Municipality Quirusillas – Wikipedia


Quirusillas municipality
Will be base data
Resident (Stand)
-population density
2995 inw. (Popular count 2012)
10 A./KM²
Postal code 07-0904
Telephone preselection (+591)
Surface 308 km²
Height 1800 m
Coordinates 18 ° 22 ′ S , 63 ° 55 ′ IN
Municipio Quirusillas (Bolivien)
Department Santa Cruz
province Province of Florida
Central place Surusillas
Klimadiagramm Samaipata
Klimadiagramm smaipata

Municipalities Surusillas is a district in the Departamento Santa Cruz in the South American Andean state of Bolivia.


The Municipio Quirusillas is one of four Municipios of the Province of Florida and includes the southwestern areas of the province. It borders in the east and north to the Municipio Samaipata, in the northwest to the Municipio Pampa Grande, and in the southwest and south to the province of Vallegrande.

The Municipio extends between about 18 ° 16 ‘and 18 ° 26’ southern width and 63 ° 49 ‘and 64 ° 03’ western length, its expansion from west to the east is up to 25 kilometers and from north to 20 kilometers .

The Municipio comprises 12 municipalities ( places ), Central place of the Municipio is the village of Quirusillas with 1,539 inhabitants ( Popular count 2012 ) in the northern half of the district.

The Municipio Quirusillas is located in the transition area between the Andden Mountains of the Cordillera Oriental in the northwest and the Bolivian lowlands in the east. The climate in the protected valley layers is mild and balanced all year round, not as hot and humid as in the nearby lowlands.

The average average temperature of the region is 18 ° C (see climate diagram Samaipata) and fluctuates only slightly between 15 ° C in June/July and just under 20 ° C in December and January. The annual ratio is about 750 mm, with a dry dry season with only a weakly pronounced drying time with monthly rainfalls under 35 mm, and a moisture time from December to February with 110 to 120 mm monthly ratios.

The population of the Municipio Quirusillas has increased by more than half in the past two decades:

  • 1992 : 1,507 inhabitants (census) [first]
  • 2001 : 2,028 inhabitants (census) [2]
  • 2012 : 2,995 inhabitants (census) [3]

The district’s population density in the last census of 2012 was 9.7 inhabitants/km², the degree of literacy among over 15-year-olds rose from 74.4 percent (1992) to 82.6 percent. The life expectancy of the newborn was 67.4 years, the infant mortality had more than halved from 10.3 percent (1992) to 4.9 percent in 2001.


99.0 percent of the population speak Spanish, 7.1 percent speak Quechua, and 0.3 percent Guaraní. (2001)

66.4 percent of the population has no access to electricity, 62.4 percent live without sanitary facilities (2001) .

72.1 percent of the 444 households have a radio, 17.1 percent a television, 30.9 percent a bike, 3.2 percent a motorcycle, 4.1 percent a car, 6.3 percent a refrigerator, and 0.5 Percent a phone. (2001)

Result of the regional elections ( Councilors of the municipality ) of April 4, 2010: [4]

valid voices Greens MAS-IPSP
993 940 824 512 312
94.7% 87.7% 62.1% 37.9%

Result of the regional elections ( elections of political authorities ) of March 7, 2021: [5]

valid voices We believe MAS-IPSP JOINED ASIP SUN MR
1.273 1.166 1.045 589 430 16 5 3 2
91.59% 89.62% 56.36% 41.15% 1.53% 0.48% 0.29% 0.19%

Das Municipality Bestht Nur As Dem Kanton ( canton ) Quirusillas and divided into the following lower cantons ( vicecantones ):

  • Vicecanto Community The Rode – 1 Gemeinde – 79 Einwohner ( 2001 )
  • Vicecanton Community River Grpon – 2 Gemeinenda – 59 Einwohner
  • VICECANTÓN Droste Community – 1 Gemeinde – 169 Einwohner
  • Vicecanón San Juan de Florida – 1 Gemeinde – 51 Einwohner
  • Vicecantón Filadelfia – 2 municipalities – 457 inhabitants
  • ViceCantón Gueba Guest
  • Vicecanton Quirusillas – 2 genres – 686 Einwohner
  • Vicecantoón St. Louis – 2 gemeinen – 126 STUDIER
  1. National Statistics Institute (INE) 1992
  2. National Statistics Institute (INE) 2001
  3. National Statistics Institute (INE) 2012
  4. National Computing Minutes Departmental, Municipal and Regional Elections 2010
  5. Election of departmental, regional and municipal political authorities 2021
