Brand high -rise – Wikipedia


The brand high -rise from southeast (2016)

Detail of the south side with logo from 2016

Brand high -rise from the southwest with Mittelland Canal and Wolfsburg North/South Heating power plant

The Brand (until 2016 VW administration high-rise or short VW high-rise ) is the administrative center of the Volkswagen brand and the former administrative center of Volkswagen AG in the city of Wolfsburg in Lower Saxony. The house was built according to plans from the VW building department from 1957 to 1959 [first] And stands on the site of the Wolfsburg Volkswagenwerk.


In 1938, a model of the planned Volkswagen Factory was shown at the international automotive and motorcycle exhibition in Berlin, whose administration building contained an 80-meter-high tower. This tower building was to be built southwest of the factory halls, i.e. around the location of today’s brand high -rise. [2] Due to the Second World War, the tower was probably not realized due to the Second World War.

With the expansion of the Wolfsburg VW plant in the 1950s, a larger administration building was needed. As with the BASF high-rise in Ludwigshafen am Rhein and the Thyssen three-wheel house in Düsseldorf, which emerged at the same time, a representative, modern building was built. [first] Clinker was used for the exterior design, as with the approximately 1.3 kilometer front of the factory building, which is approximately 1.3 kilometers long, which runs parallel to the Mittelland Canal and is facing the city.

Initially, the building was to be eleven -storey, during the construction phase they decided on a thirteen high -rise building due to the company’s expansion. [first] In connection with the construction of the high -rise building, the south side of the plant complex was expanded by three sectors to the west. [first]

After the construction of the new administrative high -rise, the only three -story [3] The predecessor building, which was located east of the new building and previously formed the western end of the southern facade of the plant that was only 19 sectors, which was only 19 sectors at the time, torn down in autumn 1959. [4]


In 1989 the high -rise was under monument protection. [5]

From October 2013, the high -rise was fully gutted and renovated. For the temporary accommodation of the employees, the BT10 office building (also: BT 10) for around 700 employees was built on the factory premises in western park, [6] which should be used by other departments after the reopening of the high -rise. [7] Among other things, the skyscraper was renovated and slightly changed. So part of the ground floor ceiling was removed so that a hall was created for the presentation of vehicles. The main entrance was moved to the west side. [8] In February 2016 it was announced that the group board will remain in the office building, while the administrative high -rise should only be used by the Volkswagen group brand in the future. The VW brand boss should have his office on the 13th floor. [9] On September 15, 2016, the house was put back into operation and renamed “brand high-rise” after a VW internal competition. [ten] HERBERT DIESS BEAUTION was appointed CEO in 2018. Since he continues to be a brand board, he keeps his office in the high -rise in addition to his new office in the BT10 house. [11]

The brand high-rise is the western end of the long clinker facade of the production area, while the also enclosed VW Heating plant Wolfsburg North/South with its four high chimneys sets the eastern opposite pole. The cuboid -shaped, elongated construction of the brand high -rise shows its narrow side south to the nearby Mittelland Canal. Its height, including VW logo, is 73 meters, [twelfth] The roof is about 63 meters high. The red clinker facade is interrupted by regular window rows on all four sides. On the narrow side there are eight windows per row, 36 on the broad side. The window fronts are divided by pilgrims made of concrete. The top window series is also delimited by the clinker by concrete. The two upper floors have small balconies.

In addition to the board of Volkswagen AG, around 700 people worked in the high -rise building. The board had its business premises on the 13th floor. The “Volkswagen” brand has been using the house since 2016. The Supervisory Board is located on the third floor.

On the roof there is a illuminated VW logo with a diameter of around eight meters and a weight of around 7.5 tons, it was 2016 and 2019 [13] last renewed. [first] [14] The plane of the 2016 logo was reworked into pockets that were sold in the Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg in February 2020. [15]

VfL Wolfsburg-Fußball GmbH is also led from the high-rise building.

In April 2012, Greenpeace employees came to the 13th floor and from there to the roof to protest against what they believe in the climate -damaging corporate policy of Volkswagen AG. [16]

  • Nicole Frobeg, Ulrich Knuifinke, Susanne Kreykenboome: Wolfsburg. The architecture guide. Braun Publishing, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-03768-055-1, S. 90–91.
  1. a b c d It is Architecture history of the VW plant at , accessed on June 2, 2013.
  2. Realization of the Volkswagen idea and location choice of the production facility. German post -automation, accessed on February 4, 2022.
  3. Wolfsburg. Die Volkswagenstadt. Look and know the publisher, Bad Pyrmont, 1st edition 1954, pp. 18/19.
  4. Historical emergency. Series of the Historical Communication of the Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Volume 10. Work show 1. Photographs from the Volkswagenwerk 1948 – 1974. ISBN 978-3-935112-20-8, Wolfsburg 2004, edition 2015, pp. 38–39.
  5. New name brand high -rise. ( Memento of the Originals from November 12, 2016 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/, accessed on May 16, 2019
  6. VW high-rise gets a smaller brother. ( Memento from November 9, 2013 in Internet Archive ) on: March 22, 2012, accessed June 2, 2013.
  7. VW high-rise is being renovated. In: Wolfsburger Nachrichten. December 23, 2012, accessed June 3, 2013.
  8. VW high-rise is finished. of December 8, 2015, accessed on February 5, 2016
  9. Wolfsburger Nachrichten from February 5, 2016
  10. The VW high-rise is now called brand high-rise. of September 16, 2016, accessed on September 16, 2016
  11. Volkswagen: Herbert Diess in Livestream. in April 2018, accessed on June 24, 2018
  12. VW high-rise: huge crane prepares renovation. In: Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung. July 9, 2012, accessed July 13, 2015.
  13. Volkswagen shows new brand appearance and logo., September 9, 2019, accessed September 11, 2019.
  14. VW logo on internet presence , accessed on September 16, 2016
  15. The Wolfsburg Volkswagen logo tarpaulin become bags. Wolfsburger Nachrichten, February 25, 2020, accessed February 28, 2020.
  16. Greenpeace occupied VW high-rise. ( Memento from November 9, 2013 in Internet Archive ) on: February 19, 2013, accessed June 3, 2013.
