1856 – Wikipedia


Büste auf dem Grab Heines auf dem Nordfriedhof in Paris

The German poet and journalist Heinrich Heine dies in exile in Paris.

Krönung von Alexander II. und Marie von Hessen-Darmstadt

Alexander II and Marie von Hessen-Darmstadt are crowned Zar and Tsarin of Russia.

Pariser Kongress 1856

The Crimean War ends with the Paris Peace.

1856 In other calendars
Armenian calendar 1304/05 (year of July)
Ethiopian calendar 1848/49 (10./11. September)
Baha’i-kalender 12/13 (March 20/21)
Bengalcher Solaragalender 1261/62 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist era 2399/2400 (southern Buddhism); 2398/99 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana)
Chinese calendar 75. (76th) cycle

Year of the fire kite 丙辰 (at the beginning of the year wood hare 乙卯)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai-Kalender (Vietnam) 1218/19 (turn of April)
Dangun-Is (Korea) 4189/90 (2./3. October)
Iranian calendar 1234/35 (around March 21)
Islamic calendar 1272/73 (31. August./1. September)
Jewish calendar 5616/17 (29./30. September)
Coptic calendar 1572/73 (10./11. September)
Malayalam-kalender 1031/32
Rumi calendar (Ottoman Empire) 1271/72 (March 1st)
Selbeidide roma Babylon: 2166/67 (turn of April)

Syria: 2167/68 (turn of October)

Vikram Sambat (Calendar nepalesischer) 1912/13 (the turn of April)

Table of Contents

Politics and world events [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Crimea/Ottoman Empire [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Switzerland/Prussia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Brazil, Switzerland, Prussia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • On December 26th, in the so-called uprising of Ibicaba, German-language settlers led by Thomas Davatz on the Fazenda Ibicaba in the province of São Paulo against the slave-like working and living conditions. They are calling for an investigation by the Brazilian central government or by envoys of the countries of origin of the settlers. You can ensure that Swiss envoys, first Jakob Christian Heusser, then in 1861 Johann Jakob von Tschudi as a Swiss special inventor, also conducted by Prussia, carried out studies in Brazil and negotiated with the Brazilian central government. Among other things, there is a consular convention. This leads in particular to the legal improvement of the reformed (recognition of the marriage of reformed according to the Reformed Church and thus recognition of reformed families, whose children have so far been illegitimate applied).

Russia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Portugal [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Morocco [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sultan you in your own [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • October 19: After the death of Said Ibn Sultan, Sayyid, Imam and Sultan by Maskat, Oman and Zanzibar, it occurs between his sons Thuwaini Ibn Said and Madschid Said to the throne success, which finally leads to the Sultanat Oman . Thuwaini receives Oman with the capital Maskat, Madschid remains the ruler of the Zanzibar archipelago he has already controlled. As a result, Oman is impoverished because it is cut off from the customs income of the African ports. At the same time, Thuwaini has to ward off the throne claims of another brother Turki Ibn Said.

Japan [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Australia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • April 21: Stonemasons and building workers in Melbourne, as the first workers worldwide, manage to enforce the statutory eight -hour day.
  • May 1: Protests with numerous participants are calling for the 8-hour working day in Melbourne. The events are the oldest known MAI demonstrations, which from 1890 as a worldwide Labor Day and similar names of other languages ​​are committed on May 1st.

United States of America [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Official portrait of James Buchanan in the White House

Election mentionimamms per state

Business [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Business foundations [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Opening of the first railway line in Portugal

Miscellaneous [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

science and technology [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Cultural [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Visual arts [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

literature [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Music and theater [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Mode [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Mode 1856: Krinoline in a cross -sectional representation of the Punch -Magazins from August

In fashion, the crinoline from England prevails in a version with steel straps.

Company [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Religion [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Disaster [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • January 23: The passenger bike steamer Pacific On the way from Liverpool to New York, up to 240 people on board disappears without a trace.
  • August 10: A hurricane causes serious damage in Louisiana. When it comes to the over -lined Last Island alone, over 200 people are killed.
  • September 24: The American wheel steamer Niagara Sinks a few miles in front of Port Washington on Lake Michigan after a fire. 60 to 70 passengers die in the accident.
  • November 2: The French passenger steamer Lyonnais collides at Nantucket with a Bark and sinks the following day. 130 of the 146 people die on board.

Smaller accidents are listed in the sub -items of catastrophe.

Sport [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • In the province of Canada, the first Lacrosse Club, the Montreal Lacrosse Club founded.
  • Isaac Spratt releases the first printed set of rules for Croquet.

January February [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 January 3: Clara Anhuth, German writer and librarian († after 1920)
  • 0 January 4: William Goebel, American politician († 1900)
  • 0 January 9: Anton Aškerc, Slovenian poet and priest († 1912)
  • 0 January 9: J. Franklin Bell, American officer, Major General of the US Army († 1919)
  • January 11: Christian Sinding, Norwegian composer († 1941)
  • January 12: John Singer Sargent, American painter († 1925)
  • January 12: Charles W. Gates, American politician († 1927)
  • January 13: Rudolf Bullerjahn, German musician († 1911)
  • January 17: Jens Bratlie, Norwegian lawyer, officer and conservative politician († 1939)
  • January 19: Clemens von Delbrück, German politician († 1921)
  • January 20: Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch, American Suffragette and publicist († 1940)
  • January 22: Martha Nopitsch, German painter († 1939)
  • January 25: Pierre Decourcelle, French writer († 1926)
  • January 29: Aleksander Brückner, Polish Slavist († 1939)
  • January 31: Hermann von François, German General in the First World War († 1933)
  • 0 February 2: Robert Latham Owen, American politician († 1947)
  • 0 February 3: Georg Winter, German archivist and historian († 1912)
  • 0 February 5: Otto Brahm, German critic, theater director and director († 1912)
  • 0 February 8: Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma, Chilean painter († 1909)
  • February 10: Eugen Nägele, German conservationist, educator and local researcher († 1937)
  • February 12: Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli, Austrian field marshal and military leader († 1941)
  • February 14: Frank Harris, Irish-English author and editor († 1931)
  • February 15: Emil Kraepelin, German psychiatrist († 1926)
  • February 16: Rudolph Karstadt, German textile entrepreneur († 1944)
  • February 20: Jean Fernand-Lafargue, French writer († 1903)
  • 25. February: Alfred Biane, Deutscher Literaturhistoricer (d. 1930)
  • February 25: Karl Lamprecht, German historian and professor († 1915)
  • February 25: Miguel Oquelí Bustillo, Honduran politician and chairman of the government junta from 1907 († 1938)
  • February 25: Mathias Zdarsky, Austrian Skipionier († 1940)

March April [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 March 3: Gustav Davis, Austrian journalist and newspaper editor († 1951)
  • 0 March 7: Ellen Andrée, French stage actress († 1933)
  • 0 March 7: Violet Manners, Duchess of Rutland, British art patron and artist († 1937)
  • 0 March 9: Edward Goodrich Acheson, American chemist and technician († 1931)
  • 0 March 9: Hermann Iseke, German poet († 1907)
  • March 11: Gotold Gundermann, German old philologist († 1921)
  • March 14: Julius Petschek, Böhmischer, after 1918 Czechoslovak’s major industrialists and bankers († 1932)
  • March 15: Achille Locatelli, Roman Catholic Cardinal († 1935)
  • March 16: Heinrich Albrecht, German social politician and housing reformer († 1931)
  • March 16: Jean Antoine Tancrède Auguste, Haitian general, politician and president († 1913)
  • March 16: Napoléon Eugène Louis Bonaparte, French imperial prince († 1879)
  • March 17: Mikhail Wrubel, Russian painter († 1910)
  • March 20: Gaetano Bisleti, Roman Catholic Cardinal († 1937)
  • March 20: Frederick Winslow Taylor, American engineer († 1915)
  • March 21: David Lorenz, German painter († 1907)
  • March 23: Ferdinand Lachner, Czech violinist and music teacher († 1910)
  • March 24: Martin Faßbender, German professor, publicist and politician († 1943)
  • March 25: Max Uhle, German founder of Andean Archeology († 1944)
  • March 30: Dora Hitz, German painter and court painter of the Romanian royal family († 1924)
  • March 31: Alexander Wwedenski, Russian philosopher and psychologist († 1925)
  • March 31: José Benjamin Zubiaur, Argentine educator († 1921)
  • 0 April 1: Bill Traylor, African American autodidactic draftsman and painter († 1949)
  • 0 April 4: Carl Johann Becker-Gundahl, German church painter and draftsman († 1925)
  • April 5: Maximilian Reichel, German fire service officer († 1924)
  • 0 April 5: Booker T. Washington, American educator, social reformer and black lawyer († 1915)
  • 0 April 6: Arthur von Gwinner, German banker, politician and art patrons († 1931)
  • April 12: Ernst Maass, German old philologist († 1929)
  • April 13: Avedis Peter XIV. Arpiarian, Armenian-Catholic Patriarch of Kilikien († 1937)
  • April 13: Franciszek Ludwik Neugebauer, Russian gynecologist († 1914)
  • April 14: Lamartine Griffin Hardman, American politician († 1937)
  • April 15: Jean Moréas, French-Greek poet († 1910)
  • April 17: Federico Cattani Amadori, Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church († 1943)
  • April 17: Edward Jakobowski, English composer († 1929)
  • April 20: Richard Buchmayer, German pianist and music historian († 1934)

Philippe Pétain, UM 1930
  • April 24: Philippe Pétain, French general and president († 1951)
  • April 27: Tongzhi, Chinese emperor († 1875)

May/Juni [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • May 15: Lyman Frank Baum, American writer († 1919)
  • May 18: Antonio Chiattone, Swiss sculptor († 1904)
  • May 19: Oreste Giorgi, Italian Roman Catholic Cardinal († 1924)
  • May 20: Henri Edmond Cross, French painter († 1910)
  • May 21: José Batlle Y Ordóñez, Uruguayian journalist and President († 1929)
  • May 26: Alexander Bernewitz, German-Baltic Propst and Evangelical Martyr († 1919)
  • May 27: Tom Vallance, Scottish football player († 1935)
  • May 28: Philipp Rinaldi, Italian Salesian, 1990 by Pope John Paul II in Rome Blessed († 1931)
  • May 29: Heinrich Lessing, German portrait and landscape painter († 1930)
  • May 30: Adolf Chelius, German painter († 1923)
  • 0 June 1: Ernst Lecher, Austrian physicist († 1926)
  • June 12: Edouard Montet, French-Swiss Evangelical Spiritual and University Teacher († 1934)
  • June 14: Dimacyr Blagoew, Bulgarian politician and Marxist theorist († 1924)
  • June 14: Andrei Markow, Russian mathematician († 1922)
  • June 15: Otto von Herff, German doctor and professor († 1916)
  • June 16: Gustav Denhardt, German African († 1917)
  • June 16: Karl Gundelach, German sculptor († 1920)
  • June 17: Franz Roubaud, Russian painter († 1928)
  • June 18: Friedrich Karl Paul Gustav von Arnim, Prussian officer († 1932)
  • June 21: Chū Asai, Japanese painter († 1907)
  • June 21: Franz Ewald Bachmann, German doctor and naturalist († after 1916)
  • June 21: Friedrich Kluge, German linguist († 1926)
  • June 22: Henry Rider Haggard, British writer († 1925)
  • June 30: Gerrit Kalff, Dutch Dutch († 1923)

July/August [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • July 10: Nikola Tesla, Serbian inventor and electrical engineer († 1943)
  • July 12: Gisela of Austria, Austrian Archduchess († 1932)
  • July 18: Alfred Wiedemann, German Egyptologist († 1936)
  • July 21: Wilhelm Geiger, German Indologist and Iranist († 1943)
  • July 22: Kamran Mirza, Prince from the Kadscharendynasty in Persia and Prime Minister († 1929)
  • July 24: Émile Picard, French mathematician († 1941)
  • July 26: Edward Anseele, Belgian politician († 1938)
  • July 26: George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright and Nobel Prize for Literature († 1950)
  • July 28: Karl Heinrich Gisbert Gillhausen, German engineer and politician († 1917)
  • July 30: Richard Haldane, British politician and philosopher († 1928)
  • July 31: Albert Grünwedel, German Indologist and Tibetologist († 1935)
  • July 31: John Oliver, Canadian politician († 1927)
  • 0 August 2: Hermann Rodewald, German agricultural scientist († 1938)
  • 0 August 3: Alfred Deakin, Australian Prime Minister († 1919)
  • 0 August 3: William E. Purcell, American politician († 1928)
  • 0 August 7: Eduard Hahn, German agricultural ethnologist, geographer and economic historian († 1928)
  • August 11: Hermann Ambronn, German botanist and physicist († 1927)
  • August 15: Charles E. Townsend, American politician († 1924)
  • August 18: Ascher Hirsch Ginsberg, Zionist activist, journalist and main representative of cultural-Zionism († 1927)
  • August 18: Ove Christensen, Danish composer, violinist and pianist († 1909)
  • August 18: Jan Gall, Polish composer, choir director and music teacher († 1912)
  • August 20: Jakub Bart-Ćisinski, Sorbedscher Dichter († 1909)
  • August 22: Emanuel von Seidl, German architect and engineer († 1919)
  • August 23: Leonti Nikolajject Benis, Russiisse architect († 1928)
  • August 24: Felix Mottl, Austrian conductor and composer († 1911)
  • August 24: Wilhelm Neumann-Torborg, German sculptor († 1917)
  • August 25: Louis Aubert, Swiss Protestant clergyman and university lecturer († 1936)
  • August 27: Iwan Franko, Ukrainian poet and writer († 1916)
  • August 30: Carl Runge, German Mathematician († 1927)

September October [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 September 1: Louis-Erest Dubois, Archbishop of Paris and Cardinal († 1929)
  • 0 September 3: Ernst Marcus, German lawyer and philosopher († 1928)
  • 0 September 3: Louis Sullivan, American architect († 1924)
  • 0 September 5: William B. McKinley, American politician († 1926)
  • 0 September 6: Archibald Hunter, British General († 1936)
  • 0 September 6: Karl Ludwig Jühlke, German Africa corser († 1886)
  • 0 September 9: Richard R. Kenney, American politician († 1931)
  • September 12: Eugen Scheuermann, German-Baltic pastor and Protestant martyr († 1919)
  • September 22: Arnold Heimann, Swiss teacher and stage author in dialect († 1916)
  • September 23: William Archer, Scottish theater critic, stage poet and Ibsen translator († 1924)
  • September 23: Karl Krumbacher, German Byzantinist († 1909)
  • September 25: Theodor Schnelle, German theologian and missionary († 1935)
  • September 26: Leo Graetz, German physicist († 1941)
  • September 27: Carl Peters, German politician, publicist, colonialist and Africa researcher († 1918)
  • September 28: Kate Douglas Wiggin, American educator and author († 1923)
  • September 29: Miguel R. Dávila, Presidic Von Honduras († 1927)
  • 0 October 4: Hedwig Arendt, German theater actress († 1917)
  • 0 October 5: Hermann Brandt, German settler and farmer († 1925)
  • 0 October 7: William A. Massey, American politician († 1914)
  • 0 October 7: Sietze Douwes van Veen, Dutch church historian († 1924)
  • 0 October 8: Johannes Kuhlo, German theologian and composer († 1941)
  • October 12: Henry F. Lippitt, American politician († 1933)
  • October 15: Robert NIVELL, FREE hasy General (A am 1924)
  • October 15: John Franklin Alexander Strong, American politician († 1929)
  • October 17: July Schokalski, Russian oceanographer and cartographer († 1940)
  • October 18: Eduard Ameseder, Austrian painter († 1938)
  • October 18: James B. Frazier, American politician († 1937)
  • October 18: Edmond Haraucourt, French writer († 1941)
  • October 19: Rudolf Koch, German press artist († 1921)
  • October 20: Alcibiade Béique, Canadian organist and music teacher († 1896)
  • October 21: Josef Noa, Austrian-Hungarian chess player († 1903)
  • October 25: Paul d’voi, French writer († 1915)
  • October 27: Amanda Courtaux, French music teacher and composer († 1941)
  • October 27: Kenyon Cox, American painter and writer († 1919)
  • October 31: Carlos Antonio Mendoza, Panamai’s State Represent († 1916)

November December [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 November 1: Augustine Kilian, German Bishop of Limburg († 1930)
  • 0 November 2: Hermann von Kuhl, German general and military historian († 1958)
  • 0 November 5: Foster Macgowan Voorhees, American politician († 1927)
  • November 12: Felix Auerbach, German physicist († 1933)
  • November 13: Michail Iljinski, Russian chemist († 1941)
  • November 14: Ludwig Kandler, German portrait, history and genre painter († 1927)
  • November 17: Thomas Taggart, American politician († 1929)
  • November 19: Simon Alapin, Russian chess player († 1923)
  • November 22: Helene Böhlau, German writer († 1940)
  • November 22: Felix Genzmer, German master builder and architect († 1929)
  • November 25: Sergei Tanajew, Russian composer († 1915)
  • November 27: Adolph Larsen, Danish landscape painter († 1942)
  • November 28: Belisario Porras Barahona, Panamai’s State Referees († 1942)
  • November 28: Patrick Joseph O’Donnell, Irish clergyman, Archbishop of Armagh and Cardinal († 1927)

Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg
  • December 18: Joseph John Thomson, British physicist, discoverer of the electron († 1940)
  • December 19: Karl Rathgen, German national economist († 1921)
  • December 20: Ferdinand Avenarius, German poet († 1923)
  • December 20: Reginald Blomfield, British landscape architect († 1942)
  • December 21: Giulio del Torre, Italian painter († 1932)
  • December 22: Frank Billings Kellogg, American lawyer and diplomat († 1937)
  • 24. Dezember: Árpád Feszty, Ungarischer Maler († 1914)
  • December 25: Hans von Bartels, German painter († 1913)
  • December 26: John Harper Long, American chemist († 1918)
  • December 27: André Gedalge, French music teacher and composer († 1926)

Exact date of birth unknown [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Born around 1856 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

January to April [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 January 6: Robert Nicolas-Charles Bochsa, French composer and harp virtuoso (* 1789)
  • 0 January 9: Karl Friedrich Klöden, German historian and geographer (* 1786)
  • January 11: Friedrich Wilhelm Schneidewin, German old philologist (* 1810)
  • January 12: ľudovít Štúr, Slovak philologist, writer and politician (* 1815)
  • January 16: Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn, Prussian statesman and Minister of Culture (* 1779)
  • January 19: Ernst von Seherr-Thoß, German officer and landowner (* 1786)
  • January 20: Joseph Marshall Walker, American politician (* 1784)
  • January 21: Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner, German bookseller and publisher (* 1784)
  • January 22: Charles Victor Prévôst, French writer (* 1789)
  • January 22: Georg Wilhelm von Wedekind, German Forstmann (* 1796)
  • January 28: Helmina von Chézy, German poet (* 1783)
  • January 29: Otto von Erxleben, German officer and landowner (* 1788)
  • 0 0 0 January: Nikolaus Aumüller, Bavarian politician (* 1775)
  • 0 February 8: Eduard Vogel, German astronomer and Africa researcher (* 1829)
  • February 12: Alexandre Montfort, French composer (* 1803)
  • February 14: Peter Heinrich August von Salviati, Prussian diplomat (* 1786)
  • February 17: John Braham, English opera singer (* 1774)

The tomb of Heines in the north cemetery in Paris
  • February 17: Heinrich Heine, German poet and journalist (* 1797)
  • February 24: Nikolai Lobatschewski, Russian mathematician (* 1792)
  • 0 March 1: Johann Konrad Zeller, Swiss painter (* 1807)
  • 0 March 3: Gebhard Adolph Friedrich von Krosigk, German landowner and official (* 1799)
  • 0 March 5: Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs, German chemist and mineralogist (* 1774)
  • March 13: Jacques Delisse, French pharmacist and botanist (* 1773)
  • March 18: Sir Henry Pottinger, British colonial officer (* 1789)
  • March 28: Pyotr Turchaninov, Russian composer (* 1779)
  • March 29: Julius Ambrosch, German old philologist (* 1804)
  • 0 April 6: Adolphe Monod, Swiss Reformed Evaluation Preacher (* 1802)
  • April 18: Joseph Menter, German violoncellist and music teacher (* 1808)
  • April 26: George Troup, American politician (* 1780)
  • April 27: Friederike Julie Lisiewska, German portrait painter (* 1772)

May to August [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 May 3: Adolphe Adam, French opera composer (* 1803)
  • 0 May 3: Adolfo Fumagalli, Italian pianist and composer (* 1828)
  • May 13: Jean Zuléma Amussat, French doctor and surgeon (* 1796)
  • May 16: Karl Ernst Christoph Schneider, German old philologist (* 1786)
  • May 18: Georg Simon von Sina, Austrian banker and entrepreneur (* 1783)
  • May 20: Johan Lorentz Aschan, Swedish entrepreneur (* 1772)
  • May 22: Augustin Thierry, French historian (* 1795)
  • May 23: Alfred Gustav Friedrich von Domhardt, Prussian landowner (* 1792)
  • May 25: Rudolph Bay, Danish composer (* 1791)
  • May 31: John Milton Niles, American politician (* 1787)
  • 0 June 1: Leopold Ferdinand Eduard Dietrich von Arnim, Prussian Lieutenant General (* 1794)
  • June 11: Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen, German Germanist (* 1780)
  • June 13: Ernst Alban, German ophthalmologist, mechanical engineer and pioneer of the steam engine building (* 1791)
  • June 14: William Palmer, British serial killer (* 1824)
  • 20. Juni: Florestan I., Fürst von Monaco (* 1785)
  • June 20: Hanzo Njepila, Sorbian folk writer (* 1766)
  • June 25: Max Stirner, German Philosopher (* 1806)
  • June 27: Joseph Meyer, German publisher (* 1796)
  • 0 July 9: Amedeo Avogadro, Italian physicist and chemist (* 1776)
  • 0 July 9: Alfred Cuthbert, American politician (* 1785)
  • 11. Juli: Josef Kajean Kajetán Til, tschechischer Theatramatiker (* 1808)
  • July 16: Friedrich Wilhelm von Schubert, German Lutheran theologian, clergyman, Scandinavist and university lecturer (* 1788)
  • July 21: Emil Aarestrup, Danish poet (* 1800)
  • July 29: Karel Havlíček Borovský, Czech poet, prose, literary critic, translator, politician and journalist (* 1821)
  • July 29: Robert Schumann, German composer (* 1810)
  • July 30: Georg Weerth, German merchant and writer (* 1822)
  • 13. August: José María Estrada, Prásident von Nicaragua (* 1802)
  • August 19: Anna Maria Rüttimann-Meyer von Schauenee, Swiss patrician (* 1772)
  • August 21: Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner, German composer and conductor (* 1791)
  • August 24: Carl Heyer, German forestry practitioner, teacher and scientist (* 1797)
  • August 24: William Buckland, English geologist and paleontologist (* 1784)
  • August 30: John Ross, British counter -admiral and polar researcher (* 1777)
  • August 31: Giuseppe Pioda, Swiss architect and engineer (* 1810)

September to December [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 September 1: Christoph Karl Julius Asschenfeldt, Deutscher Kirchenlieddichter (* 1792)
  • 0 September 1: Christian Friedrich Bernhard Augustin, German theologian, writer and historian (* 1771)
  • 0 September 3: Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin, French officer, politician and painter (* 1784)
  • 0 September 8: Paul von Haugwitz, Prussian soldier, district administrator, estate owner and writer (* 1791)
  • September 12: Emil Braun, German archaeologist (* 1809)
  • 12. September: Johann Majoleth ( Gigerhannesli ), Swiss folk music pioneer, broombinder and «Bündner Münchhausen» (* 1774)
  • September 15: Hans Detlef Friedrich Aschenfeldt, German publishing book dealer and Parliamentarian (* 1787)
  • September 15: Heinrich Lxiv., Paragiather von Reuss-Köstritz (* 1787)
  • September 15: Severin Løvenskiold, Norwegian governor (* 1777)
  • September 17: Ninomiya Sontoku, Japanese agricultural stronger (* 1787)
  • September 21: Mikhail Wielhorki, Russian composer, cellist and patron (* 1787)
  • 0 October 1: Christian zu Leiningen-Westerburg, Austrian field marshal lieutenant (* 1812)
  • 0 October 4: Alfred V. du Pont, American industrialist (* 1798)
  • 0 October 4: Wilhelm Eilert Schmid, German organ builder (* 1791)
  • 0 October 7: William Hall, American politician (* 1775)
  • 12. October: Richard Guyon, General (* 1803)
  • October 14: Johann Kaspar Mertz, Austrian composer and guitar virtuoso (* 1806)
  • October 19: Karl Heinrich Hermes, German journalist and historian (* 1800)
  • October 19: William Sprague, American politician (* 1799)
  • October 19: Said Ibn Sultan, Sultan von Maskat, Oman and Zanzibar (* 1791)
  • October 21: Hendrik Tollens, Dutch writer of Flemish origin (* 1780)
  • October 22: Bernhard Brand von Lindau, Prussian lawyer (* 1805)
  • October 26: Christian Wilhelm Schweitzer, German lawyer, Minister of State in the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach (* 1781)
  • 0 4. November: Paul Delaroche, Französischer Historienmaler (* 1797)
  • 0 November 8: Étienne Cabet, French publicist, politician and revolutionary (* 1788)
  • 0 November 9: Friedrich von Klinckowström, Prussian landowner and politician (* 1775)
  • November 10: Johann Kaspar Zeiß, German philologist (* 1806)
  • November 17: John Henry Eaton, American politician (* 1790)
  • November 17: Carl Uhde, German merchant and collector (* 1792)
  • November 18: Mikhail Woronzow, Russian commander, Governor General and Vice King (* 1782)
  • November 20: Farkas Bolyai, Hungarian mathematician (* 1775)
  • November 21: Carl von Steuben, French painter (* 1788)
  • November 23: Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Austrian diplomat (* 1774)
  • November 28: Hirose Tanzō, Japanese scholar, educator and writer (* 1782)
  • November 30: Charles-Alexandre Fessy, French organist and composer (* 1804)
  • 0 December 7: Thaddäus Eduard Gumprecht, German merchant, geographer, geologist and university teacher (* 1801)
  • December 13: Otto von der Groeben, Prussian manor and politician (* 1797)
  • December 22: Maximilian Speck from Sternburg, German merchant, entrepreneur and art collector (* 1776)
  • December 26: Jakob Friedrich Binder, from 1821 to 1853 first mayor of the city of Nuremberg (* 1787)

Died around 1856 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]
