Posnjakit – Wikipedia



Leaves Posnjakit from Špania Dolina (men’s land) in Slovakia (field of vision: 5 mm)

General and classification

1967-001 [first]


Gastor [2]

chemical formula With 4 [(OH) 6 |SO 4 ]·H 2 O [3]
To minerakla
(and possibly department)
Sulfate (and relatives)
System number after
Strunz (8th ed.)
Lapis system
(after Strunz and white)
Strunz (9th edition)


Similar minerals Heaven
Crystallographic data
Crystal system monoclin
Crystal class; symbol monoclin-prismatic; 2/ m [4]
Room group He (No. 7, position 3) Template: room group/7.3 [3]
Lattice parameter a = 10.58 to; b = 6.34 to; c = 7.86 to
b = 118.0 ° [3]
Formula units WITH = 2 [3]
Physical Properties
Moh hardness 2 to 3 [5]
Density (g/cm 3 ) Measured: 3.32; Calculated: 3.35 [6]
Fleeting completely [5]
Fracture; Tenacity uneven, brittle
Color Light blue to dark blue
Line Light Blue
transparency translucent
shine Glasglanz
Refraction indices n a = 1,625 [7]
n b = 1,680 [7]
n c = 1,706 [7]
Bilder D = 0.081 [7]
Optical character two -axis negative
Achsenwinkel 2V = 57 ° [6]
Pleochroism X = light blue to colorless; Y = blue to dark blue; Z = greenish blue to blue [6]
More properties
Chemical behavior easily soluble in acids and ammonia, not water -soluble

Possess is a mineral from the mineral class of the “sulfate (and relatives)”, which can be placed in some areas at various locations, but is not very common overall. It crystallizes in the monocline crystal system with the chemical composition CU 4 [(OH) 6 |SO 4 ] • H 2 O [3] And mostly develops table-like, pseudohexagonal crystals up to about 3 mm in size, but also granular to massive mineral units and crusty or flat coatings from light to dark blue color with light blue line.

Posnjakit crystals are translucent, brittle brittle with uneven fracture space and show a glass -like shine on their surfaces. With a moh hardness of 2 to 3, Posnjakit is one of the soft minerals, which can be carved like the reference mineral plaster (2) and calcit (3) either with a fingernail or with a copper coin.

Posnjakit was first discovered in the Wolfram (W) deposit of Nura-Taldy in the Qaraghandy Oldysy in Kazakhstan and described in 1967 by Aleksandr Ivanovich Komkov (1926–1987) and Yevgenii Ivanovich Nefedov (1910–1976) [8] , named the mineral after the geochemist Eugene Valdemar Posnjak (1888-1949).

In the now outdated but still common 8th edition of the mineral system to Strunz, the Posnjakit belonged to the mineral class of the “Sulfate, Selenates, Tellurate, Chromate, Molybdate and Wolframate” and there for the department of the “water -containing sulfate with foreign anions”, where it together With Christelit, Guarinoit, Ktenasit, Langit, Nakauriit, Namuwit, Ramsbeckit, Redgillit, Schulenbergit, Thérèsemagnanit and Wroewolfit, an independent group.


The 9th edition of the Strunz’s mineral system that has been used by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) since 2001 also places the Posnjakit in the class of the “Sulfate, Tellurate, Chromate, Molybdate and Wolframate)” and there in the department of “Sulfate (selenates, etc.) with additional anions, with H 2 O “one. However, this department is further divided according to the size of the cations involved and the crystal structure, so that the mineral according to its composition in the sub -department “with exclusively medium -sized cations; Layers of edge-linked octaheders ”can be found, where it is the“ Langitgruppe ”with the system no. 7.DD.10 The picture.

The system of the minerals to Dana, which is mainly used in the English -speaking area, also places the Posnjakit into the class of the “Sulfate, Chromate and Molybdate” and there in the department of the “water -containing sulfate with hydroxyl or halogen”. Here he is the only member of the unnamed group 31.04.01 Within the subdivision of the “water -containing sulfate with hydroxyl or halogen + B 2+ ) 4 (Xo 4 )WITH q × x(H 2 O) “.

Posnjakit crystallizes monoclin in the room group He (Room group no. 7, position 3) Template: room group/7.3 With the grid parameters a = 10.58 to; b = 6.34 to; c = 7.86 Å and β = 118.0 ° and 2 formula units per elementary cell. [3]

Massy aggregate made of the Posnjakit, Langit, Tennantit and Enargit from Tsumeb Mine, Namibia, Namibia, Namibia
(Size: 9.1 × 6.6 × 5.0 cm)

By weathering in the oxidation zone of copper ore passages, Posnjakit is usually formed in paragenesis with other copper minerals such as Azurit, Brochhantit, Chalkopyrite, Langit and Malachit.

So far (as of 2015), around 300 locations are known (as of 2015) [9] , The mineral in Kazakhstan has so far only appeared on its typlocality Nura-Taldy.

In Germany, Posnjakit was found in many places in the Black Forest in Baden-Württemberg such as: B. in several pits at Wittichen and in the well -known Crystal Cream near Oberwolfach. Furthermore, the mineral also became in Bavaria, among others, at Sommerkahl and Hagendorf (Waidhaus); near Frankfurt am Main, IBA (Bebra) and Süß (Nentershausen) in Hessen; In several places in Harz in Lower Saxony such as B. Goslar and Sankt Andreasberg; in several places in the Land and Sauerland (important, for example, Ramsbeck) as well as in the Siegerland, on the Lower Lahn (Revier Bad Ems) and in the Eifel from North Rhine-Westphalia to Rhineland-Palatinate; near Nothweiler, Werlau, Imsbach, Frücht, Wellmich and Rheinbreitbach in Rhineland-Palatinate; at Hasserode in Saxony-Anhalt; at many places in the Ore Mountains such as Schneeberg and Schmiedeberg and near Horscha in Oberslausitz in Saxony as well as at Neumühle/Elster, Kamsdorf, Ullersreuth and the former departure field near Ronneburg in Thuringia.

In Austria, Posnjakit has so far been found primarily in the regions of Carinthia, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

In Switzerland, the Mineral has previously been in the Mürtschenalp in the canton of Glarus, near Affeier in the canton of Graubünden, at Bex in the canton of Vaud as well as at Mont Chemin near Martigny and in several locations in the municipality of Anniviers in the canton of Valais.

Other locations are located in Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Canada, Morocco, Namibia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Czech Republic, Ukraine , Hungary, in the United Kingdom (Great Britain) and in the United States of America (USA). [ten]

Posnjakit was known as a rare pigment in painting in the 15th and 16th centuries, but has been synthetically manufactured since the 19th century. [11]

  1. Malcolm Back, Cristian Biagoi, William D. Birch, Michel Blondieau, Hans-Peter Boja and others: The New IMA List of Minerals – A Work in Progress – Updated: January 2023. (PDF; 3,7 MB) In: cnmnc.main.jp. IMA/CNMNC, Pasero Marco, Januar 2023, accessed on January 26, 2023 (English).
  2. Laurence N. Warr: IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols . In: Mineralogical Magazine . Band 85 , 2021, S. 291–320 , doi: 10.1180/mgm.2021.43 (English, Cambridge.org [PDF; 320 kB ; accessed on January 5, 2023]).
  3. a b c d It is Hugo Strunz, Ernest H. Nickel: Strunz Mineralogical Tables . 9. Edition. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele and Obermiller), Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-510-65188-X, S. 401 .
  4. Webmineral – Posnjakite
  5. a b Stefan Weiß: The large Lapis mineral directory . 5th edition. Christian Weise Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-921656-70-9, S. 210 .
  6. a b c Pouch , In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. NRDS C.SH (HRSG.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America , 2001 ( PDF 68 kB )
  7. a b c d Posnjakite and Mindat.org
  8. Miner Database, (C) Jacques Lapaire – Minerals and etymology ( Memento of the Originals of July 30, 2012 in the web archive Archive.today ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: webachiv/iabot/jacksand.blogvie.com (Complete names and life data of the first descriptions see mineral naming of Komkovite and Nefedovite)
  9. Mindat – number of locations for Posnjakit
  10. List for Posnjakit at Mineralienatlas and with Mindat
  11. FH Cologne – copper -containing pigments ( Memento from October 26, 2014 in Internet Archive )