Miguel Ramírez Goyena – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Miguel Ramírez Goyena (León, December 5, 1857 – July 23, 1927) [ first ] He was a scientist, botanist and Nicaraguan educator, who stood out abroad and in Nicaragua; He gave great contributions to the classification of Nicaraguan flora.

He was born in León, on December 5, 1857. In the archives of the city, there was neither faith of baptism or birth certificate of Miguel Ramírez Goyena .

From a young age he demonstrated to have eclectic interests and was part of an active intellectual community in the country. In addition to Spanish his mother tongue, spoke English, French and German.

Ancestry [ To edit ]

Juan Pablo Ramírez married Adela Goyena, the first legitimate daughter of Sebastián Goyena, son of the illustrious poet and fabulist of Guatemala, who came to Nicaragua in 1825 as a member of the Central American Pacification Division brought by General Arce finally staying. This set residence in the Sutiaba community, close to the city of León, where he founded the ” Goyena fields “.

Orphanhood [ To edit ]


In 1859 when he was barely two years old, his mother died. Two years later he is orphaned when his father died in 1861. Since then he had as adopted parents to Don Leandro Zelaya and Mrs. Dominga Bolaños de Zelaya, outstanding members of the Granada society of that time, who lived in Xalteva.

Education [ To edit ]

Little is known about his first 13 years. For its muscular constitution and fond of physical exercises, it follows that it was given to athletic skills. Out of curiosity he learned to play the flutin, but then he convinced himself that it was not his vocation to be a musician.

With 17 years, I entered the prestigious ” Granada College “(Background of the National Institute of the East) thanks to a scholarship paid by Mr. José Joaquín Quadra, founder of said school, dedicating himself with passion to studies. There he had as a professor of mathematics César Sánchez, a Spanish who became a private professor of Alfonso XIII. Emulating his admired teacher, he himself became one of the most reputable mathematicians Nicaragua has had.

Bachelor graduate at the renowned school, enjoyed singular fame. This impact on the high educational spheres,
So much so that the President of the Republic, Pedro Joaquín Chamorro and Alfaro, by supporting the private initiative of the foundation of the Central Institute of Managu Casa de los Cocos “where the building of the Palace of Communications is currently elevated.

This institute was created by legislative decree of January 23, 1891, of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic, sanctioned by the Executive on the 27th of the same month, which ordered the creation in Managua of a ” Central Male Institute “And of one” Normal Annex School “.

Marriage [ To edit ]

He married Felipa Zavala on Tuesday, April 17, 1882, counting among his guests General Joaquín Zavala, President of the Republic and the young poet Rubén Darío who wrote them the following verses:

Meanwhile the joy,
confuses among your charms
Laughter, sorrows and cries.
And after the bliss in pos,
ID as God’s blessed,
that the day is very long
But there is no heavy chain,
When it takes between two.


Teacher [ To edit ]

For more than forty years he was a professor of botany, physics, mathematics and chemistry, of the National Central Institute in Managua, having been appointed its director at the age of 22.

In 1891, and for political problems in Nicaragua, [ 2 ] Don Miguel went to the telegraph and in Concise Telegram put his resignation to President Roberto Sacasa and Sarria:

“I can’t, I shouldn’t serve your government.”

He was exiled to Costa Rica where he became known as a professor and founded institutes of Physics and Chemistry; even an astronomical observatory.

He returned to Nicaragua in 1902 and settled in his native León. In 1903 he published The Nicaraguan flora which was reissued in two volumes between 1909 and 1911 with support of the then president of Nicaragua, Doctor and General José Santos Zelaya.

Death [ To edit ]

Ramírez Goyena died in León, on July 23, 1927, at 70 years of age. His passion for education did not allow him to leave class classroom until a few days before his death.

“Miguel Ramírez Goyena is the most prominent Leonese scientist who has produced our country, also contributed to innovating the education of the late nineteenth century. He was director of the Central National Institute and stood out in the fields of physics, chemistry and mathematics. ” [ 3 ]

Some publications [ To edit ]

  • Elemental arithmetic In 1905, which reached six editions and served as a textbook in both Honduras and Nicaragua
  • Lunar eclipse of September 14 and 15, 1913 ;
  • Botany elements in 1918.
  • Nicaraguan fauna (unfinished)
  • Nicaraguan flora . 2 vols. (Describe 73 species of the orchid family). Ed. International topographic company. (1903)

Magna work [ To edit ]

His passion for mathematics was reflected in his work Reasoned arithmetic , used as an official text in most institutes in the country, however, the work that immortalized it was The Nicaraguan flora , written after touring the whole country on the back of mule, examining each plant and classifying it according to Linneo’s taxonomy.

He was a member of many world scientific organizations and very recognized for his intellectual works in the field of mathematics and botany. [ 4 ]

  • Master Miguel Ramírez Goyena monument . Realistic sculpture and sculptural portrait located on the southern side of the supermarket in the cute distribution of the city of Managua. Made of reinforced concrete 57 cm high by 30 cm wide by 40 cm long. Promoted by former students and students of the Central National Institute “Miguel Ramirez Goyena” [ 5 ] In December 1992, in the centenary of the foundation of said Study Center.

Eponimia [ To edit ]

  • The National Institute “Miguel Ramírez Goyena” located in the city of Managua, denomination that was applied after his death in 1927.
  • Creation of the ” Order Miguel Ramírez Goyena “, of August 24, 1982, by Executive Decree No. 1095, For the most distinguished recognition that Nicaragua will grant to all those national and foreign who stand out for their contribution to the scientific and humanistic development of our revolution.

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
