Advoleg – Wikipedia


Blick vom Nordosthang des Laubenbergs über das Eistobeltal und Gemeindegebiet von Maierhöfen nordostwärts zur Adelegg

View from the northeastern slope of the Laubenberg over the Eistobeltal
and municipal area of ​​Maierhöfen northeast to Adelegg

Highest peak Ursersberg ( 1129 m ü. Nhn )
Make Westallgäu; District of Ravensburg, district of Oberallgäu; Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria (Germany)
part of Alpine foothills
Adelegg (Baden-Württemberg)
Coordinates 47 ° 42 ′ N , 10 ° 8 ′ O
Surface 112 km²

The Adégig Is one to 1129 m ü. Nhn [first] Hou, 112 koma [2] Large and predominantly forested mountain landscape directly north of the Allgäu Alps, which is located within the Westallgäu in the Ravensburg district of Baden-Württemberg and in the Bavarian district of Oberallgäu.

geology [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Adelegg is located northwest of the Allgäu pre -Alps and is understood as part of a transitional landscape in the subalpine young moraine country, for which mountains such as the Pfänder or the Salmaser Höhe are also expected. The Adelegg is not a foothills of the alpine folding mountains, although it significantly exceeds the heights of the actual young moraine country. Rather, it is already part of the molasse basin, which extends between the Alps and the Swabian Alb, where it still came under the influence of the tectonic processes of alpine formation, but only experienced morphologically insignificant folds. [3] The molasse basin took out material for many million years that had been eroded in the lifting Alps – the so -called Alpine molace. The conglomeric molasses (“nail fluh”) of the Adelegg belongs to Upper fresh water molasses And has thus been deposited in the Miocene. It represents, as well as the conglomeric molasses of the Hochgrat, the flower compartments of the Ur-Iller (Hochgrat-Odelegg fan). The primal iller introduced material from the south of the Central Alps and entered the Alpine foothills about 10 km west of the valley of today’s Iller. The Hochgrat south of the Adelegg is still part of the molasse basin, but its molasses represents an older stage of the Hochgrat-Nobelegg subject ( Lower freshwater molasses , late oligocene) and – unlike the Adelegg – was clearly recorded by late Vala -Pidic folding. These formations are also called Faltenmolasse . The entire area of ​​the transitional landscape “Nagelfluh heights and lowering” is involved in it, but the Adelegg, as its northern foothills, is no longer essentially. entire paragraph after [4] and [5]

Make [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Adelegg encloses the upper reaches of the Eschach and its right tributary. The Wengener Argen flows along its south side and flows into the lower Argen, whose pools near Isny ​​are limited to the western back of the Adelegg. Northwest, the Hofser oh in spring streams on the edge of the Hohentanner forest belonging to the Adelegg has its upper reaches, east of the Rohrach near Wiggensbach. Upper and lower town forest of Leutkirch, which follow further away in the northwest, do not belong to Adelegg (geologically they are moraine from the tear -up period).

Natural area assignment and structure [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

View from Hochgreut (912 m) over the Illertal with Kempten (fog) to the Adelegg from East with Hohenkapf, Kürnacher Wald, Blender and Hohentanner Wald (from left to right)

The mountain landscape forms the main unit in the Alpine foothills in the main area of ​​Nagelfluh heights and lower between Lake Constance and Isar (No. 02) Adégig (023), which in the subunits high (southern) Adelegg (023.0) with the mountain range, among other things Adégig In the southwest and northeastern Adelegg (023.1) in the northeast and northwestern Adelegg (023.2) in the north. [6]


The designation Adelegg is usually only for the mountain range in Württemberg Adégig used, but for the (same name) landscape of the low mountains of Adelegg [7] Also include the Hohentanner Wald, the northeastern Kürnache Wald and the eastern Buchenberger Forest. South – no longer counts to this landscape – beyond the Wengen Argen of the Sonneneck mountain ridge [8] an.

Mountains [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The highest mountain of the Adelegg mountain range in Württemberg’s area is the Black Grate, whose crest is located a few meters northwest of the Bavarian border and represents the highest mountain in the Tübingen region. This summit and other mountains and elevations as well as their foothills within the Adelegg mountain range and the even higher landscape of Adelegg – sorted by height in meters (M) via normal Hoast (NHN) [first] (BW = Baden-Württemberg; by = Bavaria):

  • Ursersberg (ca. 1129 m ), 1.4 km northwest of Buchenberg-Schach, by, the highest mountain of the Kürnach forest
  • Hohenkapf (ca. 1121.1 m ), 2.3 km southwest of Buchenberg-Schach, by, the highest mountain of the Buchenberger Forest
  • Black ridge ( 1118.5 m ), 2.3 km north-northwest of Weitnau-Wengen, BW, the highest mountain of Adelegg in Württemberg
  • nameless crest ( 960 m ), 2.2 km western southwest of Kimratshofen-Walzling, by, Hochest Mountain of the Hohentanner Forest

Also exclusively in the Adelegg mountain range:

  • Red fluh ( 1090 m ), 1 km northeast of the black ridge, BW
  • Schönbühl ( 1074.8 m ), 400 m north -northwest of the Black Grat, BW
  • Raggenhorn ( 1056.2 m ), 1.4 km north-northwest of Weitnau-Wengen, BW and BY
  • Hohkopf ( 1035.2 m ), 2.3 km east southeast of Isny-Ratzenhofen, BW
  • Wegmannshöhe ( 1031.8 m ), 2.4 km east of Isny-Ratzenhofen, BW
  • Ochsenkapf ( 1011.7 m ), 1.8 km of the east southeast of Isny-Ratzenhofen, BW
  • Steinbergele ( 1009.2 m ), 2 km southeast of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Schafberg ( 1008.9 m ), 900 m south of Isny-Eisenbach, BW
  • Rudershöhe ( 999.2 m ), 2.3 km southeast of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Ölberg ( 961.8 m ), 1.5 km east of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Herrenberg ( 931.2 m ), 1.8 km northeast of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Bärenbühl ( 930.5 m ), 1.2 km northeast of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Heidenkopf ( 918.2 m ), 800 m north -east of Rohrdorf, BW
  • Kapf ( 885.7 m ), 1 km western southwest of Schmidsfelden, BW

Waters and water sheath [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In the Buchenberg Wald, which is located on the Adelegg mountain range, on the Southeast edge of which is located by the Eschacher Weiher, the Eschach, which runs through the northeastern edge of the mountain range without this pond, runs out in a predominantly northwest direction and flows into the Aitrach, the water of which runs northwards flows into the Danube. South past the Adelegg, the Wengener Argen flows in the east-west direction, which flows into the lower Argen, which passes to the mountain range in the Southeast Northwest direction, flows into the south-west into Lake Constance and thus into the Rhine. The Adelegg is therefore on the Rhein-Donau water sheath.

Small parts of the Adelegg mountain ridge are part of the multi-part and 6.4 km² Fauna-Flora-Habitat area Adégig (FFH no. 8326-341). Large parts are in the landscape protection area Adelegg and associated tertiary hill forland (CDDDA no. 319441), which is 68.14 km² and was founded on March 31, 1994, as well as in the bird sanctuary Adelegg (VSG-no. 8226-441). [first]

The Adelegg is primarily used for forestry and tourism. In modern times, but possibly in the late Middle Ages, various glassworks were located here; The glassworks of the former glassmaker village of Schmidsfelden can still be visited.

For example, on the 311 km long Black Forest Swabian Alb-Allgäu-Weg and on the 185 km long Heuberg-Allgäu-Weg, Adelegg can be hiked through. There are some winter sports opportunities in the Buchenberger Wald landscape.

The tourist attractions also include the view of a wide Alpine panorama, for example in the area of ​​the Eschacher Weihers [9] Or from the observation tower of the black ridge.

  • Volker Fiever: Adelegg impressions: Allgäu illustrated book – beautiful pictures and small stories from the heart of the Allgäu . Verlag Kreuzthaler-Nachrichten, 2015, ISBN 978-3-00-051583-5
  • Rudi Holzberger, Manfred Thierer: The Adelegg. The dark heart of the Allgäu. Hikes and forays. Adelegg Verlag, Eisenbach, 2nd edition 2012, 272 pages, ISBN 978-3-00-038184-3
  • Rudi Holzberger: Fascination Adelegg. Escape point in the Allgäu. Erwin Bowien in the Kreuzthal . Adégig’s publisher, ironbach, 2013, 20138 S., ISBN 978-3-00-04278-3
  1. a b c Cards and data of the Federal Office for Nature Conservation (Notes)
  2. Landscape letter Des Bfn – Adég
  3. Insight into the geology of Adelegg [first] In: Geocaching. Website. Called on November 24, 2021.
  4. Wolfgang Sprenger: Geology and river history of the Iller. A script from 2003 (originally hosted on the web presence of the ARGETUI (working group “Drinking Water Protection Lower Illertal”) PDF ( Memento from July 5, 2016 in Internet Archive )), S. 4 ff.
  5. Susanne Bischofberger, Michael Krumböck, Claudio Uptmoor: Explanation report: Land use plan 2030 with an integrated landscape plan. Version of February 28, 2019.
    Stadtbauamt Leutkirch im Allgäu, urban planning / nature and the environment [2] ( PDF 16 MB), S. 15 f.
  6. Hansjörg Dongus: Geographical state recording: The natural units on sheet 187/193 Lindau/Oberstdorf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1991. → Online map (PDF; 6.1 MB)
  7. Landscapes in Germany (map). Bundesmant for nature conservation, archived from Original am July 30, 2012 ; Retrieved on September 14, 2019 .
  8. Sonneneck (Weitnau) (district of Oberallgäu). In: Bavaria Atlas. Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and for Home, accessed on December 7th, 2021 .
  9. The Eschacher Weiher (Buchenberg in the Oberallgäu). In: Your Allgäu. Rolf Hartmann et. eel, accessed on December 9, 2021 .
