District Villach-Land-Wikipedia


Villach-Land district

Location in the state of Carinthia
Bezirk Feldkirchen Bezirk Hermagor Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Bezirk Klagenfurt-Land Bezirk St. Veit an der Glan Bezirk Spittal an der Drau Villach Bezirk Villach-Land Bezirk Völkermarkt Bezirk Wolfsberg

Lage des Bezirks Bezirk Villach-Land im Bundesland Kärnten (anklickbare Karte)

Über dieses Bild
Will be base data
Federal State Carinthia
NUTS-III-Region AT-211
Administrative seat Villach
Surface 1.009,29 km²
(December 31, 2019)
Resident 65,285 (1st jucks 2022)
Population density 65 A./KM²
License Plate VL
District index 207
District captain Bernd Riepan
website BA Villapool-Land
Arnoldstein Arriach Bad Bleiberg Feistritz an der Gail Feld am See Ferndorf Finkenstein am Faaker See Fresach Hohenthurn Nötsch im Gailtal Paternion Rosegg Sankt Jakob im Rosental Stockenboi Treffen am Ossiacher See Velden am Wörther See Weißenstein Wernberg (Kärnten) Afritz am See Villach Kärnten

Lage der Gemeinde Bezirk Villach-Land im Bezirk Villach-Land (anklickbare Karte)

Über dieses Bild

The Villach-Land district ( Villach Land Is not official [first] ) is a political district of the Austrian state of Carinthia.

The district has the largest evangelical share within Carinthia.

The Villach-Land district has an area of ​​1,009.29 km² and comprises 19 municipalities, including nine market municipalities. The population comes from January 1, 2022. [2]

Municipalities Bezirk Villach-Land.svg
Community Slovenian Make that one km² Ew / km² Gerichtsbezirk Region Type Photo
Afritz am See
AUT Afritz am See COA.png
Gears Afritz am See im Bezirk VL.png 1.422 28.02 51 Villach Community Afritz Gegendtal 29042007 01.jpg

Wappen at arnoldstein.png
Subconscious Arnoldstein im Bezirk VL.png 7.017 67.40 104 Villach Market-

Wappen at arriach.png
Arjoh Arriach im Bezirk VL.png 1.317 70.76 19 Villach Community Arriach.jpg

Bad Bleiberg
Wappen at bad-bleiberg.png
Plajberk at Villach Bad Bleiberg im Bezirk VL.png 2.176 44.81 49 Villach Market-

Feistritz an der Gail
Wappen at feistritz-an-der-gail.png
Bistrica on Zilji Feistritz an der Gail im Bezirk VL.png 655 19.34 34 Villach Community
Feld am See
Wappen at feld-am-see.png
Opernšec Feld am See im Bezirk VL.png 1.071 33.67 32 Villach Community Feld am See Gegendtal Brennsee 12082007 02.jpg

Wappen at ferndorf.png
Feathers you Ferndorf im Bezirk VL.png 2.040 31.36 65 Villach Community
Finkenstein am Faaker See
Wappen at finkenstein-am-faaker-see.png
Bekštanj Finkenstein am Faaker See im Bezirk VL.png 9.285 102,01 91 Villach Market-
Finkenstein Faak am See Faaker See 18052007 8302.jpg

Wappen at fresach.png
Birch Fresach im Bezirk VL.png 1.256 38.80 32 Villach Community Fresach Museumweg Evangelische Pfarrkirche A.B. 12052008 21.jpg

Wappen at hohenthurn.png
Straja Vas Hohenthurn im Bezirk VL.png 872 27.18 32 Villach Community Hohenthurn West-Ansicht mit Gailtal-Blick 20052007 01.jpg

Nötsch in the Gailtal
Wappen at noetsch-im-gailtal.png
Teas Nötsch im Gailtal im Bezirk VL.png 2.319 42.72 54 Villach Market-
Noetsch mit Dobratsch 20052007 01.jpg

Wappen at paternion.png
Spater Paternion im Bezirk VL.png 5.815 105.50 55 Villach Market-
Auf der Eben Pfarrkirche.JPG

Wappen at rosegg.png
Flower Rosegg im Bezirk VL.png 1.891 19.17 99 Villach Market-
Rosegg Pfarrkirche heiliger Michael 31122010 001.jpg

Sankt Jakob in the Rosental
Wappen at st-jakob-im-rosental.png
Šentjakob in the Rose Sankt Jakob im Rosental im Bezirk VL.png 4.261 78.76 54 Villach Market-
Velden Sankt Jakob im Rosental mit Karawanken 14112010 534.jpg

Wappen at stockenboi.png
Stock Stockenboi im Bezirk VL.png 1.589 100.19 16 Villach Community Stockenboi - Landwirtschaftliches Gebäude.JPG

Meeting at the Ossiacher See
Treffen CoA.svg
Trebinje near Lake Osoj Treffen am Ossiacher See im Bezirk VL.png 4.616 71.09 65 Villach Market-
Gegendtal Mirnock Toebring Treffen 06052007 01.jpg

Fields Am Wörther See
Wappen at velden-am-woerther-see.svg
Willow in Carinthia Velden am Wörther See im Bezirk VL.png 9.151 52.98 173 Villach Market-
Velden Schloss am Woerthersee 19072006 01.jpg

Wappen at weissenstein.png
Bilšak Weißenstein im Bezirk VL.png 2.940 49.14 60 Villach Market-
Weissenstein Drau bei Weissenbach mit Gailtaler Alpen 11122010 546.jpg

Wappen at wernberg.png
Tire down Wernberg im Bezirk VL.png 5.592 26.42 212 Villach Community Wernberg Stallhofen 06012007 02.jpg

Population development [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Villach-Land district has 65,285 inhabitants (as of 2022). The Karawanken and the Carnic Alps in the south, the rivers Gail and Drau as well as the Faaker See and the shares on Lake Wörther and on Lake Ossiacher are formative. The district has had continuous population growth over decades that flattened in recent years. Settlement and work focuses on the tourism communities of Velden am Wörthersee and Finkenstein on Lake Faaker. [3]

Income, unemployment [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The average income in the district is significantly below the average of Austria and also below that of Carinthia. The unemployment rate lies between that of Carinthia and Austria. The proportion of long -term unemployed has increased in recent years, but the proportion of unemployed young people is significantly below the national average. [4] [5]

Education [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The trend towards higher education is also evident in the Villach-Land district. The small proportion of compulsory school leavers is particularly striking: [6]

Villach Land Carinthia Austria

In the Villach Land district there are municipalities with very different economic expression: Arriach has mainly agriculture and forestry, Arnoldstein is shaped by trade and industry and Velden has strong tourism.

The main part of over 90% is formed by small and medium-sized companies, but there are also a number of leading companies such as Omya, Chemson, Strussnig, Seppele or Evonik Degussa in the region. The district also benefits from its location in the Vienna, Germany, Italy and Slovenia hub. [7]

Economic structure [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The service sector is very pronounced, especially tourism has a central role. The division into agriculture, production and service corresponds to the overall Carinthia. [4]

Agriculture and Forestry [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The district of Villach-Land had a beef stock of 17,898 animals in 2017, which is not quite 10% of the Carinthian stock.

The wood strike with 407,000 solid meters, on the other hand, corresponds to about 15% of the Carinthian amount. [8]

Industry / processing business, manufacture of goods [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The industrial companies with most employees in the Villach-Land district are (as of 2016): [4]

  • Omita GmbH
  • Peter wreath gmbh
  • Strussnig Productions GmbH
  • Swietelsky BauGmbH
  • Evonik GmbH

The two municipalities of Velden and Finkenstein have most of the tourist companies, Arnoldstein was able to settle 35 companies on the industrial and business park opened in 1991. [9]

tourism [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Tourism plays an important role for the three communities on the lakes: Velden am Wörther See, Finkenstein on Lake Faaker and meetings at Ossiacher See mostly have guests from abroad: [ten]

Overnight stays in the 2017 tourism year (in a thousand)

Shifting station Fürnitz

Infrastructure / traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  1. KTN.GV.at/verwaltung/bezirke State of Carinthia> Administration> Districts
    District Chances Act , ris.bka.gv.at
  2. Statistics Austria-population at the beginning of the year according to administrative area units (federal states, nuts regions, districts, municipalities) 2002 to 2022 (area 1,1,2022) (ods)
  3. a b AMS, Villach labor market profile, 2017. Accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  4. a b c Wibis Carinthia, District Profile 2017. Accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  5. Wibis Carinthia, District Profile 2019, Villach Land. (PDF) Carinthian business development fund, S. 8,9,10,25 , Retrieved on January 9, 2021 .
  6. Statistics Austria, level of education of the population from 25 to 64 years after districts, 2016. Accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  7. Economic Association of Carinthia, Villach Land district. Accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  8. State of Carinthia, Agricultural Report 2017. Accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  9. Statistics Austria, workplaces and companies, average number of employees per workplace. 2016, accessed on February 25, 2019 .
  10. State of Carinthia, S042 overnight stays. (No longer available online.) 2017, archived from Original am February 7, 2019 ; accessed on February 25, 2019 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.ktn.gv.at
