Nuno Crato – Wikipedia


Nuno Paulo de Sousa Arrobas Crato (Born March 9, 1952 in São Jorge de Arroios, Lisbon) is a Portuguese mathematician and statistician. From June 21, 2011 to October 30, 2015, he held the office of Minister of Education and Science in the Passos Coelho cabinet.


Nuno Crato, Sohn von Paulo António Arrobas Crato Und Maria de Lourdes Machado de Sousa, [first] Both of whom work as professors for mathematics was born on March 9, 1952 in the Lisbon town of São Jorge de Arroios. He grew up in Lisbon, on the Azores and in the USA.

Crato studied at the Institute for Economics and Administration (ISEG) of the Technical University of Lisbon, where he graduation (Bachelor) completed in economics. He completed his studies there with the master in the field of mathematical methods of corporate management. In 1992, Crato received his doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of Delaware (USA). He then worked as a lecturer at various institutions, including at a Lisbon secondary school, at the Universidade Dos Açores, at the Stevens Institute of Technology and at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

In 2000, Crato was President of the International Symposium on Forecasting. He also returned to Portugal in the same year and came back to his first university facility. At the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gesto worked as a professor of mathematics and statistics. At the same time, Crato also had the chair of the Portuguese Society for Mathematics, was Vice -Rector at the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. [2] and member of the Board of Directors of the Fórum Internacional de Investigadores Portugueses (FIIP).

In 2000, Crato was President of the International Symposium on Forecasting. Between 2004 and 2010 he was inherited from the Portuguese Society for Mathematics.

On June 6, 2008, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal, brought him into the status of a commodity ( Cometh ) Des order des infante dom henrique. [3]

In June 2010, Nuno Crato became the managing director of the Taguspark. [4] He gave up this when appointed Minister of Education.

On June 17, 2011, Pedro Passos Coelho Nuno Crato, who had previously been victorious in the parliamentary election, proposed as one of four non -party ministers for his cabinet. President Cavaco Silva then appointed him Minister of Education and Science on June 21, 2011.


In the field of school education, CRATO primarily enforced a revision of the curricula, for which, among other things, strengthening the main subjects (mathematics, Portuguese, history, geography, English). Furthermore, this included stricter standards for the final exams or their introduction to the subjects mathematics and Portuguese after the fourth and ninth grade. He focused on strengthening the autonomy of the individual schools.

Furthermore, in cooperation with the German Minister of Education Annette Schavan, he worked for the introduction of dual vocational training in Portugal. In the university area, Crato promoted a stronger concentration on main subjects and the differentiation and profiling of the Portuguese universities and universities. In cooperation with the community of Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP), he simplified the sending of Portuguese teachers, especially to East Timor.

Nuno Crato is primarily concerned with researching stochastic processes and time series analysis in arithmetic, climatic and financial fields. The European Mathematical Society awarded him the first prize in the public awareness of Mathematics competition in 2003. The European Union awarded CRATO 2008 European Science Award in the category Science Communicator of the Year .

Nuno Crato is the author and co-author of numerous publications, among other things: among other things:

  • Eclipses (Material, 1999)
  • Zodiac: constellations and myths (Materials, 2001)
  • VENUS TRANSITOS (Materials, 2004)
  • The golden spiral, fibonacci rabbits, pentagrams, figures and other mathematical mysteries of the Vinci Code (Materials, 2006)
  • Sunshine (CTT, 2007)
  • Random walking (Materials, 2007)
  • The Mathematics of Things (SPM/Gradiva, 2008) and other publicity works.

Furthermore, Crato often comments on questions regarding the quality and form of school and university teaching, including The EDUQUENS in direct discourse: a critique of romantic and constructivist pedagogy (Gradiva, 2006), he also gave the book Disaster in Mathematics Teaching: How to Recover Lost Time (SPM/Gradif Be Professor (Gradiva, 2006) and the book Mathematics Teaching: Questions and Solutions (Gulbenkian, 2011). In addition, Crato has published irregular columns in the weekly newspaper Expresso since 1996. [4]

Crato has been married since 1985 and has a son and daughter. [first]

  1. a b António Luís Cardoso Perestrelo: “Genealogies from Alto Alentejo”, Cultideias, 2011, Seite 107
  2. Award ceremony to the best students of the UTL ( Memento from June 25, 2009 in Internet Archive ), Press release of the UTL, December 15, 2008
  3. To read in the database of the Portuguese presidency , no direct link possible (accessed on January 2, 2013; Portuguese)
  4. a b Teresa Oliveira: Nuno Crato, Education after Taguspark , [Nuno Crato, now the education after the Taguspark], O Sol, June 17, 2011, last accessed on January 2, 2013
