The secret of the two -person kite – Wikipedia


The secret of the two -person kite Is a Czech-Slovak music fairy film from 2018 with singer Karel Gott.


The royal children Tomík and Barborka are during the holidays at their grandparents in the mountains, who have withdrawn into the seclusion of nature for their retirement. The children enjoy the simple life and freedom that is available to them here. The grandfather is not only king, but also a smith with the peculiarity that the eating is fueled by a two -person kite. (In the original synchronization, one head speaks Czech and the other Slovak.) [first] [2]

The dragon Čmoudík is almost part of the family and even sits at the table. In the evening, however, he withdraws into his cave. In the kite of the kite, the children find an old map and Čmoudík tells them the story:

A large dragon woke up a long time ago over the entire kingdom that was divided into three parts at the time. One day the dragon fell in love with the king’s daughter from the upper kingdom, but she loved the prince from the lower kingdom. This made the kite so angry that – spurred on by the malicious worm snack – he cursed both kingdoms. Nobody should ever be able to fall in love with someone from the other kingdom. If someone opposed this, he should turn into a dead tree, a stone or a forget -me -not. The inhabitants of the kingdoms were only allowed twice a year, in the times of the same day and night. The residents always celebrate these days and the kings are also there. The queens wished nothing more than that their children could become a couple, but the curse forbids them. But Princess Adelka and Prince Janko do not care, they meet in the forest for the next day. Nevertheless, they are startled by petrified people and also trees, but still cannot be dissuaded from going deeper into the forest. So you get to the dragon cave, which Adelka considers very messy and starts to clean up and clean something. When the dragon comes back to his cave in the evening, he is initially upset, but can quickly be convinced by the delicious soup that Adelka had cooked for him. He is also very happy to have varied guests, because otherwise he only had the worm snack as a company. From then on, Adelka and Janko regularly visit the kite, which the worm snack does not like.

At the next festival of the same day, the kings will announce their children, separately from each other, in the near future. The two of them do not put up with this and, despite all the bans and house arrest. On their next visit to the kite, they meet him very unhappily. He mourns his dragon egg, which he had accidentally lost and that had now landed in the river. Janko is looking for the egg and brings it up from the water. After the dragon keeps it warm, a two -person dragon slips out of it. The worm snack, of course, ravages and considers the little kite to be a miscarriage, but Adelka and Janko think that two heads should also have double minds.

His curse is tired of the kite when Adelka and Janko reveal themselves to him as a couple of lovers. He cannot withdraw the curse himself, but he hopes that the two will still be a couple and gives each of them a gift that should help them not have to meet their parents’ wedding wishes. They have already invited various princes and princesses who will soon imagine. With the help of the gifts of the kite, however, all marriage candidates are sold. Her parents now see that their children are intended for each other and decide to fight for the dragon curse. But banning the curse only succeeds if two royal children kiss and sacrifice themselves. Adelka and Janko are ready for this. They kiss and turn into two forget -me -not. The old dragon is very sad and regretted to have spoken out the curse at the time. In order to redeem Adelka and Janko, there would only be the opportunity to illuminate them with the stars from the head of the great kite in the sky. He doesn’t do that himself, but despite his too short wing, the little two -person kite manages to fly to the sky and get the stars. After Adelka and Janko have backed up their human form, a large wedding party is celebrated.

At the end of the story, Tomík and Barborka find that their grandparents must be Adelka and Janko.

The filming was carried out in the Beskiden, the border triangle between the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Karel Gott embodies the grandfather and former king. His daughters Charlotte and Nelly as well as grandson Aleš also play in the fairytale film. For the premiere on MDR television, the singer has started a German version of the title song. [3] This was carried out by Synchron and Tonstudio Leipzig GmbH on behalf of the MDR. The voice of the kite was synchronized by Mario Adorf. [4]


In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the film premiered on October 25, 2018. In Germany it was first broadcast by the MDR on July 13, 2019. The film celebrates its open air premiere at the 2nd international fairytale film festival Fabulix 2019. [2]

About the film wrote TV Today : “The naive, mild allegory to the separation of the ČSSR would like to connect to old heights, but is difficult to convey.” [first]

The film service criticizes: “Extremely poorly staged, without charm, pace and esprit developed fairytale film, which also disappoints children with its lack of emptying. In the original, the two kite heads speak Czech and Slovak, which also makes the film a plump parabola on the history of its production countries. ” [5]

The synchronization took place at the Leipzig synchronized and sound studio. The dialogue book came from Christine Blankenburg, directed by Irene Timm and Hans Nenoff, singing director Sabine Töpfer, the cut Maik Lezius and editor Katrin Schulze.

  1. a b The secret of the two -person kite. In: MDR.DE. Accessed on October 5, 2019 .
  2. a b Karel Gott u. A. To see soon: the film “The secret of the two -person kite”! In: Heavy. 28. May 2019, accessed on October 5, 2019 .
  3. The secret of the two -person kite at, accessed on May 25, 2020.
  4. Details about the film at, accessed on May 25, 2020.
  5. The secret of the two -person kite. In: Lexicon of international film. Movie service, Retrieved on May 25, 2020 .