T-069 – Wikipedia


Tr-069 is a log for data exchange between the server of a communication provider and a associated device at the customer. A typical application is the remote configuration of DSL routers by a broadband provider. Technically speaking, it is a bidirectional SOAP protocol for HTTP-based communication between customer devices. Customer Premises Equipment , short cpe) and Auto-Configuration servers (ACS). It is therefore also known as CPE WAN Management Protocol (Cwmp).


In the DSL-Breitbandmarkt, TR-069 represents the dominant switching standard for access devices. The technical specifications (TR-069) are published by the Broadband Forum.

The protocol includes methods for auto configuration as well as for (on) control of other CPE functions in a uniform framework. Different types of CPEs are differentiated. The basic type is broadband/DSL equipment, such as B. DSL router.

With the market success of broadband access to the Internet, the number of other access devices (e.g. in addition to modems and routers but also residential gateways, set-top boxes, game consoles, IP telephones and IP TV streaming solutions).

Since the complexity of these devices increases, their configuration overwhelms many users.
Therefore, a protocol was designed with TR-069 that enables access providers to remote warting of these devices. Via TR-069, end devices can contact the provider’s auto-configuration server (ACS) and be automatically configured.

In addition to the TR-069 core standard for DSL routers, there are side standards for other end devices behind the NAT/FIREWALL of the DSL router-and accessing it. The Broadband Forum would also like to extend the standard TR-069 to fiber optic technologies and femtocell routers.

Remote CPE Control via TR-069.svg

TR-069 cuts the privacy and data protection of the end users. It allows the provider to record automatic updates unnoticed and without the consent of the user in DSL routers. These can even be set up for certain users or user groups. Especially against the background of the “online searches”, of listening powers [first] And the like can have serious consequences for the user.


In addition, TR-069 also enables other devices to be configured behind the box or modem in the “safe area”, i.e. behind the firewall. [2] Faring access could also change or delete data on certain customer devices to which the network operator has access. Due to its functional principle, TR-069 therefore represents a backdoor, the existence of which is not known to many end customers and the possibilities of which they are not aware of.

On the other hand, the protocol allows the provider z. B. to automatically record security updates on one device [3] And so that security gaps are also too complicated for technically non -experienced users, for whom a company upgrade carried out.

The TR-069 specification recommends securing the connections between the provider and the end device via SSL/TLS. [4]

  • Car configuration and dynamic service activation
    • Initial CPE-Konfiguration
    • Remote-CPE-Konfiguration
  • Firmware-Management
    • Version management
    • Update management
  • Change/reset passwords of the device
  • Status and performance control
    • Log file evaluation and dynamic communications
  • Diagnose
    • Connectivity and service control
    • 100%interoperability between management server and CPEs.

In the future, TR-069 will also control many additional functions of the CPEs, such as:

  • Query of the device functions
  • Information query, diagnosis, status and performance values
  • Automatic event-triggered alarm functions
  • Independent Gateway data model; In conjunction with TR-064, to integrate additional devices and functions
  • The router frontend (the user interface) is not absolutely necessary for configuration, all functions can be monitored and controlled by the management server.

There are also initial approaches that combine the function of a TR-069 server with the possibilities of OSGI and/or grandma-DM (both are certain software standards). Osgi can z. B. serve as a soa that the client framework forms on the router, on which TR-069 itself, as well as other-possibly paid-(added value) services can be dynamically installed and administered. This is particularly interesting if incremental updates of the router software should be possible or if the remote maintenance options of TR-069 are not sufficient. Since Osgi is a framework based on a Java, there is also a natural connection to the object-oriented SOAP protocol.

The Broadband Forum has already published standards, so -called TRS (Technical Reports) on its website. [5]

The designs are not public and will be Working Text (WT) or Proposed Draft (PD). Working texts are designs for standards and usually become TRS. Proposed Drafts are other documents of the working groups that are used internal (e.g. PD-128, Interoperability Test Plan for TR 069 plug tests), but you can also be a preliminary stage for working texts.

The numbering of the standards is three digits and linear, i.e. that is, it starts at 001 and is counted up continuously. If a WT becomes a TR, the numbering does not change. In some cases, supplements (amendments) are provided with the addition “Amendment” and a further numbering (Amendment 1, …) that replace the previous document. For example, despite the HAD, WTS with the same number can exist (e.g. TR-106 Amendment 1 and WT-106 for an Amendment 2 (planned for November 2008)).

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of the Originals from August 2, 2008 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.bmj.bund.de Government draft of a law on the new regulation of telecommunications monitoring and other hidden investigation measures as well as the implementation of Directive 2006/46/EC
  2. http://www.broadband-forum.org/technical/download/tr-098_amendment-1.pdf Internet Gateway Device Data Model for TR -069 – distance access to end user devices
  3. http://www.theregister.co.uk 2007/10/9/BT_HOM_UB_HOLE_RESPONSE/
  4. https://heise.de/-2292576 . Uli Ries: DEF Con 22: Millions of DSL routers compromised by TR-069 remote maintenance
  5. www.broadband-forum.org
