Johannes Feichtinger – Wikipedia


Johannes Feichtinger (* 1967 in Hartberg, Styria) is an Austrian historian and cultural scientist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna.


From 1985 to 1992 Johannes Feichtinger completed a study of historical science, German studies and media at the University of Graz. In 1999 he received his doctorate with a work on science emigration, which under the title in 2001 Science between cultures. Austrian university lecturers in emigration 1933-1945 was published. In 2011 Feichtinger habilitated himself at the University of Vienna for the subject of recent history with the monograph Science as a reflexive project. To Kelsen from Bolzano to Freud. Austrian history history 1848–1938 . From 1992 to 2004 Feichtinger was a research assistant from various FWF -a -funded research projects at the University of Graz and in Cambridge, UK. From 1999 to 2000 he taught Modern History at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Between 2000 and 2004 he was a historian on the transdisciplinary special research area Modernity. Vienna and Central Europe around 1900 employed. In 2004 he became a research assistant at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in Vienna, where he is a senior research association and is a member of various ÖAW commissions. He also teaches recent history, history of science and knowledge, most recently as part of a representation professorship, at the University of Vienna. Feichtinger is currently heading the Institute for Cultural Studies and Theater History of
ÖAW interim as a director. [first]

In his research, Feichtinger pursues a cultural -scientifically shaped, transdisciplinary approach. In his work, he takes into account both regional and global-historical perspectives. Form its focus:

  • Science and knowledge history
  • History of Central Europe in a global context
  • Postcolonial theory, memory and cultural history

As an author:

  • Science between cultures. Austrian university lecturers in emigration 1933-1945. Frankfurt am Main/New York 2001 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • Science as a reflexive project. To Kelsen from Bolzano to Freud. Austrian history history 1848–1938. Bielefeld 2010 ( limited preview in the Google book search).

As a publisher:

  • What Ursula Prutsch, Moritz Csáky: Habsburg postcolonial. Power structures and collective memory. Innsbruck/Vienna/Munich 2003 (memory – memory – Identity 2) ( Open Access ).
  • What Moritz Csáky: Europe – united by values? The European value debate on the test bench in history. Bielefeld 2007 ( Open Access ).
  • With Johann Heiss: History policy and “Turkish siege”. Vienna 2013 (Critical Studies on “Turkish Siege” 1).
  • With Johann Heiss: The reminded enemy. Vienna 2013 (Critical Studies on “Turkish Siege” 2).
  • With James Hodkinson, John Walker, Shaswati Mazumdar: Deploying Orientalism in Culture and History. From Germany to Central and Eastern Europe. Rochester, New York 2013 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • With Herbert Matis, Stefan Sienell, Heidemarie Uhl: The Academy of Sciences in Vienna 1938 to 1945. Vienna 2014 ( Open Access ).
  • mit Gary B. Cohen: Understanding Multiculturalism. The Habsburg Central European Experience. Oxford/New York 2014 [paperback edition Oxford/New York 2017] (Austrian and Habsburg Studies 17) ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • With Heidemarie Uhl: Think of Habsburg again: diversity and ambivalence in Central Europe. 30 cultural studies. Vienna/Cologne/Weimar 2016.
  • with Klaus Tschwer, Stefan Sienell, Heidemarie Uhl: Experimental biology in Vienna Prater. On the history of the Biological Experimental Institute 1902-1945. Vienna 2016 ( online ).
  • With Franz L. Fillafer and Jan Surman: The Worlds of Positivism. A Global Intellectual History, 1770–1930. New York 2018 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • With Heidemarie Uhl: The academies of science in Central Europe in the Cold War. Transformation processes in the area of ​​tension between demarcation and approach. Vienna 2018 (Austrian Academy of Sciences. Meeting reports of the Phil. Hist Class, 890th volume) ( Open Access )
  • Mit Marianne Klemun, Petra Svatek und Jan Surman: Changes and breaks. Science history as political history. Göttingen 2018.
  • With Anil Bhatti and Cornelia Hülmbauer: How to write the Global History of Knowledge-Making. Interaction, Circulation and the Transgression of Cultural Difference . Cham 2020 (Studies in History and Philosophie of Science 53) ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • With Brigitte Mazohl: The Austrian Academy of Sciences 1847-2022. A new academy history , 3 volumes (memoranda of the overall academy 88), Vienna: Verlag of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2022. ( Open Access )
  1. Team. In: Accessed on February 9, 2022 .
