Horst Schättle – Wikipedia


Horst Schättle (Born December 9, 1939 in Oberndorf am Neckar, † September 27, 2020 [first] [2] in Berlin) was a German journalist. From February 1998 to April 30, 2003, he was director of the broadcaster Freise Berlin (SFB).


Until March 1960, Schättle attended the school in Oberndorf am Neckar and Karlsruhe and graduated with a high school diploma.
Between 1960 and November 1965, Schättle studied economics and politics at the universities of Mannheim and Saarbrücken with the end of a graduate merchant.

From 1965 to March 1, 1966, Schättle was a research assistant at the Chair of Political Sciences at the University of Mannheim (Rudolf Wildenmann). He dealt with election research there.

In 1966 he came to ZDF in Mainz as a freelance journalist, where he worked as an author and editor until June 1, 1968. From 1968 to 1971 he was Bonn’s correspondent in the ZDF studio Bonn. He was also a commentator and author for the show Bonn’s perspectives , also parliamentary reporters and rapporteurs at politician trips and conferences.

From 1971 to 1977 Schättle was editor -in -chief and deputy main editor -in -chief at the ZDF in Mainz and at the same time head of the editors of the program Topics of the day. Later he became head of the station editorial team today and presenter of the today -Broadcast. Between 1977 and 1983 he was the head of domestic policy. He also moderated election programs and the series Country mirror And worked as a commentator and team boss in major events. He was also the author of documentation and reports and hosts of a talk show. During this time, he developed new formats such as Ted (Tele dialog), mobile election studio and ZDF hearing.

From 1983 to 1988 he was a studio manager of the ZDF studio Paris and at the same time rapporteur for France, the French overseas areas and the Francophone Africa. He undertook numerous reports in African and Pacific crisis areas. By September 1989 he was the main editor -in -chief of the ZDF in Mainz and at the same time moderator of the weekly broadcast Foreign journal as well as commentator on external and security issues.

From October 1989 to February 1998 he was program director television at the SFB. Schättle expanded the third program (B1) to the full program. At the time, extensive cooperation with the ORB, the MDR and the German Welle TV took place. In the course of German unity, rationalization and restructuring measures were carried out. Schättle became the chairman of the ARD’s DVB steering committee, responsible for the international radio exhibition and chairman of the Advisory Board Corporate Studio Berlin.

As director of the SFB, he contributed from February 1998 to May 2003 to the further consolidation of the SFB. He carried out a renegotiation of the radio cooperation with the ORB and prepared the SFB’s merger with the ORB, which was completed against considerable resistance at the end of the term in May 2003.


Horst Schättle died at the age of 80 and was buried in the cemetery of the Dorotheenstadt and Friedrichswerder communities in Berlin-Mitte. [3]

  • Together with Karlheinz Rudolph: Comments on a everyday news. In: Fritz Hufen, Wolfgang Lörcher: Phenomenon television: tasks, problems, goals, shown on ZDF. Econ, Düsseldorf/ Vienna 1978, ISBN 978-3-430-17474-9.
  • Grasped by reality. In: Hans Wallow (ed.): Please join: Reports from everyday political life. Creator, Bonn 1982, ISBN 3-88540-010-3.
  • The role of the moderator. In: Heinz-Dietrich Fischer (ed.): TV presenters in the Federal Republic: Top media professionals between the program order and politics (= TR internship; 1). TR publishing union, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-8058-1633-2.
  • I medium. In: Marcel Schneider, Christian Bourgeois: Germany. Sun editions, Paris 1987, ISBN 2-7191-0285-7.
  • France. In: The image of our world. Stuttgart/ Munich 1991
  • With Brandt and Scheel in Moscow. In: Dieter Zimmer (ed.): Dramatic moments: television reporters about their most exciting experiences. German publishing house, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-421-06637-X.
  1. Pioneers of the RBB died: Former SFB director Horst Schättle is dead. In: rbb24. 28. September 2020, Retrieved on September 28, 2020 .
  2. Obituary notice. In: Tagesspiegel. 4. October 2020, Retrieved on October 12, 2020 .
  3. Klaus Nerger: Horst Schättle’s grave. In: knerger.de. Accessed on April 8, 2021 .
