European Institute for Innovation and Technology – Wikipedia


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The European Institute for Innovation and Technology ( One , also European innovation and technology institute ) is a foundation of the EU with the aim of strengthening the cooperation between the most powerful institutes, universities and industrial research centers. In 2010, his work began from his headquarters in Budapest. [first] By summer 2014, José Manuel Leta was director of EIT. [2] Martin Kern has been managed since August 1, 2014, initially until August 23, 2019 as an interim director. [3] The institute was equipped with EUR 308.7 million by the end of 2013, the budget for the years 2014 to 2020 is EUR 2700. [4]


This itself coordinates the work and financing of the so -called Knowledge and innovation communities (Knowledge and Innovation Communities, Kics), which have real cumulation points for the direct cooperation of their members of regionally bundled institutes and companies. [5]

The tasks of the internal structure of EIT are the development of new products and services, the training of future founders and the reasons for start-ups. This aims to improve the competitiveness of Europe. [6] KICs are to be financed through funding from eit over a term of seven to fifteen years and then continue to exist independently through income from their own activities. The partner organizations created by a KIC from the field of university formation, research and innovation must come from at least two countries; At least three partner organizations have to participate, whereby a KIC is usually requested by a much more partner. Each KIC is active in the three areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and education, whereby academic degrees awarded by partner universities and degrees after a accreditation process on the part of EIT can also receive a so-called EIT label. [7]

Since the first three kics was founded on December 17, 2009 on the topics of climate change (EIT Climate-Kic), Energy (Eit Innoenergy) and Information and Communication Technology (EIT Digital) In 2010, two more on the subject areas of health (EIT Health) and raw materials (raw materials) initiated. However, the latter was only founded in 2016 together with the new KIC (Eit Food), which deals with the subject area of ​​sustainable food supply. In 2019, the youngest kics to date on the subject areas of production (EIT Manufacturing) and mobility in urban space (EIT Urban Mobility) started. [8] The next kic will start one on the subject of creative industries in the next few years. The completely independent kics have different organizational and management structures, but are mostly organized as an association in which the member organizations are merging. You will receive funding from your business from your business plan, which you then either use for your own activities or pass them on to your partners.

At the moment, several hundred companies, universities and organizations participate as partners in the eight kics, with numerous institutions, such as the TU Darmstadt, TU Munich, TU Delft or ETH Zurich, taking part in several kics.

EIT Manufacturing [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The task of EIT Manufacturing is to bring European manufacturing players together in innovation ecosystems in order to create globally competitive and sustainable production. For this purpose, a Pan-European competition was held where institutions and companies were able to apply. In 2018, the winners of the Pan-European competition for EIT Manufacturing became known. 50 partners from 17 countries were selected. Among the German partners are the Technical University of Darmstadt, Volkswagen, Kuka, Siemens, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Festo, Technical University of Braunschweig, Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics and Stryker. The manufacturing will be built in Paris and will also be EIT Manufacturing Innovation Hubs settle in the cities of Bilbao, Darmstadt, Gothenburg, Milan and Vienna. The EIT Manufacturing Innovation Hubs Are responsible for partners from several countries z. B. this will EIT Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Darmstadt by the partner institutions and companies from Germany, from the Netherlands and from Belgium. [9] [ten]

EIT Climate-KIC [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Climate-Kic works in four areas. Urban Transitions Develop concepts for climate -friendly cities that also have a high resilience against the effects of climate change. Sustainable Land Use Developed concepts to make agriculture and food production more climate -friendly and to integrate more forests in landscape. Sustainable Production Systems working on it , Moding the production more climate -friendly, reducing emissions of industry and strengthening the regional economy as well as the implementation of approaches to the circular economy. Decision Metrics and Finance deals with integrating the topic of climate into financial markets. To this end, green facilities are to be promoted and the risks that climate change brings with it are to be made known. B. Tools with which disasters can be simulated. [11] [twelfth] In the field of education, the Climate-Kic, in cooperation with the partners, is carried out every year numerous large international programs, such as the Summer School The Journey [13] or the Climathon , [14] A hackathon that takes place on the same day in numerous cities worldwide.


The 18-member Board of Directors If this should steer and choose, names and evaluates the kics. The KICS send members to the Board of Directors for a limited period of six years. The five -member Executive committee makes decisions between the meetings of the board of directors. The chairman of the Executive Committee is also chairman of the board of directors. The one chosen for four years Director is responsible for financial and personnel management and the board of directors.

  1. EIT at a glance. European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), 31. Januar 2014, accessed on December 5, 2021 (English).
  2. Biography of José Manuel Leceta (Spanish), accessed December 7, 2016, archived by the original
  3. EIT Director. In: . January 31, 2014, accessed on January 18, 2021 (English).
  4. Kic innoenergy: Article on EIT/KIC Innoenergy. Kic innoenergy, accessed on August 5, 2019 (English).
  5. Our communities. 2. May 2019, accessed on August 5, 2019 (English).
  6. Vision and mission. January 31, 2014, accessed on August 5, 2019 (English).
  7. EIT Label. February 4, 2014, accessed on August 5, 2019 (English).
  8. That is briefly, accessed December 7, 2016.
  9. Leading Manufacturing Innovation is made by Europe. European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), accessed on December 5, 2021 (English).
  10. EIT Manufacturing. Accessed on August 3, 2019 (English).
  11. Climate-KIC Impact goals. Accessed on September 13, 2019 .
  12. Climate-KIC Oasis. Accessed on September 13, 2019 .
  13. EIT Climate-KIC: EIT Climate-KIC The Journey. Retrieved on September 18, 2019 .
  14. EIT Climate-KIC: EIT Climate-KIC Climathon. Retrieved on September 18, 2019 (English).
