Kim ki-nam-wikipedia


Kim Ki-nam (Born August 28, 1929 in the province of Kangwŏn-do) is a North Korean journalist, politician of the Koreas work party (PDAK) and is currently responsible for information, public relations and propaganda as a secretary of the PDAK Central Committee for the media, press and culture of North Korea.


Kim Ki-Nam, son of a steel worker, attended the Soongsil School and joined a student group that was opposed to Japanese occupying power. He later studied at the Kim-il-Sung University and completed further studies in the Soviet Union. He then entered the foreign service and was initially an embassy council at the message in the People’s Republic of China in 1952 and most recently ambassadors.

After returning to North Korea in 1956, he was initially head of the section in the international department of the ZK of the PDAK before taking over a professorship at the Kim-il-Sung University. After studying at the KPDSU party college in Moscow in 1961, he became dean at the Kim-il-Sung University and also wrote articles for the daily newspaper since 1964 Rodong Sinmun .

In 1966 he became deputy head of the ZK department for agitation and propaganda, where he worked closely with Kim Jong-il, who became head of this department in 1967. After working there for five years, he initially became the deputy editor -in -chief in 1972 and then in 1974 editor -in -chief of the newspaper Kuno . In 1976 he took over the office of editor -in -chief of the daily newspaper Rodong Sinmun And became the chairman of the Central Committee of the Journalist Association.

In 1977 he became a deputier of the Supreme People’s Assembly for the first time and has belonged to this since then. In addition, he was also a member of his presidium until 1986. Kim, who has been a member of the PDAK Central Committee since 1980, became Vice Chair of the Union of Foreign Reporters in 1981.

After he initially became head of the ZK department for agitation and propaganda in 1985, a “downgrade” took place in 1987 when he became the first vice manager of this department. Five years later, Kim, who was also awarded the Kim-il-Sung Order in 1992, rose again and took over the important office of ZK secretary for propaganda. In this role, he was one of the burial committees for Kim Il-Sung in July 1994 and for Defense Minister Marschall O Chin-U in February 1995.

Within the ZK secretariat of the PDAK, he took over the office of ZK secretary for party history in 2000 and was also elected member of the ZK political office in 2010. Since then, he has also been responsible for the ZK secretary for propaganda, agitation, public relations and information and thus largely for the media, press and culture of North Korea.


Kim is also the chief ideologist of PDAK and close ally of the new general secretary of PDAK, Kim Jong-UN. [first]

Kim Ki-Nam is the younger brother of the former Parliament President Kim Yong-Nam. [2]

  • entry in North Korea Leadership Watch (Call on July 30, 2012)
  • CV (English, page call on July 30, 2012; PDF; 13 KB)
  1. These gray eminences give Kim backing . In: The world of February 20, 2012
  2. North Korea: A blazed basketball star plays Kim’s court jarr
