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Marseille genadio He was a priest, theologian and historian of Marseille, who lived in the second half of the century IN and died between 494 and 501.


Man of a certain culture, connoisseur of the Greek. According to his own testimony, he wrote: 1) eight books against all heresies; 2) six against Nestorio, patriarch of Constantinople; 3) three against Pelagio (two manuscripts also mention eleven books against Eutiques); 4) a treatise on millenarianism; 5) Another about the Apocalypse, simple homiletic comment that is among the pseudo-agustinian writings; 6) a letter addressed to Pope Gelasio I about his doctrine in matters of grace; 7) Ecclesiastical Dogmas ; 8) The writers of ecclesiastical , known as the name concerning distinguished men , continuation of the homonym of San Jerónimo.

He Ecclesiastical Dogmas It is a synthesis of the Catholic doctrine and today critics often identify it with the letter of my faith , although his style is not epistolary, nor the content a personal profession of faith. Chapters 22 to 32 are taken to the letter of the Celestine , probable work of Aquitaine’s prosperous; Chapters 33 to 37 of the XVI Council of Carthage (418), and, finally, chapters 38 to 51 of the Second Council of Orange (529). It is ignored who was the author of this last insertion.

Concerning distinguished men [ To edit ]

Genadio’s main work is the concerning distinguished men . It is a catalog of Christian writers of the century IN Constituted by 101 chapters, although the text is defective and in some passages of very doubtful authenticity and have added by strangers editors, it is a source of invaluable value for the knowledge of the literature and authors of the century IN . Czapla excludes by inauthentic chapters 96 to 100, since its presence is not guaranteed by manuscripts and also the style is not of genadio.

The work was composed as that of Jerome. The profiles that genadio trace of each of the writers are brief, but derive mostly from direct knowledge and supply a beautiful panorama of the intellectual and spiritual life of Gaul in the century in the century IN . The work was not written at once, but gathering notes and chips, the result of many years of readings. Although the Jeronimian model imitates in its essential features, Genadio separates in others: because it no longer makes the Greco-Latin culture an object of controversy or an inevitable and spontaneous reference code; for the dominant ecclesiological interest; for the inclination to regroup writers for thematic affinity; for the greatest attention paid to the monastic culture. Representatives of all the great heresies appear, the author indicates the founders of the various heresies, their followers, the Catholic writers who refuted them and, despite the brevity of the annotations, it shows to be constant and completely informed. The heresies referred to most often are those of Nestorio, Eutiques and Pelagio.

In the doctrinal aspect it reveals an orthodox feeling. Believe genadio in a triune god and one. Affirms the consubstantiality of the three divine people; the dogma of creation; the resurrection of the dead; the reality of the final judgment; the dichotomy of man: rational soul, substantive and sensitive body; the immortality of the soul; its creation in time; The uniqueness of the soul in each individual and his experience, separated from the body. The free will loses in vigorous man and lozania with Adam’s sin, but the freedom of choice remains, because even in the fallen man there is a desire for salvation and an effort in good to work, after the inspiration of the top.

The authors, unanimously, claim that Genadio was Semipelagiano, relying on exorbitant praises, without shadow of objections, semi -cattle writers such as Vicente de Lerins or Riez Faust, while avoiding praise to Póspero de Aquitaine, for challenging the Collations from Casiano.

Ecclesiastical dogmas [ To edit ]

At another time attributed to Agustín or Isidoro de Sevilla, it is a compendium of the main Christian dogmas and quickly refutes the most important heresies. Nor can Pelagian deviations be recognized here. Genadio has also been proposed as the author of a small canonical collection to us with the title of Statua Ecclesiae Antiqua.


References [ To edit ]

Bruno Czapla: Gennadius as a literary historian. A source -critical examination of the Scripture of the Gennadius of Marseille “De viris Illustribus”. Schöningh, Münster 1898 (Zugl. Dissertation, University of Münster 1898).

  • The content of this article incorporates material from the Great Encyclopedia Rialp that by authorization allowed to add content and publish them under GFDL license . The authorization was revoked in April 2008, so you should not add more content of this encyclopedia.

HEN , AND., ” Writers of Galia “En Di Berardino, Angelo, Patrology, from the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Beda. Latin parents , Volume 4, Ed. Library of Christian Authors, Madrid, 2000 pp. 345-348
