St. Manuel Colohete – SpeedyLook encyclopedia


San Manuel Colohete It is a municipality in the department of Lempira in the Republic of Honduras.

In the indigenous diabet Colohete ” means ” Alacranes nest “.

Its territorial extension is 182.9 km².

It is located in the middle of a mountain. The hills and mountains around them are very steep and irregular. As for the vegetation, in some mountains are pines and oaks, in other dry tropical forests and in others simply shrubs. The weather is tempered, except for summer. Forest exploitation is not applicable to this head. Its villages and communities are located in large depressions around the head.

The inhabitants of this place were subjects of the brave chief Lempira .

In 1887, in the population census of 1887 it was a hamlet of Village of Concepción Colohete in it Thanksgiving municipality . In 1901 (February 2), in the President’s administration Terencio Sierra , is created as a municipality.

In the case of San Manuel Colohete , the descendants of indigenous people represent 70%, the rest are mestizo individuals.

Population: For 2013 there was the figure of 14,063 inhabitants, the Has developed a projection that according to which it is expected to have 15,918 for the year 2020.

Because of its elevation above sea level, its surroundings are very suitable for coffee planting. Corn and bean crops are very common in the area. It also has electricity in the header and mobile communication services. Livestock meets only local needs and derived products are scarce. In some private houses fossil fuels are sold such as gasoline and diesel. Near the head there is a limestone quarry and is exploited to supply local demand.

Panoramic view of the town.

Popular graphic of “The Garrobo dance” by Arturo Sosa for the CCET.

To get to this head, you must start from the Thanksgiving city . When descending from the Community of Holy Teresita Towards the head, about 35 km are traveled, through The campaign . 6 km missing is the detour to San Marcos de Caiquín duly marked. The town has lodging and a firm restaurant. For the fair date there is a lot of tourism, there are also merchants who come to offer various types of merchandise, among which typical crafts can be found. The Mayor’s Office offers Internet access.

Church [ To edit ]

The church of San Manuel de Colohete , erected between 1600 and 1700 by friars and settlers presents a special construction of ornaments and delicate exquisitely European and Christian details; The walls are adobe and wooden beams that support a clay tile roof, typical of Spanish colonial barroca architecture. The facade shows reliefs and vines whose purpose is to raise the view to its bell tower and then to heaven, on the main door two trottes are identified that guard a glass (Holy Grail) that is on two wings, willing to undertake a flight. The main nave and its interior show many artistic features of quarry teachers and image tallists. [ 2 ]


This church is protected as Historical and colonial national heritage of the government of Honduras , also of the Communidad Colosuca .

Employer’s fair [ To edit ]

His employer fair is December 8, day of The Immaculate Conception .

Political division [ To edit ]

Aldeas: 10 (2013)

Hamlets: 85

San Manuel Colohete villages
Code Village
131901 San Manuel Colohete
131902 Dye
131903 Guacutao
131904 Long stone
131905 Pulaje
131906 San Antonio
131907 San Antonio del Aguacatillo
131908 San Pedrito
131909 Santa Teresa
131910 Cerro Colorada

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
