List of IOC country codes-Wikipedia


Abbreviation team Period Other used abbreviations / comments A Afg Afghanistan Since 1936 I am Antilles 1952–2008 ATO (1960 S) • NAN (1964 S) / The Dutch overseas area was dissolved in October 2010 and is no longer a member of the IOC. The athletes from Curacao, which had already been qualified for London in 2012, were allowed to start as IOA. WHITE Albania since 1972 ALG Algeria Since 1964 AGR (1964 S) • AGL (1968 S) AND Andorra since 1976 THE Angola since 1980 On Antigubud Since 1964 ANZ Australas 1908–1912 Common team of Australia and New Zealand ARG Argentina since 1920 ARM Armenia Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team Understanding Aruba since 1988 1952 S – 1984 S – part of the Dutch Antilles Job American Samoa since 1988 OUT OF Australia Since 1896 Aut (1956 w) / 1908–1912 – part of Australasia Or oyestre Since 1896 From (1956 w) / Austria was part of Austria-Hungary until 1918, but has been with its own team since 1896. And Azerbaijan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team B BAH Bahamas Since 1952 Board Bangladesh since 1984 BAR Barbados Since 1968 1960 s – part of the West Indian Federation BDI Burundi Since 1996 BEL Belgium since 1900 BEN Benin since 1972 Dah (1972 S) – Participation as Dahomey Direction Bermuda Since 1936 BHU Bhutan since 1984 BiH BosnienundHerzegowina Since 1992 BSH (1992 S) / 1896–1912-part of Austria-Hungary • 1920–1988-part of Yugoslavia ONE Bonel 1948–1988 BUR (1964 S) / Birma changed its name to Myanmar in 1989 WE Belize Since 1968 HBR (1968 S – 1972 S) – Participation as British Honduras BLR Belarus Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team God Bhmen 1900–1912 Bohemia was a province of Austria-Hungary, but competed with its own team from 1900. After the First World War, Bohemia, together with other areas, became independent than Czechoslovakia and started under the abbreviation TCH. After the disintegration of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia became part of the Czech Republic and has been starting under the abbreviation CZE since then. HE WAS Bolivia Since 1936 Have Nordborneo 1956 Coming (1956 s) North Borneo became part of Malaysia in 1963 BOT Botswana since 1980 GOOD Brazil since 1920 BRN Bahrain since 1984 BRU Brunei since 1988 BESIDE Bulgaria Since 1896 BUR Burkinafaso since 1972 VOL (1972 S – 1984 S) – Participation as Obervolta BWI West Indies 1960 Ant (1960 s) / Federation of Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago C CAF Central African Republic Since 1968 AFC (1968 S) ORANGE Cambodia Since 1956 CAB (1964 S) • KHM (1972 S)-Participation as a Khmer Republic CAN You have since 1900 SPICY CaymanIslands since 1976 Cey Ceylon 1948–1968 Those (1968 s) / Ceylon changed its name to Sri Lanka in May 1972 CGO Congorep Since 1964 1964 S-Participation as Congo-Brazzaville DAD Chad Since 1964 CHD (1964 S) SPEND Chile Since 1896 CIL (1956 W, 1960 s) CHN Chinavilk Since 1952 PRC (1952 S) / took over the abbreviation in 1984 CHN Chinavilk 1924–1948 Dispute between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China, who represents China – the IOC decided in 1979 the Republic of China under the name “Chinese Taipei”. CIV Ivory Coast Since 1964 IVC (1964 S) • CML (1968 S) CMR Cameroon Since 1964 COD Convenience Since 1968 COK (1968 S)-Participation as Congo-Kinshasa • Zai 1984 S-1996-Participation as a Zaire A LOT Cook islands since 1988 A LOT Kongokinshasa 1968 The Democratic Republic of Congo was known until 1971 under the name Congo-Kinshasa COL Colombia Since 1932 WITH Komoren Since 1996 COR Total Korean team 2018 KOR and PRK agreed on the participation of an overall Korean women’s ice hockey team, which starts as a “Korea” with its own flag. CPV Cape Verde Since 1996 CRC Costa Rica Since 1936 COS (1964 S), CTC (1984 W) CRO Croatia Since 1992 1896–1912 – part of Hungary • 1920–1988 – part of Yugoslavia CUB For since 1900 CYP Cyprus since 1980 Shot Czech Republic Since 1994 1900–1912 – participation as Bohemia • 1920–1992 – part of Czechoslovakia D Dah Dahomey 1972 Dahomey changed its name in Benin in 1975 THE Denmark Since 1896 Dan (1960 S, 1968 W) • Din (1968 S) DJI Dschibutes since 1984 DMA Dominica Since 1996 DOM Dominican Republic Since 1964 AND ECU Ecuador Since 1924 ONE agypten Since 1912 Rau (1960 s) – Common team with Syria as the United Arab Republic • Uar (1964 S), Rau (1968 S) – Participation as a United Arab Republic DIFFERENT Eritrea since 2000 1956–1998 – part of Ethiopia THAT The Savior Since 1964 SAL (1964 S–1976 S) ESP Spain since 1900 SPA (1956–1964, 1968 W) EAST Estonia since 1920 1900–1912 – part of the Russian Empire • 1952–1988 – part of the Soviet Union ETH athiopien Since 1956 Eti (1960 s, 1968 s) EOR RefugeeOlympicTeam since 2020 Red (2016) / In the course of the refugee crisis in Europe, the IOC refugees decided to enable participation in the Olympic Games. Therefore, the Olympic refugee team was launched. USA Overall German team 1956–1964 Ger (1956–1964) / The IOC only introduced this abbreviation after Germany’s reunification in order to take into account the special political situation. The participants of the all -German team emerged from decision -making struggles between the athletes from the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.
After the German Democratic Republic was recognized by the IOC on October 6, 1965, the athletes from the two German states started in the teams FRG and GDR. Eun Union team 1992 After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the GUS countries in Albertville and Barcelona started in a united team. Since then, the former Republics of the Soviet Union have been launching their own teams: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan F Sacrifice Fiji Since 1956 FIG (1960 S) END Finland Since 1908 Finland belonged to Russia as an autonomous grandfather until 1917, but competed with its own team in 1908 and 1912. FROM France Since 1896 FRG Brendre 1968–1988 All (1968 w) • Ale (1968 S) • GER (1972–1976) / The Federal Republic of Germany was one of the two German teams that took part in the Olympic Games from 1968 to 1988. After reunification in 1990, a German team has started again since 1992 as Germany FSM Micronesia since 2000 G GAVE Gab since 1972 Gram Gambia since 1984 GBR GrobritannienundNordirland Since 1896 GB (1956 W -1960) • GBI (1964) GBS GuineaBissau Since 1996 Co. Goldste 1952 The British colony “Gold Coast” achieved its independence under the name Ghana in 1957. GDR DDR 1968–1988 ADE (1968) • GDR (1972 S) / The GDR was one of the two German teams that took part in the Olympic Games from 1968 to 1988. After reunification in 1990, a German team has started again since 1992 as Germany. GEO Georgia Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team Geq Aquatorialguinea since 1984 Ger Germany Since 1896 1956–1964 – Participation of a all -German team, which was formed from athletes from the two German states • 1968–1988 – Participation of the Federal Republic of Germany and GDR with their own teams. After reunification in 1990, a German team has started again since 1992 as Germany. Must Ghana Since 1952 GCO (1952 S) – Participation as a gold coast It is Greece Since 1896 GRN Grenada since 1984 CAVE Guatemala Since 1952 Good (1964 s) GUI Guinea Since 1968 GUI BritischGuayana 1948–1964 Gua (1960 s) / After the independence of the British British Guyana colony, she changed the name to Guyana GUM Guam since 1988 GUY Guyana Since 1948 Gui (1948 S-1964 S)-Participation as British Guyana H TWO Haiti Since 1924 HBR BritischHonduras 1968–1972 See Belize (BIZ) Hkg Hongkong Since 1952 The People’s Republic of China took control of the British Hong Kong colony in 1997. The city becomes a special administrative zone within the People’s Republic of China with a high degree of autonomy. WHERE Dutch 1900–1988 OLA (1956 W) • NET (1960 W) • PBA (1960 S) • NLD (1964 S) / Use of the abbreviation ned since 1992. SHE Honduras Since 1968 SHE Hungary Since 1896 Hung (1956 w, 1960 s) / Hungary was part of Austria-Hungary until 1918, but has been with its own team since 1896. I Down Lower Lndicindia 1952 Indonesia became independent of the Netherlands in 1949, but there was still a Dutch Indonesian Union until 1954-since then the country has started as Indonesia When Indonesia Since 1952 INS (1960 S) / IHO (1952 S)-Participation as Dutch India Ind If since 1900 First exclusion 2014 in Sochi. The athletes were allowed to start as IOP. When the IOC lifted the suspension of the Indian NOK during the games, India was allowed to start again. IOA Independent Olympics 2000 Use for the athletes from East Timor when it was under the administration of the Untaet. 2012 Use on the one hand for the already qualified athletes from Curaçao, who were not yet integrated into the NOK of the mother country after the dissolution of the NOK of the Dutch Antilles so that they do not lose their qualifications. Use to another for one athlete from South Sudan when he did not yet have an independent NOK. 2016 Use for the Kuwait athletes, since the IOC NOK Kuwaits was suspended due to state influence. IOP Independent Olympics 1992 Use for the athletes from Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia after the decay of Yugoslavia in Barcelona in 1992 after the UN imposed a boycott against these countries. 2014 Use for the athletes from India until the IOC lifted the suspension of the Indian NOK again. Is Iran Since 1948 IRA (1968 W) / 1948–1976 – Use of the abbreviation IRL Ireland Since 1924 1896–1920 – part of Great Britain IRN Iran 1948–1968 IRA (1968 in) / Use of the abbreviation Iri since 1988 IRQ Iraq Since 1948 IRK (1960 S, 1968 S) ISL Island Since 1936 ICE (1960 W, 1964 S) / 1896–1912 – part of Denmark ISR Israel Since 1952 ISV American Virgin Islands Since 1968 SHE Italy since 1900 IVB Jungferb since 1984 ISV (1984 W) J JAM Jamaica Since 1948 1960 s – part of the West Indian Federation JOR Jordan Since 1968 JPN Japan Since 1912 Gia (1956 W, 1960 s) • JAP (1960 W) K KAZ Kazakhstan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team KEN Kenya Since 1956 KGZ Kyrgyzstan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team Khm Khmerrepublik 1972 Cambodia was called the Republic of Khmer from 1970 to 1975. Starts again under the name Cambodia. Did Kiribati since 2004 Up Republican Since 1948 COR (1956 W, 1960 S, 1968 S, 1972 S) / 1936 – Part of Japan • Common invasion of PRK and KOR in Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Turin 2006 and Pyeongchang 2018 Cost Kosovo since 2016 1920–2002 part of Yugoslavia • 2004–2006 part of Serbia and Montenegro • 2008–2014 Part of Serbia • 1992 S participation as IOP, since the UN had imposed a boycott against these countries because of the decay of Yugoslavia KSA Saudi Arabia since 1972 ARS (1972 s, 1976 s) • After (1980 s – 1984 s) a group Kuwait Since 1968 2016 – Participation as an IOA because the National Olympic Committee of Kuwait is currently suspended by the IOC after repeated interference of the state. L Tuberculin Laos since 1980 YEARS Latvia since 1920 1900–1912 – part of the Russian Empire • 1952–1988 – part of the Soviet Union LBA Libya Since 1964 Lya (1964 S) • Lby (1968 S) Lbn Lebanon Since 1948 LEB (1960 W, 1964 S) • LIB (1968–2016) LBR Liberia Since 1956 LIE (1960 S) LCA A stlia Since 1996 THE Lesotho since 1972 LIE Liechtenstein since 1920 LIC (1956 W, 1960–1964 S, 1968 W) Ltu Lithuanese since 1920 Lit (1992 w) / 1900–1912 – part of the Russian Empire • 1952–1988 – part of the Soviet Union LUX Luxemburg Since 1908 M MAD Madagascar Since 1964 Mag (1964 S) JUST Malaya 1956–1960 The Federation Malaya existed from 1948 to 1963 and has been part of Malaysia since then (BUT) MAR Morocco Since 1960 MRC (1964 S) BUT Malaysia Since 1956 Evil (1964 s–1988 s) / Mal (1956 S – 1960 S) – Participation as Federation Malaya MAW Flame since 1972 RHO (1960 S) – Part of the Rhodesia MDA Moldau Since 1994 MLD (1994) / 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1924 S – 1936 – Part of Romania • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team MDV Maldives since 1972 MEX Mexico since 1900 MGL Mongolia Since 1964 My (1968 W) MHL Marshall Islands since 2008 MIX Mixed team since 2010 Olympic youth games: name for all teams in which the athletes come from different countries. MKD Northern Macedonia Since 1996 1920–1992 W – part of Yugoslavia • 1992 S – Participation as IOP, since the UN had imposed a boycott against these countries because of the decay of Yugoslavia MLI Had to Since 1964 MLT Malta Since 1968 Food (1960 s) ME Montenegro since 2008 1920–2002 – part of Yugoslavia • 2004–2006 – part of Serbia and Montenegro • 1992 s – participation as IOP, since the UN had imposed a boycott against these countries because of the decay of Yugoslavia MY Monaco since 1920 MOZ Mozambique since 1980 MRI Mauritius since 1984 MTN Mauritania since 1984 MYA Myanmar Since 1948 Bir (1948 S – 1988 S) – Participation as Burma N MALE Namibia Since 1992 NCA Nicaragua Since 1968 NIC (1968 S) DOWN Dutch since 1900 Ola (1956 W) • Net (1960 W) • PBA (1960 s) • NLD (1964 S) / 1900–1988 – Use of the abbreviation Hol NEP Nepal Since 1964 NGR Nigeria Since 1952 Which (1964 s) NIG Niger Since 1960 NGR (1964 S) NOR Norway since 1900 Norway was in a Union with Sweden until 1905 but started his own team in 1900 Nrh North Rhodesia 1960–1964 The British colony of Northern Rhodesia became independent under the name Sambia in 1965. No Nauru Since 1996 Nzl New Zealand since 1920 NZE (1960, 1968 w) / 1908–1912 – part of Australasia O OAR Russia Olympia 2018 Abbreviations for the Russian athletes who were allowed to start after the suspension of Rus in Pyeongchang 2018 Their One’s own since 1984 P THEN Pakistan Since 1948 PAN Panama Since 1928 ABOUT Paraguay Since 1968 PER Peru Since 1936 FLY Philippines Since 1924 FIL (1960 s, 1968 s) PLE Palstina Since 1996 Plw Palau since 2000 PNG PapuanEguinea since 1976 Ngy (1976 s – 1980 s) • Ngu (1984 s – 1988 s) POL Poland Since 1924 1900–1912 – part of the Russian Empire BY Portugal Since 1912 By which DVRKorea Since 1964 NKO (1964 S, 1968 W) • CDN (1968 S) / Record from PRK and KOR in Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Turin 2006 and Pyeongchang 2018 EVEN THOUGH Puerto Rico Since 1948 Pri (1960 s) • Pro (1968 s) Q Saucer Train since 1984 R To agypten 1960 1960 – Confederation of Egypt and Syria RHO Rhodes 1928–1964 The British colony became independent in 1980 under the name Zimbabwe. ROC Republikchina 1956–1976 RCF (1956 S – 1960 S) • TWN (1964 S – 1968 S) • ROC (1972–1976) / 1924–1948 – Participation as China • 1956–1960, 1972–1976 – Participation as Republic of China • 1964–1968 – Participation as Taiwan • The IOC decided in 1979 to have the team from the Republic of China launched under the name “Chinese Taipei”. ROC ROC 2020 Abbreviations for the Russian athletes who were allowed to start after the suspension of Rus in Tokyo. ROU Rumen since 2008 Rome (1924–1960, 1972–2006) • Room (1964–1968) RSA SDAFRIKA Since 1904 SAF (1960) Russian Russian since 1900 RU1 (1900–1912) / 1900–1912 – Participation as a Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Participation as a Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team • 2018 – After the suspension of the Russian NOK, only unencumbered athletes from Russia were allowed to Participate under OAR in Pyeongchang. • In 2020 due to persistent suspension, only unencumbered athletes from Russia were allowed to take part in Tokyo. RWA Rwanda since 1984 S WEATHER Vine 1952 After the Second World War, Saar was a French protectorate that joined the Federal Republic of Germany in 1957. HIMSELF Samoa since 1984 SCG SerbienundMontenegro 2004–2006 1920–2002 – Participation as Yugoslavia • 1992 S – Participation as IOP, since the UN had imposed a boycott against these countries due to the decay of Yugoslavia • Serbia and Montenegro started after the State Association was dissolved in June 2006. ITS Senegal Since 1964 SGL (1964 S) SEY Seychelles since 1980 SGP Singapore Since 1948 Sin (1960 S – 2012) / 1964 S – part of Malaysia Skn Pieces rounds Since 1996 SLE SierraLeone Since 1968 SLA (1968 S) Struck Slovenia Since 1992 1896–1912 – part of Austria • 1920–1988 – part of Yugoslavia SMR SANMARINO Since 1960 SMA (1960 S–1964 S) SUN Solomon since 1984 AS Somalia since 1972 SRB Serbia Since 1912 Ser (1912) / 1920–2002 – Participation as Yugoslavia • 2004–2006 – Part of Serbia and Montenegro • 1992 S – Participation as IOP, since the UN had imposed a boycott against these countries because of the decay of Yugoslavia SRI SriLanka Since 1948 Cey (1948 S – 1972 S) Participation as Ceylon SSD Sdsu since 2016 1960–2014 – Part of the Sudan • 2012 – participation as an IOA when the South Sudan did not yet have an independent NOK. STP SOTOMUNDPRNCIPE Since 1996 SOUTH Sudan Since 1960 On Switzerland Since 1896 SVI (1956 in, 1960 s) • SWI (1960 W, 1964 s) ON Suriname Since 1968 SVK Slovakia Since 1994 1920–1992 – part of Czechoslovakia SWE Sweden Since 1896 SVE (1956 W, 1960 S) • SUE (1968 S) SWZ In the tattoo since 1972 Sir Syria Since 1948 SIR (1968 S) / Rau (1960 s) – common team with Egypt as the United Arab Republic T Dissolve Tanzania Since 1964 1964 S – participation as tanganjika TCH Czechoslovakia 1920–1992 CSL (1956 W) • CZE (1960 W) • CSV (1960 S) • CZS (1964 S) • Che (1968 S) / Czechoslovak athletes competed under the flag of Bohemia. • After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic and Slovakia started separately. TGA Arrived since 1984 TON (1984 S) THERE ARE Thailand Since 1952 Ear (1960 s, 1968 s) TJK Tajikistan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team Tkm Turkmenistan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team TLS Osttimor since 2004 1952–1996 – part of Indonesia • 2000 – participation as an IOA when it was under the administration of the Untaet Took Togo since 1972 TPE Chinese taipeh since 1984 RCF (1956 S – 1960 S) • TWN (1964 S – 1968 S) • ROC (1972–1976) / 1924–1948 – Participation as China • 1956–1960, 1972–1976 – Participation as Republic of China • 1964–1968 – Participation as Taiwan • The IOC decided in 1979 to have the team from the Republic of China launched under the name “Chinese Taipei”. TTO Trinidadundundobago Since 1948 Trt (1964 S – 1968 S) • Tri (1972 S – 2012) / 1960 – Part of the West Indian Federation Yet Tunisia Since 1960 SHOULD Trkei Since 1908 TUV Tuvalu since 2008 IN UAE United Arab Emirates since 1984 COMMON agypten 1964–1968 After Syria had left the Confederation of States, 1964-68 Egypt started alone under the name. Then Egypt started again Than the Uganda Since 1956 Ukr Ukraine Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team URS Soviet Union 1952–1988 1900–1912 – Participation as a Russian Empire • After the decay of the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldau, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan in 1992 together as a united team. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been competing with their own teams since 1992. Gain Uruguay Since 1924 Urg (1968) deer deer Since 1896 Yours (1960 s) • USA (1968 s) Uzb Uzbekistan Since 1994 1900–1912 – Part of the Russian Empire • 1952 S – 1988 – Part of the Soviet Union • 1992 – Part of the United Team IN BY Vanuatu since 1988 ALONG Venezuela Since 1948 LIFE Socialist since 1980 Before the end of the Vietnam War and the reunification of Vietnam, the Vietnamese athletes were represented by the Republic of Vietnam. Become Stvincentund Diegrenadines since 1988 VNM Republikvietnam 1952–1976 Know (1964 p) • After the end of the Vietnam War and the reunification of Vietnam, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam took over the representation of the Vietnamese athletes. VOL From Obervo 1972 Changed the name in Burkina Faso in 1984. (BUR) X Xxz Mixed team 1896–1904 Olympic games: Name for all teams where the athletes came from different countries. AND Small Yemeni Arabian 1984–1988 Association with the Democratic People’s Republic of Yemen in 1990 to the Republic of Yemen. BAIT Yemen Since 1992 The Yemeni Arab Republic and the Democratic People’s Republic of Yemen agreed to the Republic of Yemen in 1990. Dear Democratic republica Yemen 1988 Association with the Yemeni Arab Republic in 1990 to the Republic of Yemen. Born Yugoslavia 1920–2002 JUG (1956–1960 S, 1968 W) • Yus (1964 S) / Foundation of Yugoslavia 1918 from a merger of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and other areas • 2003 – Foundation of the Serbia and Montenegro State Association WITH Would Zaire 1968–1996 Zaire was the name of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1971 to 1997. Starts again as a Democratic Republic of Congo Zoom Zambia Since 1960 NRH (1964 S) – Participation as North Rhodesia ZIM Zimbabwe Since 1928 RHO (1928 S – 1964 S) – Participation as Rhodesia