Church of Santa María de Vizbayo


The Church of Santa María de Vizbayo It is a Catholic temple. Its building is Romanesque and is located on the skirt of Mount Pajariel, in the town of Otero, municipality of Ponferrada, region of El Bierzo (León, Spain).

It is declared as a national artistic monument by Royal Decree 776/1982 of February 26, 1982. The guardianship is from the State exercising through the General Directorate of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture.

Etymology [ To edit ]

Atrium (subsequently built).

Otero de Ponferrada has ended up being practically a neighborhood of Ponferrada. His name, Otero, derives from Latin altar which means “hill or elevated site.” The first reference is found in the year 909 in which it appears documented as divide .

The Vizbayo denomination seems to come, according to Professor Jesús García and García of the Latin composition of until (two and bail (PsAo of a river or vado) that evolution is “Vayo” In the Tumbo of St. Peter’s Self-part Montery Montery as: vet-vayo (1107), Vezvayo (1151) and Vetvayo (1154).

Description [ To edit ]

Detail of the geminated window in the Testero.

The first references are found in the eleventh century.
Church of a single ship with a semicircular heading linked to the ship per straight section. In Romanesque style with influences of the Mozarabic, it is one of the buildings of the Camino de Santiago where the best evolution of the Mozarabic to the pre -Romanesque and the Romanesque is appreciated. They highlight their horseshoe arches and the beautiful trib, in which there is a geminated window of great beauty, topped in horseshoe arc, the column that divides it is short, of sogueada base (characteristic of the mozarabe) and coarse vegetable capitel divided into two bodies for a molding.
It is accessed through two doors, one to the north (which gives to the cemetery) and another to the south protected by a porch.

The ship is covered with a cannon vault that continues in the straight section of access to the header, covered, by a spherical cap.

The construction, of small dimensions is masonry and ashlarejo in noble parts and buttresses using the blackboard and granite as materials.
At the end of the 17th century the sword is built, as in many other churches in that
epoch. Subsequently, in the 18th century several reforms were made, building
Sacristy, porch, stretch and choir.

Regarding the temple imagery, it should be noted that in 1836 the parish priest D. Dictino Alonso Luengo performs the titular image (N ° Mrs. of Bizbayo) resulting in a figure of 70 centimeters and movable hands. He took the previous image as a model of his work, of the beginning of the 16th century, which was at that time in poor condition because of the wood of wood. The similarity with the “original” image achieved it in part. In 2007 there was a robbery by subtracting several jewels and jewelry, in addition to the images of San Benito and the “Ball Child”, assuming an important patrimonial loss, in addition to economical.

In 1576 and because of the plague that whipped the city and the area, the City Council agreed to meet in this church of Our Lady of Vizbayo; and he chose to make rogatives in order to scare away the disease. The place was conducive to the Consistory meeting, both for the proper forum (the temple itself) and for the distance to the nucleus of Ponferrada.

The Pascual Madoz dictionary collects the following information about Otero de Ponferrada: ” neighborhood in the province of León, Part, Judicial of Ponferrada, whose v. corresponds. It is the oldest part of the population, and in this concept it is titled Head of Villa. It is separated from this by r. Boza, communicating for a stone bridge. It is located in a Cotarro in Mount Pajariel, and higher than the rest of the population. He has its own parish, and with the invocation of Santa María de Vizvayo. The temple is notable antiquity and structure “.

In 1916 there was an unfortunate
It collapses that affected a stretch near the presbytery, taking with them the vault of the apse and part of the northern wall. [ first ] Two years later they were repaired in a painful work, which according to the distinguished historian José María Luengo ” It became meaningless, and so inharily were the masons that the wall they did not spliced ​​with the old one, but deviates in the upper part, about 30 cm “.

At the end of the 70s of the twentieth century, the parish priest of the Church ordered other painful reforms, placing a concrete wall attached to the church and a closure in modern materials. During 2020, works were carried out, such as perimeter enclosure with metal materials or replacement of the losado of the atrium roof.

One of the oldest traditions was the pilgrimage that was held every August 15, the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady The Virgin Mary, which was attended ), being typical the snack in which the watermelon and the melon was the protagonist. In the 80s of the twentieth century, he tried to recover, but he has ended up abandoning himself, but not the Via Crucis of Monte Pajariel, which starts from this temple on Palm Sunday, being an important demonstration of Holy Week Ponferradina.

References [ To edit ]
