Fritz Tillmann (theologian) – Wikipedia


Fritz Tillmann (Born November 1, 1874 in Honnef, † March 24, 1953 in Honnef-Rhöndorf) was a German Catholic theologian.

The entrance side of the opened in 1924 Tillmanneum in Bonn, Lennéstrasse 26

Fritz Tillmann was ordained a priest in 1898 and was then a student chaplain in Bonn. In 1908 he habilitated himself and taught from 1913 to 1939 as a professor of Catholic moral theology; His habilitation was actually for New Testament. Tillmann’s technical approach remained true to his biblical beginnings by the moral theology as the teaching of the Succession of Christ understanding; The dismissal of morality to the Bible was indispensable.

From 1919 to 1921 he was the rector of the University of Bonn, from 1923 chairman of the association Studentenwohl Bonn e. V. , the forerunner of the Studentenwerk Bonn. On his initiative, this was created Tillmanneum , the first German student house with cafeteria, burse, printing company, reading and society rooms, [first] which was inaugurated on October 25, 1924. [2] [3]

From 1928 he belonged to the board of the German Studentenwerk. He was also decisive in the foundation of the university association, whose chair he held from 1929 to 1933. In 1935 he gave the multi -volume work Handbook of Catholic Morge out of here. “Through his writings, Tillmann made a significant contribution to reforming the church moral theory.” [4]

Tillmann was a member of the Center Party [5] , the Catholic student connections KDStV Bavaria Bonn (from 1901), KDStV Ripuaria Bonn, KDStV Borusso-Westfalia Bonn, all three in CV, and KDB Winfridia Bonn in RKDB. [6]

Tillmann has lived in Honnef in the last decades of his life. He was buried in the Rhöndorf forest cemetery. [7]

Tillmannhaus entrance foyer in the typical architecture of the 1950s

Already during Tillmann’s lifetime, the first student dormitory opened on May 8, 1952 [8] [9] of the Bonn Studentenwerk at Lennéstraße 26–28 named after him. The first home manager was the botany professor Maximilian Steiner. [ten] The home was called the name Tillmannhaus over decades until its last use as a “dormitory” for foreign students; [11] It is only in the course of the current redesign of the Lenné/Nasse-/Kaiserstraße Kaiserstrasse [twelfth]

Shortly after Tillmann’s death, the Bonn city council decided on March 1, 1956, in the Bonn Südstadt Tillmann-Haus and the university main building Hofgartenstrasse in Fritz-Tillmann-Strasse to rename. [13] She still bears this name today.

  • Handbook of Catholic Morge . Mosella-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1934 (published in numerous editions and translations, see the webs).
  • The master calls . Patmos-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2nd, improved edition 1948.
    • The Master calls. A handbook of Christian living . Burns & Oates, London 1962.
  • Emil Piront: Fritz Tillmann (1874–1953) and his contribution to the renewal of moral theology in the 20th century . Dissertation, University of Mainz 1996.
  • Gabriele Lautenschläger: Fritz Tillmann (theologian). In: Biographical-bibliographical church lexicon (BBKL). Band 12, Bautz, Herzberg 1997, ISBN 3-88309-068-9, Sp. 123–125.
  • Josef Niesen: Bonner Person Lexicon. 2nd, improved and expanded edition. Bouvier, Bonn 2008, ISBN 978-3-416-03180-6.
  • Rupert Grill: Payer of a renewed moral theology. Impulse from German moral theology between 1900 and the 2nd Vatican Council (= studies on theological ethics, Stthe, Vol. 122) . Herder, Frubourg-Freburg-Van 2008, ISBN 978-3-451-27071-0.
  1. Karl Gutzmer et al.: Chronicle of the city of Bonn . Ed.: Bodo Harenberg. Chronik-Verlag, Dortmund 1988, ISBN 3-611-00032-9, S. 160 .
  2. Exhibition hikes through the five canteen of the Bonn Studierendenwerk. Student work Bonn Aör, October 17, 2019, accessed on July 28, 2021 .
  3. Ulrike Eva Klopp: For your well -being. Since 1919-the Bonn Studierendenwerk is celebrating its 100th anniversary. In: research. University of Bonn, accessed on July 28, 2021 (Issue 2/2019, page 44).
  4. Josef Niesen: Bonner Person Lexicon. Bouvier, Bonn 2007, ISBN 978-3-466-03555555555555555
  5. Michael Grüttner, Biographical lexicon on National Socialist Science Policy , Heidelberg 2004, S. 174 f.
  6. Fritz Aldefeld (ed.): Overall directory of R.K.D.B. Neuss, 1931
  7. Josef Solzbacher: In memory of Fritz Tillmann . In: August Haag (ed.): Bad Honnef am Rhein. Contributions to the history of our home community on the occasion of its city survey 100 years ago. Verlag of the Honnefer Volkszeitung, Bad Honnef 1962, pp. 199-205, here p. 199.
  8. Chronicle and report on the academic year 1951/52 (born 67 = new episode 56, 1951/52, pages 88-89). University of Bonn, accessed on July 9, 2021 .
  9. A photo of the spacious entrance hall with spiral staircase and seating groups can be found in the commemorative publication Two-and-90 years StwB Studentenwerk Bonn from 2011 on p. 118 (ed.: Studentenwerk Bonn Aör, editor: Alexander Bojanowsky, Angela Rifisch, Mirjam von der Mark)
  10. Christian George: Study in ruins . The students of the University of Bonn in the post -war period (1945–1955). V&R UNIPOP, Göttingen, Bonn 2010, ISBN 978-3-89971-608-5, S. 207 ( D-NB.Info ).
  11. Dormitory Tillmannhaus, Lennéstrasse 26–28, 53113 Bonn. Studentry Bonn, accessed on July 9, 2021 .
  12. Student work Bonn wants to rebuild in the Carré Nassestrasse. Student work Bonn, August 24, 2018, accessed on July 9, 2021 .
  13. Fritz-Tillmann-Strasse In the Bonn street cadastre
