Upper Austria Tourismus – Wikipedia


Upper Austria Tourism (State Tourism Organization)
Purpose: Promotion of tourism and the leisure industry in Upper Austria
Chair: Andreas Winkelhofer (managing director)
Foundation date: 1901
Number of members: approx. 29,000 contributors, 19 tourism associations
Seat: Linz
Website: www.oBeroesterreich.at , www.oBeroesterreich-Tourismus.at

Upper Austria tourism is the public law institution that works as a service organization for the tourism and leisure industry in the state of Upper Austria ( State tourism organization , LTO). She coordinates tourism marketing and supports tourist associations and organizations in Upper Austria.


The legal foundations are in the “Upper Austria. Tourism Act 2018 ”. [first] The is organized Upper Austria tourism as a corporation of public law.

Operational tasks [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The subject of the company is:

“The general promotion of tourism and the leisure industry in Upper Austria, in particular tourism marketing, tourism development, training and further education for employees in the tourism organizations and others for tourism and the leisure industry.”

Upper Austria Tourism is a pure service organization for the tourism industry. The tasks of the organization are:

  • Support and further development of the brand system for the tourism country Upper Austria
  • Development, communication and implementation of a nationwide target market strategy on the defined target markets
  • Development of cross -destination products, services and strategies for regional and national market appearances
  • Perception of nationwide tasks in the field of destination and tourism development as well as market research
  • Support of the tourism associations in the matters of personnel, procurement, information and communication technology as well as funding
  • Coordination of the interests of the Upper Austrian tourism and leisure industries with other institutions and economic sectors

Important partners are the five brand destinations Donau Upper Austria, Linz, Mühlviertel, Pyhrn-Priel and Salzkammergut as well as the country’s tourism associations.

Subsidiary [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The three companies are:

  • Upper Austria tourism GmbH- Marketing and service organization for the tourism and leisure industry in Upper Austria. One of the tasks is to conduct the Upper Austria tourist brand and to control the brand system as well as tourism marketing for Upper Austria and its destinations. [2]
  • Upper Austria. Tourism GmbH-leadership of an incoming travel agency [3] [4]
  • TTG Tourism Technology GmbH-Development, operation and distribution of information, communication and sales systems as well as OÖ Tourismus Information, Tourism Technology Competence Center [5]

Upper Austria. Tourism contribution [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Austria Upper Austria. Tourism contribution
Austrian authority
State level Land
Position of the authority subordinate office
At sight Upper Austria. State government
founding 1990
Headquarters Linz
Behördenleitung Walter Baumgartner

The Upper Austria. Tourism contribution [6] is a contribution authority set up by the state of Upper Austria. It is one of the Upper Austria. State government immediately subordinate authority and forms an independent authority with regard to their external business management. [7] [8] Until 2018 she led the name Interest person contribution office . [9]


It inserts the tourism contributions on how they are regulated by law. The head of the government is appointed by the state government, the employees and factors are provided by the state tourism organization. It is located in the house of Upper Austria tourism in Linz.

As a further development of the Course books Tourism Upper Austria 2011 to 2016 The guidelines for the strategic development of the tourism and leisure industry were developed in the end of the shoulder of the state of Upper Austria, WKO Oberösterreich (division tourism and leisure industry) and Upper Austria Tourism- with the integration of the Upper Austrian tourist-. An external expert body and interviews with representatives of different industries brought a corresponding future or exterior view from different specialist disciplines: Current specialist knowledge from the areas of digitization, mobility, brand policy, education, sales up to cultural and natural spatial questions could be recorded.

On the one hand, the strategy deals with trends and challenges for the tourism and leisure industry, such as in the areas of digitization or social developments. On the other hand, it aims at the implementation of potential synergies with business, science, agriculture, culture and nature conservation. This laid the basis for a dynamic development of tourism as a valuable partner in the overall economic system of Upper Austria.

The goal [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Increase in direct and indirect value creation of the Upper Austrian tourism and leisure industry by 15 percent by 2022

In order to achieve this goal, milestones and areas of responsibility were defined. The division of tasks was regulated between the state tourism organization, tourism associations and municipalities, commercial tourism and leisure companies as well as other tourist system partners and also taken into account the state’s location, funding and financing policy.

The four milestones [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

They represent the basis of a future -oriented further development of tourism in Upper Austria.

On the one hand, the milestones move to the interior of the tourist system in Upper Austria. They raise the service and service quality (milestone “human”) and promote digital competence in the industry (milestone “Digitization- Online First”). On the other hand, milestones are defined that build on a strong guest and market orientation: the milestone “natural rooms” has already been strategically developed and is currently the focus of communication. The milestone “culinary” is currently being worked out together with partners. Both milestones meet the social needs of nature experiences and the enjoyment of regional products.

  1. Tourism law , on Oberoesterreich-tourismus.at, accessed November 13, 2020
  2. The business areas , on Oberoesterreich-tourismus.at, accessed November 13, 2020
  3. OÖ website. Tourism
  4. Company Upper Austria. Touristik GmbH , Credit data Creditreform/companyabc.at
  5. TTG Tourism Technology Website
    Company TTG Tourismus Technologie GmbH . Credit data creditreform/companyabc.at
  6. Tourism contributions , on land-Oberoesterreich.gv.at
  7. State of Upper Austria, Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce (ed.): Course book Tourismus Upper Austria 2011 to 2016 ( Memento from May 1, 2013 in Internet Archive ) (PDF file), on Land-Oberoesterreich.gv.at, Section 4.1. Trademark strategy, p. 37 ff – to the “Upper Austria brand”.
  8. § 33 of the Upper Austrian tourism law
  9. § 27 of the Upper Austrian Tourism Act in the version at that time
