Tents Punette – Wikipedia


Official representation of the Zelter badge in the Federal Law Gazette

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The Tents-sticks was donated as a state award by Federal President Theodor Heuss in 1956 to distinguish choir associations that have made a contribution to choral music and the folk song. It was designed by the Cologne sculptor Heribert Calleen.


Already in 1909 the Berlin song table , a men’s choir, founded by Carl Friedrich Zelter in 1884, a telter plaque for services to German male singing. Both people and bodies (first the city of Berlin, including the German Singers’ Association, most recently the Erfurt men’s singing club) were awarded. [first] The history of the Zelter badge as a state award goes back to the 1920s. The Prussian Minister for Science, Art and People’s Education, Otto Boelitz, open to the interests of lay music, donated three artistically designed commemorative leaves as state recognition for lay choirs on the occasion of their 50, 75 and 100th anniversary in 1922. A few years later, bronze, silver and gold plaques took the place of the memorial leaves. These telter badges were awarded by the beginning of 1942.

In the reconstruction after the war, the German Singing Association took the initiative to recall the Zelter badge as state recognition for many years of efforts and special achievements in the field of choral singing.

On August 7, 1956, Federal President Heuss signed the decree, which determined that the Zelter badge was again awarded as recognition of the 100th anniversary of a choir. [2] The initial words of the decree were:

“As an award for choral associations that have acquired special services to the care of choral music and the German folk song and thus for promoting cultural life, I donate them Tents-sticks . The details of the award are determined by special guidelines ”

Bonn, August 7, 1956 The Federal President Theodor Heuss The deputy of the Federal Chancellor Blucher The Federal Minister of the Interior Dr. Scour

The guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge have recently been reorganized by issuing the Federal President of November 19, 2014 ( BGBl. I S. 1761 ).


Purpose [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Zelter badge is intended as an award for choir associations, which in many years have acquired special merits about the care of choral music and the German folk song and thus to promote cultural life.

Appearance and nature [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The badge is highly oval, has the dimensions: 16 cm (height) × 14 cm (width) and is made of bronze. On its front, it shows the Portrait Carl Friedrich Zelters (1758–1832), founders of the first songtafel and director of the singing academy in Berlin, and on the back the federal eagle with the inscription: For services to choral singing and folk song . [2]

Property eligibility and application procedure [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The proposal allocation, which should lead to the awarding of the Zelter badge, must be placed by the responsible state cultural minister of the federal states on the basis of a recommendation of the respective recommendation issues. These proposals are then to be forwarded to the Federal Minister of the Interior, who submits them to the Federal President for the decision. [3] The applications are to be sent to the recommendation committee (or the Ministry of the State or the Diplomatic or Consular Representation) in writing by June 30 of the year. An official form must be used. In addition to the application, documents must be added that reflect the activity of the choir of the past five years in the field of musical or popular -building values. [4]

Awarding practice [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Awarding the telter badge of choirs from Schleswig-Holstein (1964)

The Zelter badge is awarded by the Federal President on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of a choir association, but only on request. The prerequisite for the award is the proof that the choir has devoted itself to the care of the choral singing in serious and successful musical work and has acquired artistic or folk -building merits as part of the local conditions. In particular, the activity of the choir association in the five years before the application is decisive and accordingly. [5] The badge is traditionally presented on Sunday Laetare three weeks before Easter in a central ceremony by the Federal President or his representative (State Culture Minister) together with a certificate. [6]

The Zelter badge can also be awarded at choir associations abroad. The proposals for this are submitted by the Federal Foreign Office on the basis of the recommendation of the recommendation committee. However, the applications must initially be applied for before the responsible German diplomatic mission. These applications will then be forwarded to the Federal Minister of the Interior via the Federal Foreign Office. The certificate and badge then be presented by the official representation of the Federal Republic of Germany in the relevant country. [9]

According to the Federal Association of German Choir Associations e. V. were awarded a total of 9,755 Zelter badges from 1957 to 2002, including 60 badges abroad. The badge of 133 choirs was awarded in 2009. [ten] A comparable award for music associations is the Pro Musica sticker.

  • Franz Spath: The Federal Presidential Office . 3. Edition. Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 1982, p. 97.
  1. Günter Ziesemer: To the stories the tenter plainttrett , in: Song and choir. Journal for the entire choir. Official organ of the German Singing Association , October 2004
  2. a b Guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge, point 1, Federal Law Gazette No. 39 of August 14, 1956.
  3. Guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge, point 3, Federal Law Gazette No. 39 of August 14, 1956.
  4. Guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge, point 4, Federal Law Gazette No. 39 of August 14, 1956.
  5. Guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge, point 2, Federal Law Gazette No. 39 of August 14, 1956.
  6. Guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge, point 8, Federal Law Gazette No. 39 of August 14, 1956.
  7. Lotte Baumanns, Ulrich Köhler, Thorsten Wrigge (ed.): The SV manual . 3. Edition. Aachen 2002, ISBN 3-89873-419-6, S. 401 .
  8. Highlights. Sinfonischer-chor-aachen.de; accessed on January 21, 2010.
  9. Decree on the addition of the guidelines for the awarding of the Zelter badge point 9, Federal Law Gazette No. 40 of July 30, 1960.
  10. Four choirs are awarded a telter badge. Archived by Original am 21. April 2010 ; accessed on April 25, 2009 .
