Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse – Wikipedia


Urban New Speaking High School Cologne for boys and girls, Schaurestrasse
type of school Gymnasium
School number 166571
founding 1908

Schaurtestrasse 1

Location Cologne
Land North Rhine-Westphalia
Stands Germany
Coordinates 50 ° 56 ′ 1 ″ N , 6 ° 58 ′ 34 ″ O
carrier city ​​Cologne
Pupils 707 (school year 2016/17) [first]
Teacher 59 [2]
Management Anja Veith-Grimm


Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse

The Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse is a high school in Deutz (Cologne). The official name of the high school is “City of Cologne Gymnasium Cologne for Boys and Girls, Schaurtestrasse”. The city of Cologne is the school authority. [3]

1908 to 1945 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

On July 23, 1908, the high school was founded as the first high school on the right of Cologne. As early as 1910, a new building began at the Gotenring. In 1930, student exchanges with English and French students, mainly to develop the foreign languages ​​of the pupils, but also to understand the neighboring peoples. Under the National Socialist leadership, however, these exchanges had to be abandoned due to the political propaganda. There were also other cuts, such as a ban on the school newspaper or the ban on student associations (except for the sporty). Some teachers and the long-time head of the school, Theodor Eylert, were transferred to National Socialism due to a lack of approval or sent to retirement, while study councils that followed the Nazi regime were appointed directors. In 1944 the building was closed due to war damage. [4]

Ab 1945 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

After the war, the lessons were initially recorded in eight rooms that had survived the war. It was not until 1958 that all rooms were restored, only the roof above the south wing was still missing. The “Russian” teaching subject has also been offered since 1968.

Building [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

From 1999 to the beginning of 2002, on the initiative of the student representative, the teacher (in particular by Rolf toonen) and parents was intensively campaigning to put the school in a contemporary condition, which ultimately contributed to the fact that the City Council of Cologne in January 2002 decided to write out a comprehensive renovation of the school. The work began in autumn 2006. [4] At the beginning of the 2010/2011 school year, a new building with two gymnastics, an administrative wing and new specialist rooms, which was officially inaugurated in July 2011. At the beginning of 2012, the renovated B – tract was obtained, at the beginning of the school year 2012/2013 renovated classrooms were occupied in the middle of the construction. At the beginning of the school year 2013/2014, the classrooms were occupied on the first and second floor of the A -tract. At the beginning of April 2014, the A – tract, the so -called head building with a cafeteria and library, was handed over to the auditorium in mid -September 2014.


principal [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 1908 – May 1, 1924: Richard Jungbluth (born on November 15, 1874 in Dierdorf near Neuwied; 1898 Dr. Phil. In Bonn; from 1908 teacher in Deutz; 1921 senior study director; 1924 Higher Council in the Provincial College in Koblenz; [5] 1932 Honorary professor at the University of Cologne; died on February 13, 1945 [6] )
  • 1924 – 1925: Joseph Maubach (Commissioner Head; born June 18, 1877 in Cologne; 1902 Dr. Phil in Bonn; from 1909 as a senior teacher in Deutz; 1922 Senior Study Council; July 1, 1942 retirement) [7]
  • August 1, 1925-September 1, 1934: Theodor Eylert (born on March 5, 1881 in Altona; 1912 Dr. Phil in Münster (Westf.); Then Reform Real Gymnasium Cologne-Mülheim) [8]
  • 1934 – 1935: Joseph Maubach (provisional management) [9]
  • February 1, 1935-1945: Paul Börger (born March 11, 1896 in Kirchderne near Dortmund; 1922 to 1925 Pastor of the Evgl.-Luth. Parish of Derne B. Dortmund; from 1935 as senior study director in Deutz; 1939 to 1945 war participants as commander a pioneering battalion [ten] ) [11]
  • July 1, 1942-March 2, 1945 Joseph Meyer (born on March 20, 1898 in Cologne-Ehrenfeld; 1923 Dr. Rer. Nat in Bonn; 1942 senior study director and head of the girls’ high school in Cologne-Kalk; [twelfth] died on March 2, 1945 in Cologne during an air raid) [13]
  • 1946 – Easter 1953: Hermann Haferkamp (born on February 7, 1888 in Borbeck; from 1919 as a senior teacher in Deutz; 1950 senior study director; from May 1950 also provisional management of the Realgymnasium in Porz [14] ) [15]
  • 1. April 1953 [16] – 1975: Robert Frohn
  • 1976 – 1995: Karlheinz Scheuer
  • 1995 – 2001: Burkhard Henkes
  • Autumn 2001 – January 2003: Hans Peter Passmann (provisional management)
  • February 2003 – January 2016: Rolf Scheid
  • February 2016 to May 2016: Anja Veith-Grimm (provisional management)
  • From May 2016: Anja Veith-Grimm

The school maintains international school partnerships and a regular student exchange with partner schools in England, France, Russia, Israel and Spain.

Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestraße (3).jpg

The school has working groups and courses on the following topics:

  • Big Band, Chor, Instrumentalkreis
  • Photo-AG, IT, Schach-AG, AG Mathematics Olympiad
  • Dolph (diplasôs the erosudes a Langua founder), ‘Allavellash’ (students), scarcarval
  • Book and reading week, dispute settlement, health promotion, paramedic service
  • Anti-racism group
    • On March 18, 2019, the artist Gunter Demnig was 13 stumbling blocks in front of the building of Deutzer Gymnasiums Schaurtestrasse laid. [17] Pupils of the high school research the history of the Jewish classmates from 1908 to 1938. [18] The initiative of the students and that Online memorial book [19] Were with the Reinhard-Engert Prize for History excellent. A donation collection of the Anti-racism group At the school, the stumbling blocks were relocated. [20]
  • Jürgen Becker (* 1932), poet, prose and radio play author. From 1950 to 1953 he attended high school to the Abitur.
  • Dieter Flimm (1939–2002), architect, designer, stage designer, scenographer and director, musician, composer and university teacher. He passed the Abitur examination in 1958.
  • Jürgen Flimm (1941–2023), director, actor, director and university lecturer. In 1963 he graduated from high school at the Schaurthymnasium.
  • Herbert Hömig (1941–2020), historian and professor. He graduated from high school in 1962.
  • Ernst Simons (1919–2006), relegated in 1936 for racist reasons. His father, the school teacher of the school and rabbi von Deutz, Julius Simons, was murdered in Auschwitz with family, including two high school graduates. [4]
  • Hanns Sinzig (1901–1992), district administrator in Altenkirchen 1948 to 1966, Abitur 1927.
  • Theodor Eylert (editor and ed.): 25 years of urban Realgymnasium Cologne -Deutz. 1908–1933. Print Max Welzel, Cologne-Kalk, Cologne 1933.
  • Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  • Commemorative publication of the Schaurtestrasse grammar school in Cologne-Deutz on the occasion of its 75th anniversary in 1983. Ed. Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse.
  • 100 years of Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse. 1908-2008. School commemorative publication. Ed. Deutzer Gymnasium, pressure: Top photography Niederwiesa, Cologne 2008.
  1. Student and class figures in the school year 2016/17 compared to 2015/16 , As of April 1st, 2017, p. 9. City of Cologne, Staff point integrated youth welfare and school development planning
  2. People and committees,, accessed July 24, 2022
  3. City Cologne: Continuing schools in Cologne. Secondary level II. Online at Accessed on October 30, 2014.
  4. a b c Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse: Commemorative publication “100 years of Deutzer Gymnasium Schaurtestrasse” . (2008). Online at Accessed on October 29, 2014.
  5. Richard Jungbluth personnel sheet in the personnel card of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  6. Hermann Haferkamp: Dr. Richard Jungbluth. The first director of the school. In: Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  7. Joseph Maubach personnel sheet in the personnel file of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  8. Theodor Eylert personnel in the personnel card of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  9. Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  10. Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  11. Paul Börger personnel sheet in the personnel file of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  12. Personnel sheet by Joseph Meyer in the personnel file of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  13. Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  14. Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  15. Hermann Haferkamp personnel sheet in the personnel file of the Bil expert office In the archive database of the library for educational history research (BBF)
  16. Fifty years of urban new language high school Cologne-Deutz. 1908-1958. Ed.
  17. Koelner-Wochenspiegel Kalk (from March 26, 2019): Way of memory 13 stumbling blocks of Deutzer Gymnasium are reminiscent of murdered students , accessed on March 26, 2019
  18. Stumbling blocks on the scale , accessed on March 26, 2019
  19. Memorial book for the Jewish students of the Cologne-Deutz 1908-1938 municipal Realgymnasium , accessed on March 26, 2019
  20. 2847 € for stumbling blocks , accessed on March 26, 2019
