Bahnhof Glauburg-Stockheim-Wikipedia


The Bahnhof Glauburg-Stockheim Is next to the stop Glauburg-Glauberg One of two train stations in the Upper Hessian community of Glauburg. It is located on route kilometers 45.8 of the Gießen -Gelnhausen railway line ( Lahn-Kinzig-Bahn ). The Niddertalbahn also branches off to Bad Vilbel here. From October 1, 1888 to June 1, 1984, the Oberwaldbahn to Lauterbach began.


The train station is located in the tariff area of ​​the Rhein-Main Transport Association (RMV).

The Glauburg-Stockheim train station was called Stockheim (Oberhess) opened on October 30, 1870 with the commissioning of the Nidda-Büdingen section of the Lahn-Kinzig-Bahn. From 1885 a connecting railway closed here Acti sugar factory in Büdingen at Stockheim. [first] On October 1, 1888, the section Stockheim – Gedern (Oberwaldbahn) of the Niddertalbahn was opened. This section is the oldest part of the Niddertalbahn. Exactly 17 years later, on October 1, 1905, the Niddertalbahn was built south (section Nidderau – Stockheim). A continuous traffic between Bad Vilbel and Lauterbach has existed since June 1, 1907.

Passenger traffic on the Stockheim – Lauterbach route was discontinued on September 28, 1975. The freight traffic on the Stockheim – geder route was still operated until June 1, 1984. On June 10, 2001, all tracks between Stockheim and Lauterbach were finally broken down. This route can mostly be explored by bike on the “volcanic cycle path”.

In 2008 the route of the Niddertalbahn was upgraded. Among other things, the entire superstructure was renewed. Furthermore, all platforms of the stops and the platforms in the Nidderau, Niederdorfelden and Stockheim train stations were renewed and increased to the exit height of the double -decker cars (76 cm) used here. Weekend traffic has also existed since May 4, 2008. For this day, the RMV bus line 5150 (formerly Bahnbus 650), which drove between Bad Vilbel and Nidderau, was completely stopped.

Former signal box on the southern head of the train station. On the right a new KS signal of the ESTW

The train station has three platform tracks. The house platform (track 1) only serves the trains of the Niddertalbahn towards Nidderau, Bad Vilbel and Frankfurt am Main. The central platform (tracks 2 and 3) mainly serves the HLB trains of the Lahn-Kinzig-Bahn towards Gießen via Nidda, Hungen and Lich and in a southern direction to Gelnhausen via Büdingen. In both directions, the trains of platform 2. Gleis 3 are usually only used for train encounters. Rarely, a train of the Niddertalbahn from Bad Vilbel on Gleis 3. In 2017, the ESTW-A (connected to Estw-Z Altenstadt) was rarely put into operation as a replacement for the previous mechanical signal works.

The nickname Stockheimer Lieschen owes the Niddertalbahn of the former station restaurant in Stockheim, where many travelers and rail services were happy to stop at landlady Liesel Brand. First under railways, soon among the population, the journey “Zum Lieschen” in Stockheim became a winged word.


After long years of decay, the station building was finally sold to a private individual in 2006 and partially renovated. The station restaurant has been modernized and reopened as a bistro. In the former service rooms, a model railway system (Stockheim model station) with a focus on Niddertalbahn can be visited in the time frame of the 1950 and 1960s.

In the northern station area there was a small railway depot on the west side with a 20 m hub and a three-unanded ring locomotive shed. The turntable has been expanded, the locomotive scales are available. South of the locomotive shed was a water tower in scaffolding. [2]

Rail traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

On the Niddertalbahn, DB Regio trains run to Frankfurt (Main) Central Station every hour, which is compressed on a half -hourly cycle during the rush hours. On Sundays, the trains run in the morning every two hours, from noon every hour only to Bad Vilbel.

On the Lahn-Kinzig-Bahn trains of the Hessische Landesbahn (HLB) of Type GTW 2/6 run every hour between Gießen and Gelnhausen. Ends of individual trains in Nidda end in the main traffic time.

Bus traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

A number of regional bus lines stop at Stockheim. From May 1st to October 31st each year, the Vogelsberger Vulkan-Express (VEX) (bus lines VB-90 to VB-95) runs. However, only the lines VB-90 to Schlitz via Gedern, Grebenhain, Herbstein and Lauterbach, as well as the VB-94 bus from Büdingen via Stockheim and Gedern to Hoherodskopf run from the Stockheim train station.

  • Jürgen Röhrig, Stefan Klöppel: 150 years of Upper Hessian railways. ARGE Turntable e.V., Cologne 2020, ISBN 978-3-929082-38-8, pp. 150–154.
  1. Announcement, the locomotive operation on the connecting railway between the Büdingen acti sugar factory near Stockheim and the Stockheim train station from October 16, 1885. In: Grand Ducal Hessian government sheet No. 30 of October 28, 1885, p. 158.
  2. Appendix in the wide arc . In: Railway magazine . No. 7 , 2016, ISSN  0342-1902 , S. 114 .
