Love war after grades – Wikipedia


Love war after grades is a German feature film from 1953 by Karl Hartl with Marte Harell and Johannes Heesters in the leading roles.


Dr. As a music lecturer at the academy, Käthe Nimrod acquired the reputation of a stick-stiffly clamped Jungfer. In music, only the classic has space for the Mozart lover. Now she has become a big native of the previous owner of a record publisher, who specializes in the light muse, hit and review, and therefore earns good money. The banned Miss Doctor, however, loathes this type of “music”, which she as a banal tralala and, as she expresses herself, “Hottentotten-Schingbum”. The provisional head of the music house, the Messrs of Rabenfuß, Winkelmann and Scharnagl, have included in her publishing program years ago by her familiar church music plant “In Dulci Jubilo”, in order to make yourself a child, in order to get the new boss in her publishing program Although this composition has so far been in the poison cabinet of the rejected manuscripts. Now all attendants are concerned with their jobs. But Käthe Nimrod is not interested in the publisher at all and makes it clear to the astonished gentlemen. She only changes her decision when she observes her own students with an exuberant dance pleasure for hit and jazz sounds of a certain Ralph Beyron. In her eyes, she is now making an end to this in her eyes, in which she wants to set new standards in the area of ​​the music publication of her publisher.

As soon as she took over the scepter there, Käthe sets her new company motto “We have to wake the meaning of the masses for the beautiful, the good music must bring the people closer to the people” – first of all the extremely successful house composer Beyron and his text poet Carlo Linetti, Both of them are currently working on a new music revue, in front of the door to return the music publisher, as she thinks, to return lost seriousness to give him a new face. She announces: “After all, a music publisher has primarily to serve art and not the kitsch”. However, Käthe fails to recognize that it is the “light muse” that has given the record house black in the past. Young publishing employee Irmgard Schmuck from the registry has the ungrateful task to share this Beyron and Linetti. The two are very upset in view of this announcement. When the new owner gets to know Ralph Beyron, which was unknown to her until then, she is enthusiastic about the piano -playing “natural talent” that she thinks she has discovered. She does not know that this is just those composers that have just been fired. In order to give Beyron the supposedly needed “finishing touch”, Dr. Nimrod subsequently lessons in serious music. The Beyron, who appears under the name Rudolf Beyer, participates in this charade, with the firm intention to pay her home one day.

Over time, in which Käthe Ralph drags the musical training into one classic concert after the other, but also takes him into a nightclub so that he also gets to know the “dark sides of the music” as she gets to know both gradually into each other. Käthe feels badly deceived when she finds out that Beyron and Beyer are one and the same person. Now she plans to show her “model student” Beyer. When Beyron composes a piece in honor of her and presents it, Käthe is deeply injured because she believes that Beyron plays with her feelings. The following day, she returned the publisher to the Messrs of Rabenfuß, Winkelmann and Scharnagl. But they no longer want to, because it hails of dismissed composers such as Beyron, that of Dr. Nimrod were brittle in the contract. She therefore urgently needs Beyron’s new operetta revue “Okay, Baby” that could save her from the impending bankruptcy. But Beyron does not want to, because this work, like his other reviews, is supposedly levelless, as it reminded. In fact, he had torn the notes in an angry attack. Thanks to Irmgard’s insert, Käthe then gets a difficult example of the “Okay Baby” opus, which has so far spotted. Käthe composes the missing passages on the piano. The premiere of the piece is a great success, and finally there is reconciliation between Käthe and Ralph. Now Käthe knows that the “light muse” in the music world is also justified.

Love war after grades was created in the film studios of Göttingen and Munich-Geiselgasteig. The external shots were made around Göttingen. The premiere took place on August 18, 1953 in Hanover’s Aegi-Kino, the Berlin premiere was on October 8 of the same year.

Producer Ludwig “Luggi” Waldleitner also took over the manufacturing management. Hans Ledersteger and Ernst Richter designed the film buildings. Hannes Staudinger took over the camera work under the direction of chief cameraman Günther Anders. Fred Adlmüller and Brigitte Scholz delivered the costumes. Heinz Martin took care of the tone, the dances choreographed Werner Stammer.

For Paul Kemp was Love war after grades Together with the Austrian comedy You have to be lucky The last cinema production. Both films were premiered on the same day; At that time, Kemp had been dead for five days.

In the mirror it was said: “Despite all the coincidences that keep it going, the duel between classical music and the moderate modern dance rhythms of Peter Kreuders remains almost free of surprises. Amazing only: the one under Karl Hartels [sic!] Directed by Sparingly and Melancholic Johannes Heesters and Viktoria von Ballasko, who has become a very strange, spinous middle age from the intimate citizen child of the 1930s. ” [first]


The Lexicon of International Film judges: “A hit composer and a music teacher wrapped up into a couple of lovers after they have settled the spirited disagreements about their life and music. Modest comedy entertainment. ” [2]

  1. Love war after grades . Criticism in “Der Spiegel” of December 16, 1953
  2. Love war after grades. In: Lexicon of international film. Movie service, accessed on March 3, 2020 .
