Historical Local Lexicon [6]

• 1885: 11 Evangelical (= 6.43%), 159 Catholic (= 92.98%), a Jewish (= 0.58%) inhabitants
• 1961: 13 Evangelical (= 5.35%), 225 Catholic (= 92.59%) inhabitants
  1. Areas of the districts. (PDF; 30 KB) In: Web presence. City of Fulda, archived from Original ; accessed in May 2018 .
  2. Population of the districts. (PDF; 7,5 MB) In: Web presence. City of Fulda, S. 10 , accessed in October 2020 .
  3. Thomas Heiler: The Turkish Tax Register of the Fürstaßei Fulda from 1605, (Publication of the Fulda History Association in the Fulda history sheets; No. 64), Fulda, Parzeller-Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-7900-0362-X, local register on pages 37–47 , from there reference to the page with the number of taxpayers
  4. Law on the reorganization of the districts of Fulda and Hünfeld and the city of Fulda (GVBl. II 330-14) of July 11, 1972 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): Legal and prescription sheet for the state of Hesse. 1972 No. 17 , S. 220 , § first ( Online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 1.2 MB ]).
  5. Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipal directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, circles and government districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart/Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1, S. 387 .
  6. a b c Bernhards, Fulda district. Historical local lexicon for Hesse. (As of May 24, 2018). In: State history information system Hessen (Lagis).
  7. Statistical report 2011. (PDF; 11 KB) City of Fulda, S. 9 , archived from Original ; accessed in May 2018 .
  8. The density of inhabitants in the statistical districts of the city of Fulda (as of December 31, 2013). (PDF; 11 KB) archived from Original ; accessed in May 2018 .
  9. The density of residents in the statistical districts of the city of Fulda (as of December 31, 2015). (PDF; 11 KB) archived from Original ; accessed in May 2018 .
