Albert Poensgen (Finance President) – Wikipedia


Albert Poensgen (* February 4, 1881 in Düsseldorf, † June 9, 1976 in Mannheim) was a German Finance President and internationally successful billiard player.

Origin and family [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Albert Poensgen came from the well-known Düsseldorf industrial family Poensgen, who originated as a Reidemeister family in the Schleiden/Eifel area. He was the son of the Düsseldorf industrialist Carl Poensgen and Clara Poensgen (1846–1910), born Poensgen, daughter of the entrepreneur Albert Poensgen from a family line of the family. His brothers included the Düsseldorf steel industrialist Ernst Poensgen and the Düsseldorf private banker Kurt Poensgen; The Düsseldorf industrialist Rudolf Poensgen was his uncle.

Albert Poensgen was married to Katharina Bögel (*1892).

Training and career [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Albert Poensgen visited the municipal high school in Düsseldorf from 1890 to 1899 and then studied legal and state science in Heidelberg, Munich and Bonn. In 1901 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Heidelberg. [first]

After the two state exams in Berlin (1903 and 1910), from 1910 to 1919 he was a court assessor in Düsseldorf, interrupted by a 1½ year training at a large bank and participating in the First World War as a lieutenant of the reserve in the Leib-Dragoner regiment (2 . Grand Ducal Hessische) No. 24. Poensgen was awarded the EK I and II and the Hessian bravery medal. In 1920 he was taken over by the Reich Finance Administration in Berlin. His civil servant categorized his civil servant in the appointment as Finance Court President in the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Financial Head of Finance in 1940. After the Second World War, Poensgen worked in the finance management of the Magistrate of Berlin until 1951.

As a pensioner, Poensgen joined the traditional “lawless society in Berlin”, founded in 1809 in 1955, which sees herself as the “wearer of tradition, culture and science”. [2]

Career [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Albert Poensgen as a carambolage player

Poensgen’s great passion was billiards. Already in 1911 he was one of the co-founders of the German Amateur Billard Association (DABB), which was renamed “German Billardbund” (DBB) in 1955 and was integrated into the German Billiard Union from 1992. The DABB later appointed Poensgen as Honorary President. In this function, he was instrumental in the fact that the DABB was included in the Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB), the European umbrella organization in 1951, and subsequently also in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). This recognition led to an enormous upswing in billiards and billiards. Poensgen started among others for the billiard club Frankfurt 1912.

In 1932 he received the “Golden Band” of the Association of Sports Journalists from Berlin/Brandenburg in 1932. [3]

In order to maintain his privacy, Poensgen often competed under the pseudonym “Schmitz” at tournaments. [4]

successes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • World Champion 1931, Cadre 45/2, Geneva, General average (GD) 21.05 [5]
  • World Champion 1932, Cadre 45/2, New York, GD 15.93
  • Vice World Champion 1906, Cadre 45/2, Brussels, GD 7.73
  • Vice World Champion 1927, Cadre 45/1, Vichy, GD 7.39
  • Vice World Champion 1933, Cadre 45/2, Cologne, GD 28.59
  • FSFAB World Championships in Cadre 35/2 and 45/2: Silber1910, 1911/2 Bronze1909, 1912/2
  • VIZEEuropameister 1930, Cadre 45/2, Groningen, GD 26.17
  • 15 times German champion between 1913 and 1937.
  • With Roger Conti and Erik Kiesewetter: Billard for everyone. Society for Druck u. Verlag, 1961.
  • Performance to Hans Niedermayr: The billiard game. 3rd, complete. u. Erw. Edition. H. Steinitz, Berlin 1923.
  1. Kösener Korps lists from 1960, 64, 930, PDF (54 MB) Kösener Korps lists 1798–1910, publisher of the academic monthly booklets, Starnberg, 1910 Page 448, No. 1068
  2. Membership list of the Lawless Society ( Memento of the Originals from June 23, 2012 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/ . Poensgen joined the company in 1955 as a member No. 516.
  3. Prize winner Golden Band. VDS Berlin-Brandenburg, archived from Original am 16. June 2017 ; accessed on June 16, 2017 .
  4. Dieter Haase, Heinrich Weingartner: Encyclopedia of billiards . 1st edition. Band 3 . Verlag Heinrich Weingartner, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-200-01489-3, S. 1835 .
  5. successes on Accessed on December 30, 2012.
