Wunsiedel, Kulmbach – Wikipedia vocal circle


Voice circle in Bavaria
Name Wunsiedel, Kulmbach
Number 408
Constituency Upper Franconia
last election October 14, 2018
voter turnout 69.8%
Member of the state parliament
Name Martin Schöffel
Political party CSU
Proportion of votes 37.5%
District Member
Name Henry Schramm
Political party CSU
Proportion of votes

The Wunsiedel, Kulmbach vocal circle is a constituency for the Bavarian state elections in the Upper Franconia constituency. It comprises the district of Kulmbach, the district of Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge and from the Bayreuth district, the cities of Bad Berneck in the Fichtelgebirge and Gefrees and the municipalities of Bischofsgrün, Fichtelberg and Mehlmeisel. [first]


The voting group was reorganized by a decision of the state parliament from 2011 and used for the first time for the 2013 state election. It emerged from the largest parts of the previous circles Kulmbach and Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge. The merger was necessary by reducing the vocal circles in Upper Franconia from nine to eight. However, this was sharply criticized, so that the districts of Kulmbach and Wunsiedel as well as the Bavarian Greens complained. However, the Bavarian Constitutional Court rejected the lawsuit, so that the division of the upcoming election is valid for the first time. Due to its geographical form, the constituency is popular as Dog tech designated. [2]

A total of 132,486 inhabitants were entitled to vote in the state election of September 15, 2013. [3] The turnout was 62.4%. The choice had the following result:

Direct candidate [4] Political party First votes in% Total votes in% +/- Total votes GGÜ. 2008 in%-p.

Converted to the area of ​​the newly formed voice circle

Martin Schöffel CSU 44.7 45.9 + 4.7
Inge ears SPD 29.8 28.1 + 0.1
Martin Baumgärtner Free voters 7.9 8.4 – 2.5
Brigitte Artmann Greens 4.6 5.0 + 0.1
Thomas Nagel FDP 2.2 2.2 – 3.2
Christa mostly LEFT 2.4 2.4 – 2.6
Ehrenfried Bittermann ODP 0.7 0.7 – 0.1
Rainer Krause REP 0.7 0.7 – 0.5
Harald Storenhorn NPD 1.4 1.4 – 0.8
Markus Roppelt BP 0.6 0.6 + 0.2
List of women 0.2 + 0.2
Georg Dieter Ludwig The Franks 2.7 2.5 + 2.5
Bernhard hanakam Pirate 1.6 1.8 + 1.8

A total of 128,258 inhabitants were entitled to vote in the constituency. The state election on October 14, 2018 had the following result: [5]

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% Change in the total votes
Compared to the 2013 state election in%
Martin Schöffel CSU 37.5 39.3 – 6.5
Inge ears SPD 19.9 17.2 – 10.9
Rainer Ludwig Free voters 12.7 11.7 + 3.3
Wilfried Kukla Greens 9.2 10.0 + 5.0
Michael Ette FDP 3.6 3.5 + 1.3
Oswald Greim LEFT 2.5 2.6 + 0.3
Christiane Zeigler BP 1.4 1.1 + 0.5
Reinhard Englert ODP 0.7 0.7 – 0.1
Pirate 0.3 – 1.5
Gerd Kögler AfD 11.7 11.8 + 11.8
Michaela Hüttner but 0.8 0.9 + 0.9
The party 0.5 + 0.5
Health research 0.1 + 0.1
V-party³ 0.2 + 0.2

In addition to the directly elected voice member Martin Schöffel (CSU), the SPD candidate Inge Aures and the FW candidate Rainer Ludwig were elected to the state parliament via the respective district lists of her party.

  1. Current voting circuit division
  2. Constitutional Court approves a vocal circuit reform Message of the Mittelbayerische Zeitung on October 4, 2012
  3. Results for the Wunsiedel, Kulmbach. State election manager, accessed on April 17, 2019 .
  4. Landtag election 2013 in Bavaria
  5. Landtag election – Results for the Wunsiedel vocal group, Kulmbach. State election manager, accessed on April 17, 2019 .
