Mike S. Schäfer – Wikipedia


Mike Steffen Schäfer (Born June 7, 1976 in Meißen) is a German communication scientist and sociologist active in Switzerland. Since 2013 he has been a decent professor with a focus on science communication on Institute for Communication Science and Media Research at the University of Zurich (IKMZ), at the same time director of the Competence center for university and science research (CHESS), [first]


Mike Schäfer grew up in a family that had no closer relationships with science. In his hometown he attended school and was initially interested in chemistry. At the age of 13, he experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall, which, according to his information, should strongly shape his further development. Schäfer studied sociology and journalism/journalism at the University of Leipzig and in Vienna as well as at the National University of Ireland in Cork. [2]

After graduation, Schäfer was initially project employee at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig, then a research assistant at the Institute of Sociology at the Free University of Berlin. There he received his doctorate in 2007 with a work on mass media reporting on stem cell research, human research and particle physics. In 2004 and 2012, Schäfer worked in the USA, including at the Harvard University, in the OAK Ridge National Laboratory and later at the University of Pennsylvania. [3]

From 2010 to 2013, Schäfer held a junior professorship at the University of Hamburg and headed the research group Media Constructions of Climate Change In the Hamburg Federal Excellence Cluster CliSAP . Since 2013 he has been holding the Chair of Science, Crisis and Risk Communication at the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research (IKMZ) at the University of Zurich. In 2015 he received the appeal to the director of the Center for Higher Education and Science Studies (CHESS) the University of Zurich, which deals with science research. [first] There he is also a co-leader of the long-term study “Science Barometer Switzerland”, [4]

The research work of Schäfer deals with science and climate change communication. In recent times, he has increasingly dealt with attitudes from citizens to science as well as with science -related populism and conspiracy theories. He also campaigns for independent journalism. [2]

Schäfer is a decent member of the Acatech – German Academy of Technology [5] and member of the advisory board of the specialist magazines Public Understanding of Science , Environmental Communication and JCOM – Journal of Science Communication as well as several national and international specialist societies. Schäfer was also one of the editors of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication , [6] President of the Agora Commission of the Swiss National Fund to promote scientific research (SNF) and member of the National Research Council of the SNF . [3]

  • Schäfer, Mike S. & Hartmut Wessler (2020): Public communication in times of artificial intelligence. Why and how communication science should bring light to the Black Box of Sociotechnical Innovations . In Journalism March 65: 307-331. two: 10.1007/S11616-020-00592-6
  • Mede, Niels & Mike S. Schäfer (2020): Science-Related Populism. Conceptualizing Populist Demands towards Science . In Public Understanding of Science May 29: 473-491. doi:10.1177/0963662520924259
  • Birte Fähnrich, Julia Metag, Senja Post & Mike S. Schäfer (Eds., 2018): Research field of university communication [The Field of University Communication]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Verlag, ISBN 978-3-658-22408-0
  • Nisbet, Matthew, Shirley Ho, Ezra Markowitz, Saffron O’Neill, Mike S. Schäfer & Jagadish Thaker (Eds., 2018): Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication . 3 Volumes. New York: Oxford University Press. Two: 10.1093/ACREF/9780190498986.001.0001
  • Bonfadelli, Heinz, Birte Fähnrich, Corinna Lüthje, Jutta Milde, Markus Rhomberg & Mike S. Schäfer (Eds., 2016): Research field of science communication [The Field of Science Communication]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-12898-2
  • Mike S. Schäfer, Silje Kristiansen, Heinz Bonfadelli (ed., 2015): Science communication in change . Cologne: Herbert von Halem. ISBN 978-3-86962-108-1.
  • Mike S. Schäfer (2015): Climate Change and the Media . In James D. Wright (Ed.): International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 3. Oxford: Elsevier. 853–859.
  • Irene Neverla, Mike S. Schäfer (ed., 2012): The media climate. Questions and findings of communication science climate research . Wiesbaden: Springer VS., ISBN 978-3-531-17752-6.
  • Jürgen Gerhards, Mike S. Schäfer, Ishtar al-Jabiri, Juliane Seifert (2011): Terrorism on television . Wiesbaden: Verlag for Social Sciences. ISBN 978-3-531-18162-2.
  • Mike S. Schäfer (2011): Sources, Characteristics and Effects of Mass Media Communication on Science. A Review of the Literature, Current Trends and Areas for Future Research . In Sociology Compass, 5-6, 399-412. DOI: 10.1111/J.1751-9020.2011.00373.x .
  • Jochen Roose, Mike S. Schäfer, Thomas Schmidt-Lux (ed., 2010): Fans . Wiesbaden: Verlag for Social Sciences. ISBN 978-3-531-16096-2.
  • Mike S. Schäfer (2009): From Public Understanding to Public Engagement: A Comparison of Mass Media Coverage on Different Science Issues . In Science Communication April 30, 475-505. doi:10.1177/1075547008326943 .
  • Mike S. Schäfer (2008): Discourse coalitions in the media. A contribution to the theoretical and methodological connection between discourse analysis and public sociology [Discourse Coalitions in the Mass Media. On theoretical and empirical Connections between Discourse Analysis and A Sociology of the Public Sphere] . In Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology . 60/2, 367-397. DOI: 10.1007/s11577-008-0020-
  • Mike S. Schäfer (2007): Science in the media. The medialization of scientific topics . Wiesbaden: Springer, Verlag for Social Sciences (VS). ISBN 978-3-531-15592-0.
  • Jürgen Gerhards, Mike S. Schäfer (2006): The production of a public hegemony: Humanom research in the German and the US press . Wiesbaden: Verlag for Social Sciences. ISBN 978-3-531-14964-6.
  1. a b CHESS website , accessed on January 24, 2019.
  2. a b Nik Walter: Fighters for independent journalism At www.tagengeiger.ch, November 26, 2016; accessed on March 31, 2019.
  3. a b IKMZ – Science Communication: Mike S. Schäfer. ikmz.uzh.ch, December 18, 2020, accessed on December 22, 2020 (English).
  4. Science barometer Switzerland
  5. Acatech – German Academy of Technology
  6. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication , on oxforsdre.com
