Upper Donautal (Upper Austria) – Wikipedia


The Obere donutal , also Obere Donauu or Danube gluch , is the breakthrough valley of the Danube through the Bohemian mass between Passau and Aschach in Upper Austria. It separates the Sauwald from the Central Mühlviertel highlands. The landscape is the Schlögener Schlinge.


When European protection area Upper Donau- und Aschachtal and European Protection area Oberes Donautal the area is protected as a Natura 2000 area.

The upper Danube valley near Engelhartszell (View of the right bank upstream)

Already to Vilshofen in Bavaria [first] Has cut the Danube into the gneis rocks of the Bohemian mass and separates a few crystal stones to the Tullnerfeld in Lower Austria, so that it only runs in the Alpine foothills. Between Vilshofen and the Eferdinger Becken there is an elongated plateau train south of the Danube, which is once again cut into two parts from the Inn, which flows into the Danube in Passau into the Danube: the Neuburger Forest in Bavaria and the Sauwald in Austria. The Austrian part of this breakthrough valley is called ‘upper’ Danube in Upper Austria. The valley separates Granite and Gneishochland (Mühlviertel) from Inn- and Hausruckviertel, the Sauwald also belongs to the Innviertel.

From the “three -fluid city” Passau (from the north the Ilz), the Danube still forms the national border of Germany – Austria for about 20 kilometers, from which Jochenstein near Engelhartszell flows all in Austria. Between Obernzell and the Schlögener Schlinge, the Danube Valley runs quite straightforward in the southeast. After Waldkirchen, the Schlögener Schlinge begins, a double manner, the greatest forced manner in Europe: Here the Danube bends north and west against the direction of running, and back again, and there are still a few less pronounced loops over the next 10 river kilometers. Then the run calms down, and at Aschach, the Danube steps into the Eferdinger Becken, a north runner of the Alpine foothills – only a few kilometers behind Eferding then follows the Kürnberger Forest and the loops near Linz a further disruption of a smaller extent.

The valley [2] is tight, the forested valley flanks, Donzances called, [3] Select around the 200–300 vertical meters of Sauwald and Mühlviertel against the Danube, the northern slopes steeply steeply broke, the southern slopes with a coniferous forest take off. In the meandering section, on the steeper plump slope in a difficult management situation, natural forest, on the Gleithang Kulturland. The valley ground is only occasionally wide enough for alluvial land and settlement area.

In the course of the breakthrough valley, numerous other gorge-like valleys of the tributaries and streams occur, especially the Große Kößlbach and the small Kößlbach (Kesselbach) to the right of the Sauwald, and the Ranna, the small and the Great Mühl from the north, as well as the Aschach, which comes from the Inn and Hausruckviertel Hügelland after the end of the breakthrough valley, as well as the Pesenbach from the north. [4]

This body of water forms the large western part of the Upper Austrian spatial planning unit Danube gorge and side valleys, which also includes the beginning of the Strudergau.


The narrow valley is only sparsely populated. There are only a few towns between the two center towns Eferding and Passau, namely (upstream) Aschach a. d. D. and Hartkirchen and the surrounding area, the villages around Haibach ob der D., Neuhaus a. d. D.-Untermühl, Obermühl a. d. D., Schlögen, Wesen, Niederranna, Engelhartszell, Jochenstein in Germany, Kasten (municipality of Vichtenstein), Obernzell in Germany, Pyrawang, Erlau (district of Obernzell), as well as Lindau (district of Passau) and Haibach (Freinberg) near Passau.

The traffic artery is the B 130 Nibelungen Strasse , which does not follow the Schlögener sling, but the lower Aschach valley, and then runs straight towards the slopes, the rest of the route is on the right, southern bank of the Danube. There is no continuous road on the northern bank. The only significant cross connection into the valley is the B 136 Sauwald Strasse Engelhartszell – coloring over the Sauwald, and the Donaubrücke Niederranna In the Mühlviertel, as well as the car ferries Obermühl – Köbling [5] And to the German Obernzell. [6]

The Danube is regulated across the entire valley train, in particular the storage rooms of the two power plants Jochenstein and Aschach, and also attached to the freely in the free flow route in between with water modules (block throw). Nevertheless, smaller sand and gravel benches and small auwal residues have been obtained occasionally. On the other hand, the slopes with their less influenced gorge forests are of particular interest in nature conservation.

The entire train of the valley on a distance of around 45 km, including the side valleys and – not contiguous – of the lower Aschachtal, was in 2009 as European protection area Upper Donau- und Aschachtal [7] (AT3122000/eu05_1 ! 548.4833335513.7666675

In addition, the river section of the Schlögener Schlinge is also under the designation European Protection area Oberes Donautal [8] (AT3112000/EU05_2 ! 548.4500005513.9000005

Six nature reserves were also integrated in this European protection: ∗∗

  • Parts of the Rannatals (N108, 140.34 ha, 2002), here also borders the FFH area of ​​the same name (AT3125000/NN25 , 228 ha) in which the rest of the NSG is located
  • The rock/forest area Schlossberg Neuhaus in Sankt Martin in the Mühlkreis (N122, 83 ha, 2004)
  • the Tal of the little Kösslbach (N075, 67,24 Ha, 1996/2001)
  • The rock cancellation Preaching chair On the Danube near Hinteraigen (Hartkirchen municipality) (N103, 25.66 ha, 2001)
  • the Hang forests in the valley of the Große Mühl (N077, 23,14 Ha, 1996)
  • the Aschachtal in the municipality of Stroheim (N116, 8,37 when, 2004)

The nature reserve is located near the east end Pesenbachtal (N022, 250 Ha, 1963).
The nature reserve is located on the German bank opposite Donzances (NSG-00277.01, 401 ha, 1986). About the Life project Hang and gorge forests in the upper Danube Valley [ten] A total of 79 km² are shown on the Danube, ILZ and the Austrian side valleys as a project area for Natura 2000-a similarly comprehensive cross-border protection zone network is emerging here as at the nearby lower Inn.

  • Helga Gamerith, Franz Grims, Erwin Hauser, Oliver Heberling, Regina Petz, Christian Schröck, Oliver Stöhr, Michael Strauch, Werner Weißmair, Franz Zwingler (editor): Donauschlucht and side valleys . In: Office of Upper Austria State Government, Nature Conservation Department (ed.): Nature and landscape / models for Upper Austria . Band 19 . Lochen/Linz 2004 ( Land-Oberoesterreich.gv.at [Pdf] over -arb. 2007).
  • FRANCE GRIMS: The Danube Valley between Aschach and Passau, a refugee remarkable plants in Upper Austria . In: Linz biological contributions . Issue 9/1. Linz 1977, S. 5–80 ( zobodat.at [PDF] Addendum. Heft 9/2, 1978, S. 225–226.).
  1. The Donauengtal from Hofkirchen to Aschach. (No longer available online.) In: Natural area Donautal – Donauleiten.com. Archived by Original am July 3, 2010 ; accessed on November 7th, 2010 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.donauleiten.com
  2. Donauschlucht and side valleys . 2004, A7.2 Landscape: The upper Danube Valley … , S. 59 .
  3. Local fine structure of the guide slopes. (No longer available online.) In: Donauleiten.com. Archived by Original am July 4, 2010 ; accessed on November 7th, 2010 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.donauleiten.com
  4. Donauschlucht and side valleys . 2004, A5.4 Water system , S. 22 f .
  5. Donaufähre Obermühl–Köbling ( Memento of the Originals from October 16, 2017 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.fischgasthof.at , Fischgasthof.at, accessed on October 16, 2017
  6. Ferrying , obernzell.de
  7. Europe protection area Upper Donau- und Aschachtal. In: Genisy’s detailed view. Land Upper Austria, accessed on June 23, 2010 .
  8. European Protection area Oberes Donautal. In: Genisy’s detailed view. Land Upper Austria, accessed on June 23, 2010 .
  9. Ordinance of the Upper Austria. State government, with which the “Obere Donau- und Aschachtal” describes as a European protection area and with which a landscape care plan for this area is enacted. State Law Gazette No. 72/2009 (RIS.BKA); Appendix 1 – overview plan @first @2 Template: Dead Link/www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. , Plants 2/1 to 2/8 – partial plans @first @2 Template: Dead Link/www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. , Plants 2/9 to 2/16 – partial plans @first @2 Template: Dead Link/www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. , Plants 3/1 to 3/3 – Coordinate -related representations @first @2 Template: Dead Link/www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. (all pdf, land-Oberoesterreich.gv.at)
  10. Hang and gorge forests in the Upper Donautal: The Life-Nature project at an overview . Donauleiten.com