TE CLVEREn – Wikipedia


The clever is a German television series that was produced by Studio Hamburg from 1998 to 2003 on behalf of RTL. It deals with a nationwide special unit of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), which deals with serial devices. The main characters are the case analyst Dominik Born and a police officer of the BKA, who coordinates the necessary investigative steps with the local authorities.

  • Dr. Dominik Born (Hans-Werner Meyer) is a case analyst in the service of the Federal Criminal Police Office. With his profession he fulfilled a childhood dream, but sometimes he suffers a lot from his work. He used to be married to Helen Born, but the marriage was divorced and his wife moved to Munich with his son Philip. In season four, he begins a relationship with his colleague Eva Glaser, after the tragic death of which he even attempted suicide, shortly afterwards he acknowledges his service in the BKA. However, the police officer Isabel Becker persuades the now alcoholic born to return. He makes a withdrawal cure in a monastery and leads a regulated life again, but wants to finally terminate at the end of season fifth. In episode 6×01 On the run If he finds Isabel Becker murdered in a hotel room and is suddenly held responsible for an entire series of murder. Hunted by the BKA official Katrin Rasch, he tries to prove his innocence, in the second episode the two then become a team. At the end of the sixth season he comes back with his ex -wife.
  • Eva Glaser (Astrid M. Fünderich) is the first policewoman to search for serial sites with Dominik Born. She is chief criminal commissioner in the service of the Federal Criminal Police Office and begins a relationship with Born in the early fourth season. When she was in episode 4×05 The goddess – part 1 Looking for a psychopath, they are supported by the policewoman Isabel Becker. In an attempt to arrest the perpetrator, Eva Glaser is seriously injured by a shot and later dies in the hospital.
  • Prof. Konstanze Korda (Barbara Magdalena Ahren) is a forensic doctor and supports the special unit of series crimes. She is one of the best in her field, always dressed expensive and chain smoker. She is widowed. It maintains a rather cool relationship with Glaser, but estimates her work. She has a special relationship with Born. She supports him when he is suspected of shoting Isabel Becker.
  • Isabel Becker (Delia Mayer) appears for the first time in episode 4×05 The goddess – part 1 as a supporting policewoman. After the death of Eva Glaser, she takes over her position and takes care of the mentally stricken born. She can prevent his attempt to suicide and persuades him to return to the service after termination. Isabel Becker is married and has two children, through her family she gets strength for her job. In episode 6×01 On the run If she is murdered and Born is mistakenly suspected of being the perpetrator.
  • Katrin Rasch (Esther Schweins) is the chief crime of the BKA and appears for the first time at the beginning of the sixth season. [first] She considers Dominik Born to be a murderer and tries to get his hands on by all means, which she does not succeed. After Born convinced her of his innocence, join together as a team. The relationship between the two is somewhat distant, respectful and determined by common determination. It is quickly single, brisk and sensitive.

After April 30, 2003 with the episode Blood and water – part 2 The fifth season came to an end, it took over three years for the sixth season to be seen. RTL stored eight new episodes that had been completed by 2003 due to a lack of a suitable broadcasting station in the archive until September 2006, after which they were broadcast in a double pack. RTL explained that a continuation was not planned, but there is an option to produce the series as an irregular film series in the future. [2] However, nothing was realized.

The six seasons (including pilot film) were published in two boxes on April 25, 2008. In the first box, the seasons include 1–3 incl. Pilot film (7 DVDs), in the second box the seasons 4–6 (6 DVDs).

After the pilot film from 1998, a further eight episode of comprehensive season was produced and broadcast annually from 1999, so that the series comes to a total of 48 episodes and a pilot film. The guest roles are often occupied with well -known faces from German television such as Michael Mendl, Annett Renneberg, Suzanne von Borsody or Dieter Pfaff.

Bavarian television award

German television award

  • 2000: Nomination “Best TV series”
  • 2000: Nomination “Best actor in a leading role”-series, Hans-Werner Meyer
  • 2000: Nomination “Best actor in a supporting role”, Oliver Hasenfratz subsequently The police
  • 2001: Nomination “Best Series” and “Best Actor in a leading role” series
  1. Thomas Lückerath: Esther pig becomes a TV commissioner. In: Dwdl.de. 11. April 2003, accessed on January 31, 2022 .
  2. Quota check: the clever On quotenmeter.de
