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The milk juice, from","datePublished":"2019-02-28","dateModified":"2019-02-28","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki14\/author\/lordneo\/#Person","name":"lordneo","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki14\/author\/lordneo\/","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","url":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","height":96,"width":96}},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","width":600,"height":60}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Disambig-dark.svg\/25px-Disambig-dark.svg.png","url":"https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Disambig-dark.svg\/25px-Disambig-dark.svg.png","height":"19","width":"25"},"url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki14\/lattiche-wikipedia\/","wordCount":3691,"articleBody":"The Lactic ( Lactuca ) form a plant genre in the family of the Korbbl\u00fctler (Asteraceae). The milk juice, from which the botanical genre name Lactuca Derbles, contains bitter substances that help the plant defense with predators and pests; On the other hand, they determine the comfort of the garden salad, the only lettichharst with economic importance. In Switzerland in particular, the binding salad is traded as a lattich. The approximately 100 species are common worldwide. Section Lactuca Subordinate Lactuca : Illustration from Sturm des Weiden-Lattich ( Lettuce saligna ) Section Phaenixopus : Achene with a cardboard of the rod lattich ( Lactuce viminea ) Vegetative characteristics [ Edit | Edit the source text ] At Lactuca -Tarts are one to two-year or rarely persistent herbaceous plants that reach heights of 15 to over 450 centimeters. They form tap roots. All types of lattich contain a whitish milk juice, especially in the stems and inflorescences. The mostly upright stem is usually branched. The above -ground plant parts can be hairy. The leaves are together in basic rosettes or are alternately arranged on the stem. The stalked or seated leaves are simply to pointed, circular, egg-shaped, elongated, lanceolate, ruler or thread-shaped. They are eyed at the edge or on the underside along the middle rib or spines there and the leaf edge is smooth, serrated up to more or less heavily. The leaf surfaces can be hairy. Sidelines are missing. Generative features [ Edit | Edit the source text ] The basket -shaped inflorescences are individually or mostly too many in rusty or umbrella -torn total flower stands. Sometimes there are leaves. The small and narrow, rarely large, basket -shaped partial petals are approximately cylindrical to bell -shaped, thresholds on the flowering period, and wise diameter from 2 to 5 (rarely up to 8) millimeters. Their shell consists of five to over thirteen roof tiles -like shull leaves more or a few in two rows, of which the extreme are sometimes shorter. The basket floor is flat to convex without spray leaves. The single flowers are arranged in one or more rows in the basket -shaped partial petition. All five to over fifty flowers are tongue flowers. The tongue has five crown tips, which can be seen well that the crown tube is formed from five petals. The crown leaves usually have a yellow, rarely white, bluish to violet color. The reddish to light brown, white or purple colors to black oxen have one or more ribs on each side and lead to an often faded -shaped tip on which cardboard is located. The hold on a pane or on the beak on the upper end of the Achene, Haltenaberklag [first] Depending on the species, one to two or more rows consists of one to two or more [first] Simple and equally long white hair. The number of chromosomes is x = 9. [first] Chemical compounds in Lactuca : 1 \u2013 \u03b1-Lactucerol; 2 \u2013 \u03b2-Lactucerol; 3 \u2013 Lactucin; 4 \u2013 Lactucopikrin Lactuca -T species contain in the leaves and in the milk juice mainly water as well as more or less Triterpenes and their compounds that form latex-like substances with water, namely \u03b1-lactucerol (= taraxasterol) and various esters of the \u03b2-lactucerol, including a. Lactucon, Lactucer (see Fig. 1 and 2); \u03b2-amyrin and germanicol; Bitter fabrics with sesquiterpenlactone structure, mainly Lactucin and Lactucicrin (see Fig., No. 3 and 4), as well as their oxalate and sulfate. [2] It is probably this group of substances that also a contact allergy that can trigger salatallery; the phytoalexin lettucenin A, also with a basic sesquiterpen structure, which has mushroom-killing properties; [2] The dyes vitamin A and lactucaxanthin and the flavonoid quercetin, apigenin, lutolin and luteolin; The essential oil Cumarin, which contributes to the taste; Minerals, vitamin K1. Die Lattichsamen ( seed Ltiduc ) contain, among other things, \u03b2-sitosterol and Campesterol in the sterol fraction. In addition to Lactucin and LactUcopikrin, the root contains other bitter substances with a similar structure, e.g. B. Jacquinelin. The latties do not contain alkaloids. [3] As far as the effects of the ingredients of the lattits are concerned, one has recently known from a laboratory study that the main bitter substances Lactucin and Lactucopicrin against the pathogen of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum and this effect in Afghanistan is known ethnobiologically – only there is no lettic type there, but the common path ( Cichorium Intybus ) that contains two substances. [4] It was claimed that the lattich milk juice (especially from the poison lattich [5] ) should have a calming and sleep-promoting effect, which has not been scientifically proven (see poison lattich#ingredients). Towards the end of the 19th century, Lactucin was considered an opium replacement according to Riddle. [6] There are about 100 Lactuca -Species. Some types of lattich are difficult to distinguish, e.g. B. the members of the group Lactuca serriola \/ Lettuce saligna \/ Lettuce virosa . In addition, according to recent investigations, the members of the group Lettuca sativa \/ Lactuca serriola \/ Lactuca dregeana \/ LCTUCA ALTACA genetically no differences and are therefore probably compliant. A frequently used division is that in gene pools that are grouped around the garden salad. The species are considered the primary gene pool for the salad Lactuca serriola \/ Lactuca dregeana \/ LCTUCA ALTACA and Lactuca Aculeata . These can easily be Lettuca sativa can be crossed and therefore represent an immediately available source for salad improvement. The secondary gene pool consists of Lettuce saligna and Lettuce virosa , here the intersection is difficult. Finally, in the tertiary gene pool, crosses are only possible with radical methods; It consists of the species of the sections Phaenixopus , Mulgedium and Lactucopsis (s. u.). [7] [8] There are about ten lattich species in North America, 33 in tropical East Africa, 40 in Asia and 17 in Europe. European species grow in tempered and warm regions. The northern border runs about 50 to 55 \u00b0 north width, with the exception of Lettuce sibirica that can occur up to 70 degrees. The westernmost way is Lettuce tatarica at 9 \u00b0 West. Most species live at altitudes from 200 to 600 meters with exceptions up to 2000 meters ( Lettuce alpread , Lettuce tatarica , LCTUCA ALTACA and Lettuce Tenerrima ). Most European species occur in the Mediterranean, many of them only there. In the case of an excursion by parts of Central Europe Lactuca serriola found. [9] Only in Provence and Italy there was a greater biodiversity. However, it should be borne in mind that the lines of the excursion, for example, did not touch the Rhein-Main-Mosel area, where several rarer species are native. Types (selection) [ Edit | Edit the source text ] The 17 species occurring in Europe are divided into several sections and sub -sections: [9] Section Lactucopsis : Illustration of the oak lattich ( Lactuca Quercina ) Section Lactuca Subordinate Lactuca : Garden salad ( Lettuca sativa ) Section Lactuca Subordinate Cyanicae : Blue-lattich ( Lettuce perennial ) Section Phaenixopus (Cass.) Benth. : The inflorescence is pyramidal or ear -like with individual cups or in tufts. Heads with four to eight flowers. Section Mulgedium (Cass.) C.B. Clarke : The inflorescence with descending branch and a few baskets. Numerous flowers.Lettuce sibirica Benth. ex Maxim. : Home is the Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Siberia, China, Japan, Mongolia and the Far Eastern Russia. [ten] Tatar-Lattich ( Lettuce tatarica C.A.Mey. ): The homeland is Northern Europe, Eastern and Southeast Europe, Poland, Slovakia, West Asia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Siberia, the Mongolia, China and North America. [ten] There are two subspecies. [ten] Section Lactucopsis (Sch. BIP. Ex Pan\u010di\u0107) Rouy : The inflorescence is usually dolders. Baskets with six to 15 flowers. Section Lactuca : The inflorescence is a dense panel of many baskets. Basket with 10 to 50 flowers.Subordinate Lactuca . These species are ruderal and prefer troubled soils.Garden salad ( Lettuca sativa L. ): It only occurs cultivated. Stache lattich ( Lactuca serriola L. ): This species is by far the most common in Central Europe. Weiden-Lattich ( Lettuce saligna L. ): Home is Europe (except north), North Africa, Asia Minor. Poison lattich ( Lettuce virosa L. ): Heimat is Das Das Das Das Mediterrane Europe, West, Nordafrika, Nord America. LCTUCA ALTACA Fisch. and C.A. Mey. : Home is Southeast Russia, Central Asia, Siberia and Xinjiang. [ten] Lacks Boiss. and Reut. : She will also be as Lettuce virosa subsp. livid (Boss. & Reut.) Ladro & A. Velasco to Lettuce virosa placed. [11] It is endemic in Central Spain. [11] Subordinate Cyanicae : Surprisingly, according to the latest studies, these types seem to be the most away from the garden salad and they should therefore be from the genus Lactuca can be excluded.Blue-lattich ( Lettuce perennial L. ): Home is the sub -Mediterranean Europe. Lettuce complex Boiss. (His.: Greek lettuce Boiss. ): It occurs in Greece, Macedonia, Albania, in the Aegean and in Turkey. [11] Lettuce Tenerrima For R. : It occurs in Morocco, Spain, Gibraltar, Andorra, France and on the Balearic Islands. [11] Only in the new world occur (selection): \u2191 a b c d John L. Strother: Lettuce Linnaeus. , Pp. 258\u2013262 – text -like online like printed work. in: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (HRSG.): Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 19: Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1 (Mutisieae\u2013Anthemideae). Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 2006, ISBN 0-19-530563-9. \u2191 a b Reuben A. Sessa, Mark H. Bennett, Mervyn J. Lewis, John W. Mansfield, Michael H. Beale: Metabolite Profiling of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Lactuca Species. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry Band 275, no. 35, 2000, S. 26877\u201326884, two: 10.1074\/jbc.M000244200 \u2191 W. Blakek it old. (HRSG.): Hager’s handbook of pharmaceutical practice. Following band 3: Drugs L – Z. 5th edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-540-61619-5, p. 17 ff. \u2191 Theodore A. Bischoff, Charles J. Kelley, Yvette Karchesy, Maria Laurantos, Phuc nguyen-Dinh, Abdul Ghafoor Arefi: Antimalarial activity of Lactucin and Lactucopicrin: sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Cichorium intybus L. In: Journal of Ethnopharmacology Band 95, no. 2\u20133, 2004, S. 455\u2013457, two: 10.1016\/j.Jep.2004.06.031 . \u2191 J. Sturm’s flora of Germany in images according to nature. I – XV, 2nd revised edition, K.G. Lutz, Stuttgart 1900\u20131907, Volume XIV, p. 110. \u2191 John Marion Riddle: Dioscorides on Pharmacy and Medicine. With a foreword by John Scarborough, Austin (Texas) 1985 (= History of science series. Volume 3), pp. 28 and 38. \u2191 Wim J. M. Koopman, Martin J. Zevenbergen, Ronald G. van den Berg: Species relationships in Lactuca s.l.(Lactuceae, Asteraceae) inferred from AFLP fingerprints. In: American Journal of Botany. Band 88, nr. 10, 2001, S. 1881-1887, Abstract . \u2191 Wim J. M. Koopman: Zooming in on the lettuce genome. Species relationships in Lactuca s.l., inferred from chromosomal and molecular characters. In: Wageningen University dissertation. Volume 3233, June 21, 2002, Download . \u2191 a b Ale\u0161 Lebeda, Ivana Dole\u017ealov\u00e1, Eva K\u0159\u00edstkov\u00e1, Barbora Messerova: Biodiversity and ecogeography of wild Lactuca spp. in some European countries. In: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Band 48, no. 2, 2001. S. 153\u2013164. two: 10.1023\/A:1011265614395 \u2191 a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O Lactuca in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 13. April 2018. \u2191 a b c d It is f g Werner Greuter (2006+): Compositae (as part of the Mayor). In: Werner Greuter, E. von Raab-Straube (ed.): Combined. : data sheet Lactuca In: Euro+Med Plantbase \u2013 the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. 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