Code of Fiscal Identification Code – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia


He tax identification code ( CIF ) It was until 2008 the name of the Tax Identification System used in Spain for legal persons or entities in general according to Decree 2423/1975, of December 25.


This decree is repealed with effects since January 1, 2008 by Royal Decree 1065/2007, of July 27, 2007, which defines the use of the tax identification number. The values ​​of the letters are extended in order EHA/451/2008, of February 20, 2008, [ first ] Which regulates the composition of the tax identification number of legal persons and entities without legal personality.

Code format [ To edit ]

The CIF is originally defined in Decree 2423/1975 [ 2 ] And it has been modified several times. The last modification, with effects since July 1, 2008, corresponds to order EHA/451/2008, of February 20 [ 3 ] That regulates the identification code of legal persons and entities in general.

The CIF consists of 9 characters. The first (position 1) is a letter that follows the following criteria:

Next, eight other digits are inserted with the following positions: the first two indicated the province, where provincial identifiers or keys were:

Identifier Province
00 Non-resident
01 Álava
02 Albacete
03, 53, 54 Alicante
04 Almería
05 Ávila
06 Badajoz
07, 57 Balearic Islands
08, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68 Barcelona
09 Burgos
ten Cáceres
11, 72 Cádiz
twelfth Castellón
13 Real city
14, 56 Cordova
15, 70 La Coruña
16 Basin
17, 55, 67 Gerona
18, 19, 099 Granada
19 Guadalajara
20, 71 Guipúzcoa
21 Huelva
22 Huesca
23 Jaén
24 Lion
25 Périd
26 The Rioja
27 Lugo
28, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 Madrid
29, 92, 93 Malaga
30, 73 Murcia
31, 71 Navarre
32 Orense
33, 74 Asturi
34 Palencia
35, 75 Las Palmas
36, 37, 94 Pontevedra
37 Salamanca
38, 76 Santa Cruz of Tenerife
39 Sneaky
40 Segovia
41, 90, 91 Sevilla
42 Soria
43, 77 Tarragona
44 Teruel
45 Toledo
46, 96, 97, 98 Valencia
47 Valladolid
48, 95 Vizcaya
49 Zamora
50, 99 Saragossa
51 Ceuta
52 Melilla

The next five digits (positions 4 to 8) constituted a correlative number of registration of the organization in the Provincial Registry, is currently a number random of seven digits and the last digit (position 9) is a control code that can be a number or a letter:

  • It will be a letter if the entity key is P, Q, R, S or W. or also if the two initial digits indicate “non -resident”
  • It will be a number if the entity is A, B, E O H.
  • For other entity keys: the digit can be both number and letter.

Operations to calculate the control digit are carried out on the seven central digits and are the following:

  1. Add the digits of even positions. Sum = a
  2. For each of the digits of the odd positions, multiply it by 2 and add the digits of the result.
    Not.: (8 * 2 = 16 -> 1 + 6 = 7)
  3. Accumulate the result. Sum = b
  4. Sumar A + B = C
  5. Take only the digit of the C. units we will call it digit E.
  6. If the E digit is different from 0 we will subtract it to 10. D = 10-E. This subtraction gives us D. If not, if the digit E is 0 then d = 0 and we do not subtract.
  7. From D, the control digit is already obtained. If it is to be numerical it is directly D and if it is a letter corresponds to the relationship:
    J = 0, A = 1, B = 2, C= 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, H = 8, I = 9
Example for CIF A58818501
We use the seven central digits = 5881850
  • We add the even digits: A = 8 + 1 + 5 = 14
  • Odd positions:
5 * 2 = 10 -> 1 + 0 = 1
8 * 2 = 16 -> 1 + 6 = 7
8 * 2 = 16 -> 1 + 6 = 7
0 * 2 = 0 -> = 0
  • We add the results: B = 1 + 7 + 7 + 0 = 15
  • Partial sum: C = A + B = 14 + 15 = 29
  • The digit of C units is 9.
  • We subtract it to 10 and give us: D = 10 – 9 = 1
  • If the control digit must be a number is 1 and if it is to be a letter is the “A”

Societies abbreviations [ To edit ]

The CIF must coincide with the final abbreviation of the company’s name according to the following relationship (partial list of civil and commercial societies in Spain):

For the Code of Foreign Countries, as of January 1, 1981, the codes of the Order of August 4, 1980, [ 5 ] As well as its different corrections (Boe Num. 272, of November 12, 1980, [ 6 ] BOE no. 298, of December 12, 1980, [ 7 ] Circular 860/1981, of June 30. [ 8 ] )

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]

  • Real Decree 1065/2007 , of July 27. (Entrance into force on January 1, 2008)
  • Vies , VAT Information Exchange System , European VAT information exchange system.
  • Companies for CIF , Company search engine by CIF , Einforma Spain.
