Gesa Badenhorst – Wikipedia


Gesa Badenhorst (* 1958 in Bremerhaven [first] [2] ) is a German actress, show teacher and coach.


Gesa Badenhorst initially completed an apprenticeship for the subjects of German and art education at the Kassel college from 1977 to 1981, which she ended with the first state examination and second state examination. [3] [4] This was followed by an acting course from 1981 to 1985 with a graduation at the Hanover University of Music and Theater. [3] [5]

Between 1985 and 2000 she had various theater engagements in Hanover, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Hildesheim. [first] [3] At the Hamburg Ohnsorg Theater, she came as Eve in a Low German version of Kleists The brochure jug on, which was also broadcast on the television program of the North German Radio. [6] In the 1997/98 season she played at the Hildesheim city theater in Molières Tartuff . [7] In the 1999/00 season she made a guest appearance in Czechows Three sisters . [8] In the 2013/14 season, she guested at the Staatstheater Nuremberg as a spokeswoman in Handel’s oratorio Judas Maccabaeus . [9]

Badenhorst has also participated in various film and television productions since the 1980s, where they, among others. Worked with Thorsten, Hans-Erich Viet, Hans Weingartner, Benjamin Quabeck, Oliver Schmitz and Markus Imboden.

She participated in several television films and had rolls u. In the TV series Großstadtrevier (2005) and Soko Leipzig (2009). In season 10 of the ZDF series Something wismar (2013) she took over one of the episode roles as ex-wife of a wealthy manor owner. [ten]

In 2000 she moved to Berlin with her family. [first] Since then she has been a freelancer on the stage, film and radio. [first] She also worked as a radio spokeswoman, including in Traubott, the Warzen pig where she spoke the role of the cow. [first]

Since 2006 she has been teaching the subjects “speaker education” and “language design” at the film drama school “Starter” in Berlin. [first] [3] [11] She also works as a coach with the focus of the subject of orientation and sensation, effective communicating and mindfulness training. [4]

Gesa Badenhorst is married, has a son and lives in Berlin. [2] [3]

  1. a b c d It is f Gesa Badenhorst . Vita. Official website Hörchen – Verlag and Production. Archive version 2018. accessed on March 28, 2020.
  2. a b Gesa Badenhorst . Vita and profile at Castforward. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  3. a b c d It is Gesa Badenhorst . Vita. Official website Film spectacle school starter. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  4. a b Gesa Badenhorst . Lecturer profile. Official website of the Institute for Coaching and Mindfulness, Berlin. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  5. Gesa Badenhorst at Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  6. Dat Schörengericht . Occupation and transmission data. In: Achim Klünder (ed.): Lexicon of television games . Volume II. The stage productions. K. G. Saur. Munich 1991. ISBN 3-598-10836-2. (accessed via de Gruyter online).
  7. Tartuff . Program The tart muffle or the fraudster . Premiere January 10, 1998. season 1997/98. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  8. Three sisters . Program Three sisters By Anton Czechow. Premiere May 13th, 2000th season 1999/2000. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  9. Judas Maccabaeus, and the Trains Kept Coming – Nuremberg, State Theater . Production details. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  10. SOKO Wismar: equestrian games . Action and occupation. Official website of ZDF. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
  11. Starter drama school – Part 1: Speech training with Gesa Badenhorst . Video on YouTube. Accessed on March 28, 2020.
