Riechstoff – Wikipedia


The dog nose is one of the most sensitive olfactory organs (here: nose of a samojede)

Ogle fabrics or Smarts encompass all natural and synthetic substances that develop olfactively. The smell is not a property of the fabric, but is only given to it through the smelling. The expression fragrance is often used synonymously, but is limited to olfactory substances that are formed by plants or animals and serve their communication, for example as pheromones.


In order to be perceived as a smell, a fabric in the medium of air must be distributed, fleeting. Slightly fleeing smells are distributed quickly, floods quickly, heavy people develop a lower vapor pressure; Lessed down into ventilated rooms, so lightly volatile disappear. It does not depend solely on its concentration in the air volume, but decides whether it is above the odor threshold. The odor thresholds can be very different for different oge fabrics and are determined by the perception of the perceived. The lower its odor threshold for a fragrance, the less concentrated it can be smelled; And the less this threshold increases during exposure, the longer the concentration can lead to an odor impression.

Most of the frames are molecules below a certain molecular size (or molecular mass, M R <300) and consist of a polar proportion, for example a functional group, and a non -polar proportion, such as a hydrocarbon scaffolding. Specific properties of their molecular structure are detected by contact with different types of receptive transmembrane proteins in the mucus -covered zils of different smell cells. Since the proteins of the smell receptors are chiral, the mirror -image enantiomeres of a smell (e.g. carvon) can cause different smells. Apparently essential functional groups are referred to as Osmophore for the triggering of a smell.

Riechs are basic substances in perfume production. In 2006, sales on the world market for all substances that were used as odoral substances or flavors (olfactory substances and flavoring substances) were around $ 18 billion. [first]

Some smells are also used for the compensation for reasons of identification (see odoring).

Examples of chemicals/products used as odoral substances:

For the distribution of smells according to their carrier substance, see also the article perfume.

  • Philip Kraft, Jerzy A. Bajgrowicz, Caroline Denis, Georg Fráter: All sorts of trends: the latest developments in frill -fabric chemistry . In: applied Chemistry . Volume 112, No. 17, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2000. pp. 3106–3138. Doi: 10.1002/1521-3757(20000901)112:17<3106::AID-ANGE3106>3.0.CO;2-P
  • Dieter Martinetz, Roland Hartwig: Paperback of the Riechs . It is layed on the yy. Shere is sitchch, Frank, Fran Fransh It / Appe 1998-15-15-15-35-3
  • Wolfgang Legrum: Riech fabrics, between stench and fragrance , Springer Spectrum, 2nd edition, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-07309-1.
  • Lutz Roth and Kurt Kormann: Fragrance plants – plant fragrances essential oils and olfactory substances , Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG & Co. KG, Landsberg 1997, ISBN 3-609-65140-7.
  1. Entry to Ogle fabrics . In: Römpp Online. Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on July 25, 2013.
