Alice in Wonderland – Wikipedia


Alice's Adventures Under Ground - Lewis Carroll - British Library Add MS 46700 f45v.jpg

Cover of the original manuscript of the Alice From 1864


Alice in Wonderland (originally Alice’s adventure in Wonderland; original English title Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ) is a children’s book by the British writer Lewis Carroll, which was first published in 1865.

Alice in Wonderland is considered one of the excellent works from the genre of the literary nonsense. [first] [2] Together with the continuation published in 1871 Alice behind the mirrors this children’s book is counted among the classics of world literature. For example, the story is part of the time library of 100 books. The British newspaper The Guardian took in 2009 both Alice in Wonderland as well as Alice behind the mirrors in the list of 1000 novels that everyone must have read. [3] The narrative style and structure, the figures and metaphors have an unchanged cultural influence. [2] Alice in Wonderland Experienced adaptations for the stage and in the film. Figures of the narrative, such as the grin cat, the Jabberwocky, the March bunny and the crazy hatter, or individual episodes, such as that of the tea company, into the Alice, were repeatedly taken up and quoted in pop culture.

The fictional world in the Alice in Wonderland is located in such a way with logic that the narrative among mathematicians and children is enjoying great popularity. [first] It contains numerous satirical allusions – not only on personal friends of Carroll, but also on the school lessons that children in England had to learn by heart. [4] Most of the time the story and its continuation are Alice behind the mirrors (in the original: Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There ) considered one unit. The stories are also known for the first editions through the illustrations of the British draftsman John Tenniel.

Alice at the tea company of John Tenniel (1865), colored

Alice and the Dodo . Drawing by John Tenniel (1865)

While her sister reads her from a book, the title heroine Alice sees a speaking, white rabbit that stares at one clock and thinks it’s too late. Alice follows him curiously. There she falls far down and ends up in a room with many doors. After a while she finds a key with which she can open the smallest door. She opens it, but does not make it through because it is too big. Shortly afterwards she finds a bottle with a drink that makes her smaller. But when it is small enough, the door is closed again. For this reason, a chaos arises until Alice is ultimately small enough and the wonderland, which is bursting with paradoxes and absurdities, can be born.


She goes to the house of the white rabbit, eats something there and becomes huge. When the white rabbit comes home, it cannot go into the room where Alice is. Alice becomes small again and flees into the forest. There she meets a caterpillar that helps Alice get her normal size.

After a short time, Alice comes to a Duchess where she on the Cheshire Cat (Grinscards) meets. This gives her the advice of going to the March bunny and the crazy hat maker who have been organizing a tea party for a long time. However, the tea company is so crazy that Alice decides to go again after a short time.

Ultimately, she comes to the heart king and the queen of heart; The latter would like to have their head knocked off someone. She asks Alice to play Croquet with other animals and people who look like playing cards, with a flamingo the racket and a hedgehog being the ball. In the end, everyone is sentenced to death by the heart queen, but pardoned by the heart king, so that the heart queen can no longer continue playing.

Shortly after the croquet game, the heart queen Alice leads to a griffin. The queen orders him, Alice zum Turtle to lead a mixed creature of calf and sea turtle so that he tells her his life story. While the turtle supports Alice and the griffin, the call sounds in the distance: “The negotiation begins!” The Greif accompanies Alice back to the Castle of the Heart Queen.

There is a court hearing in which the Herzbube It is accused of having stolen the queen’s tartlets. In the courtroom, Alice meets the crazy hatter, who is said to be a witness. Alice is also called as a witness. However, she is now so big that she causes chaos instead of being a witness. Alice wakes up next to her sister.

Alice Pleasance Liddell, model for the fictional Alice. Photo by Lewis Carroll from the late 1850s

Alice Liddell 1860, 5 years before the first publication

The book was first published on July 4, 1865. It is inspired by a boat trip on the Thames exactly three years earlier (generally the date of this legendary boat trip is given on July 4, 1862, which was a cool, cloudy and rainy day [5] ), on which Carroll the three sisters Lorina Charlotte, Alice Pleasance and Edith Mary Liddell, daughters of the Oxford Dean, told a story that he was only under the name Alice’s Adventures Under Ground and then after extensions as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland wrote. Carroll was initially undecided whether he should publish his work. In this situation he gave his friend George Macdonald, who read it to his children. Macdonald’s son Greville was so enthusiastic that he wished “there were 60,000 volumes”. This enthusiasm was enough to convince Carroll himself.
The book was very well received right after his appearance and many enthusiastic readers. These included young Oscar Wilde and Queen Victoria.

Only twenty -two copies of the first edition of 1865 have been preserved to this day, five of which are privately hand and seventeen in public libraries. In 1998, an initial award was auctioned for $ 1,500,000 and thus became the most expensive children’s book to date. In 1865, Carroll published a facsimile of his much shorter, self -illustrated original manuscript Alice’s Adventures Under Ground . 1890, 25 years after the original edition was published, appeared The Nursery “Alice” , a shortened version of Alice in Wonderland , which had been adapted by the author himself for children up to five years and contained twenty colored and enlarged drawings by John Tenniel’s illustrations from the original book. The painter and illustrator Gertrude Thomson, a friend of Carroll, designed the envelope.

In 1871 Lewis Carroll published the sequel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (German title: Alice behind the mirrors ). Instead of playing cards, the action with chess parts is decorated in this story.

Lewis Carroll himself illustrated the first hand -written edition that he gave Alice Liddell for Christmas. The first “official” illustrations by John Tenniel followed many variants of well -known illustrators (selection):

Lesart, the Berlin Center for Children’s and Youth Literature, showed the exhibition “It’s Always Tea-Time” in 2017, in which current illustrations of 72 artists from 16 countries were shown. [6] [7]

The novel has been continued since its appearance in 1865 in 1865 Through the mirror and what Alice found there from 1871 numerous sequels and parodies have been drawn or authors influenced in the choice of their title, whereby the adaptations, from media choice to implementation, often go their own ways.

The name of the novel has even entered the medicine: Alice-in-Wunderland-Syndrome describes an illness in which patients perceive themselves or its surroundings in a different way, often reduced or enlarged.

Literary adaptations [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Over the years, many authors have re -considered the story of Alice and converted into different forms.

Christina Henrys beats a dark and brutal direction The chronicles of Alice a. Here is the supposedly crazy Alice in a healing institution and experiences nightmares in which a man with rabbit ears occurs. [8]

In Nickolas Cooks Adaption Alice in Zombieland Alice is in the original framework of Lewis Carrolls Wunderland, but Cook built typical horror elements with which he constantly confronted his protagonist. For example, Alice is not led to the construction by the white rabbits, but by a black rat into a grave. To a large extent, the Wonderland itself consists of monsters and zombies and Alice’s mission to escape the whole. [9]

Colleen Oakes Queen of Hearts illuminates the possible choice of the red queen and thus acts as a prequel to Lewis Carrolls Wunderland. Princess Dinah, who will later be known as the Red Queen, would initially want nothing more than the recognition of her father and the love of the boy, with whom she is in love. However, she is cheated and realized that she has to protect herself and her future throne. [ten]

Literary quotes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Douglas Adams plays in the second novel of his hitchhiker series ( The restaurant at the end of the universe ) on a scene in Alice behind the mirrors at. There, Alice claims to the White Queen that it is impossible to go through time backwards. The white queen replies that impossible to believe is only one question of exercise. At a young age, she sometimes believed up to six impossible things before breakfast. In the Restaurant Romance are listed six reasons why the restaurant is impossible at the end of the universe. Then the advertising saying of Milliways follows: “If you have already done six impossible things this morning, why not as a seventh for breakfast in the milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe?”

Spy Die Company Robert Littell play puzzles, codes and quoted text fragments. Many text fragments from the alice counts are used both in the plot (as the basis for codes of secret service news and as a soft spot of one of the protagonists) as well as as a motto of the individual chapters.

In the science fiction crime counting Der Movelbankraub The detective Timothy Truckle receives access to a huge collection of prohibited literature from Gert Prokop. The only book he wants to read is Alice in Wonderland .

Another allusion can be found in the novel Until by Stephen King, the third volume of the tower cycle. There the young Jake, a companion to the main character Roland, is kidnapped in the dying city. This pulls it into the underworld of the city through labyrinth passages from garbage and rubble. Finally, Jake ends up in front of the head of the under the world, the so-called tick-tack man, who has a soft spot for watches. Similar to the Jabberwocky, this tick-tack man is dangerous and speaks to Jake in strange words. For him, his survival depends on the fact that he guesses what these words should mean, or what to say so that it looks as if he understood. In contrast to Alice, Jake has no assistant. The final outbreak from this city and the return to freedom finally succeed in a kind of process, a puzzle game between an intelligent computer and Roland’s crowd, which can win the latter.

In the imitation of the classic of the English author Jeff Noon Automated Alice (1996; German: Alice in the machine country , 1999) on the hunt for a parrot in a world of the machine miracle, and in the end she meets her creator: Lewis Carroll.

Alice is also mentioned in Wonderland in the world of river by Philip José Farmer, and even Alice himself is one of the main characters, alongside Richard Francis Burton and other historical personalities.

Margret Boysen uses action and figures in Alice, climate change and the cat zeta .

Film [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In film Fahrenheit 451 is Alice in Wonderland One of the books that are preserved by the government from the government.

In the film Matrix of the Wachowskis, the protagonist Neo follows a group of discogans whose participant carries a tattoo of a white rabbit on the shoulder (“Follow the White Rabbit.”); There are numerous other allusions to the dialogues. [11] [twelfth]

The film Tideland of Terry Gilliam has several parallels Alice in Wonderland . For example, the protagonist reads her father several times Alice in Wonderland before. Furthermore, they also go on a journey in fantasy. As early as 1977, Gilliam had a homage to the poem of the same name from Carrolls with Jabberwocky Alice behind the mirrors staged.

The lead actress Phoebe from Phoebe in Wonderland has a close connection to Alice’s world and her residents and experiences it as a parallel world alongside the reality.

The title of the 2016 television film published in 2016 The white rabbit refers to the figure in the novel.

Pop music and jazz [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Grace Slick wrote and sang the song White Rabbit (“One Pill Makes You Larger And One Pill Makes You Small And The Ones That Mother Gives You Don’t Do Anything at All”) for her 1965/66 band The Great Society. The single became a hit for its second group Jefferson Airplane in 1967 (album Surrealistic Pillow ). White Rabbit Interprets the story of Alice against a hypnotic bolero rhythm “psychedelic”.

Gwen Stefani, singer of the NO Doubt group, plays in her video What You Waiting For? on Alice in Wonderland on, among others with Tic-Tac , a giant gw in a house and Gwen as a queen with flamingos dancing in front of it.

The video too Don’t Come Around Here No More By Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers plays in the scenery of the crazy hat maker’s tea party, which is played by Tom Petty himself.

According to interviews, John Lennon has admitted from the Beatles anthology that he has to go to his Beatles compositions I Am the Walrus and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds from Alice in Wonderland was inspired.

The song Any Road by George Harrison’s album Brainwashed is based on a quote from Alice in the Wonderland (“If you don’t know where you’Re going any road will take you there”).

Tom Waits published the album in 2002 Alice , in which a large part of the songs (about Alice and We’re All Mad Here ) refers to scenes from the book.

The German band Stillest Stund published theirs in 2008 Alice E.P. On the alternative plate label Alice In … . The EP ends a series of work that started in 2001, which represents a dark adaptation of Carroll’s work. In addition to the Alice Pieces can be titled like Dissociative Wonderland and Multiple mirror world find.

The American band Aerosmith used the topic in 2001 in the song Sunshine albums Just Push Play . The text contains several direct references to the submission such as: “I Followed Alice Into Wonderland” or “I ate the Mushroom and I Danced with the Queen”. The music video for the piece also contains allusions Alice in Wonderland .

Oper [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 2001, the setting of the book material of the Russian composer Alexander Knaifel was performed in the Amsterdam Theater Carre.

Unsuk Chins Opera Alice in Wonderland was premiered on June 30, 2007 in the Bavarian State Opera under the direction of GMD Kent Nagano, director and stage Achim Freyer.

In May 2015, the opera had its premiere in the setting of Johannes Harneit at the Theater Gera.

dance [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 2008 a new dance adaptation of Alice in Wonderland by Roberto Campanella for the Ballet Augsburg created. Alice in Wonderland was created in cooperation with the Augsburg doll box.

On February 28, 2011 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland At the Royal Ballet in London Premiere (choreography: Christopher Wheeldon, scenario: Nicholas Wright, music: Joby Talbot). With many stage effects, the after -filling work tells the story closely along the book template. The co -production with the National Ballet of Canada was later shown in Toronto and broadcast in cinemas worldwide in March 2013 as part of the cinema broadcasts from the Royal Opera House. A DVD recording was built in 2011. In April 2017, the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich also took over Wheeldon’s staging.

On June 25, 2014 the dance piece Alice of the Italian choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti premiere in the Theaterhaus Stuttgart. It is performed by the Theaterhaus-Ensemble Gauthier Dance. Anna Süheyla Harms and Garazi Perez Oloriz can be seen in the Alice doubles. [13]

On November 19, 2016 the ballet Alice in Wonderland with music by Basti Bund and choreography by Can Arslan premiered. The one -act fairy tale ballet was created as part of the Julib premises as the order work of the Northern Harz city district theater Halberstadt.

Theater [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

For the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, a revision of Robert Wilson’s book was staged in 1992, at which Tom Waits contributed the music.

In 1996 Peter Zadek staged an editing of Tankred Dorst’s play in the costumes of Johannes Grützke to the Munich Kammerspiele.

From 2003 to 2005, the work of Roland Schimmelpfennig (text) and Mousse T. or Sven Kaiser (music) at the Schauspielhaus Hannover was given. This adaptation also ran in 2006 at the “School of Theater” in Vienna.

For the young Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, the artistic director Stefan Fischer-Fels developed an adaptation with the author Katrin Lange Alice in Wonderland! With the means of drama and dance, which was premiered on February 14, 2009. The play experienced a guest performance at the international children’s theater festival in Haifa in 2010 and was invited to the Mülheim Theater Days.

painting [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sigmar Polke, one of the most important German artists in postmodernity, published a picture with the title in 1971 Alice in Wonderland (Mixed technique on decorative fabric), in which he processed one of the original illustrations. The Hamburger Kunsthalle showed the exhibition from June to September 2012 Alice in the Wonderland of Art . She started with works by Lewis Carroll and had a focus in surrealism. Max Ernst, René Magritte, Salvador Dalí and other surrealists felt encouraged by Alice in their search for the fantastic. This was followed by artists from the 1960s and 1970s, who referred to Lewis Carroll with their pursuit of consciousness expansion and with their new understanding of the interrelation of language and image. Working contemporary artists from Anna Gaskell, Stephan Huber, Kiki Smith and Pipilotti Rist showed that the fascination with Alice is unbroken. [14]

Anime [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Von 1983 Bis 1984 Wurde der Gleichnamige Anime (JAP. Originaltitel: Alice in the Mysterious Country Fushigi no kuni no arisu ) to Alice in Wonderland produced. It comes from the Nippon animation and reproduces the original plot in 52 episodes of 30 minutes each. Production led Shigeō Endo and Kōichi motohashi the music comes from Christian Bruhn and Reijiro Koroku . On October 7, 1984, ZDF showed the German first broadcast.

KAGIHIME MONOGATARI Eikyuuu Alice Rinbukyoku (Japanese original title: 鍵姫物語 永久 輪舞 曲) is an anime, consisting of 13 episodes of 24 minutes from Trinet Entertainment and Picture Magic. It was produced from January 4, 2006 to March 29, 2006 and has not yet been published in Germany. It is an action/fantasy anime. Kirihara Aruto loves these Alice books and he likes to think about what his own Alice may look like. One day he meets a girl who flies above him in heaven and looks just like the Alice, which he always imagined. Her name is Arisugawa Arisu and she is one Alice . The Alices wear parts of this Alice book in their memory. To get more fragments in history, they fight Alices Again to collect them. If one of them can put all the elements together, then every wish will be fulfilled.

Comic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Superhero [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Several villains of the American Comics Batman are figures Alice in Wonderland Refunded or consider figures from the book. The cousins ​​tweedledum and tweedledee, the Wunderland gang, as well as the crazy hatter dress like their book templates and relate their crimes to Lewis Carrol’s work. Hummty Dumpty has its name due to the physical similarity to the egg on the wall, but never refers to Carrol’s work. [15]

Manga [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In the Japanese counterpart to the comic, the draftsman Kaori Yuki published the manga Angel Sanctuary , in which the ore demon Belial/Mad Hatters appears, which is based on the crazy hatter. In another God Child The name of the protagonist Cain C. Hargreaves alludes to the later name Alice Liddels. There are also numerous stories, for example in Jack the Ripper where a girl named Alice has to defend herself against the murdering white rabbit. The draftsman provided one as a thesis at the art college Alice in Wonderland -Calendar here.

The Japanese drawer team Clamp has one in 1995 Alice in Wonderland based manga called Miyuki-chan in Wonderland Published that the girl Miyuki is about, who keeps getting into strange worlds and has to find a way to get out. The figures are only female.

Im manga Loki -ranarok From Sakura Kinoshita, Loki is sent to Wonderland by King Utgard with a mystery that he must have solved until dawn to save the moon and his beloved Spica/Angrboda. On his trip he meets the grin cat and takes part in a tea conference with the crazy hatter and the March bunny. There are also many allusions to Alice in Wonderland in Sakura Kinoshita’s work.

In the four -volume parody so far in Japan Wonderful Wonder World Lewis Carroll’s children’s book classic is re -explained by Quinrose and Sōmei Hoshino (published in Germany at Tokyopop) in a bizarre way. The basis of the manga is the Japanese dating game Heart no Kuni no Alice – Wonderful Wonder World . In this version, the girl Alice is kidnapped by a white rabbit named Peter White. Alice has a cynical character in this version and opposes the Wonderland with a lot of suspicion. This is ruled by mafia clans and amusement parks, the upper head of which are hostile. Alice has to interfere with the figures’ affairs in order to be able to leave the wonderland.

In Korean Manwha The legends of the dream dealer There is also an adaptation of Alice-in-Wunderland history. Alice is the queen of the fairy tale company. Most likely, this version of Alice has lost the mind and must be immobilized with medication. She is still looking for the white rabbit, even if you tell her that she killed it a long time ago.

His men were with the men to their husbands Are you Alice? By Ikumi Katagiri and Ai Ninomiya from the Tokyopop publisher, it’s about a disillusioned young man who stumbles into the Wonderland and the name there Alice gets missed. Soon afterwards he will be involved in a game that Kill the white rabbit! Means, and soon he will take a gun himself.

In Ouran High School Host Club, the author Bisco Hatori in Volume 4 draws a chapter in which the main and secondary characters play the story of Alice in Wonderland. First, the twins take over the part of Alice and Kaoru, namely when Alice A and Alice B., however, quickly passes the lust (a typical character trait) and the host club chief Tamaki plays Alice C until it is captured and the “true Alice” Haruhi appears. From then on, the girl runs through the Wonderland and meets the other main characters who have slipped into the role of the well -known figures from the original. The goal is “Defeat the Heart Queen!” And in the secret also “The winner gets Alice’s heart!” In the end the queen is defeated and Haruhi wakes up from her dream.

In Pandora Hearts There are also many allusions to Alice in Wonderland . This is the name of the strange chain girl that the story is about, Alice and can turn into a large black rabbit called B-rabbit (Bloodstained Black Rabbit). Another chain that Alice seemed to know appears as a black cat or as a cat -like person – his name is Cheshire Cat . Also the Mad Hatter exists as a chain. There is also a pocket watch that looks quite similar to the pocket watch of the white rabbit. The Abyss, in which the chains are in place, resembles a strange country without direct gravity, which is quite Miracle could be referred to.

Computer games and other software [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The games appeared on the Commodore 64 Alice , Alice in Videoland , The Further Adventures of Alice in Videoland and Alice in Wonderland But which only have to deal with the books.

In the game American McGee’s Alice If the player takes on the role of Alice, who has to fight through her wonderland, which has changed in a horror vision of the original wonderland after the death of her parents, for whom she blames herself. 2011 appeared with Alice: Madness Returns A continuation of this game. Also in the Playstation 2 game Kingdom Hearts From Square, the player has to prove himself on the Wunderland planet, which is strongly based on the Disney film. In addition, the text/graphic adventure also takes Wonderland by Magnetic Scrolls from 1990 the book as a template.

Also in games like Far Cry 3 or Assassin’s Creed 3 from Ubisoft, quotes from the factory appear again and again during the course of the game.

Scientists from the University of Virginia and Carnegie Mellon University have developed a programming language Alice and published in 1999, which is particularly addressed as a learning programming language. Children can use a virtual world with animated objects and people. populate from the Alice novel. [16]

As early as the 19th century, the book was adapted several times for the stage. A selection of modern adaptations through:

Alice in Wonderland and Alice behind the mirrors were frequently filmed. They are listed chronologically in this list. Some films are sequels and some, such as B. Abby in Wonderland , have another main character. However, the action is based on Lewis Carrolls Alice .

If available, the German title with the original title in brackets is given, otherwise only the original title. In the case of travel films, the column contains main actor the dubbed spokesman for the main character.

In the following, the translations published in regular publishers are listed into German after the year of publication. Significantly shortened and free afterglings are not taken into account.

  • Antonie Zimmermann, 1869 (under the title Alice’s adventure in Wonderland ) [17]
  • Helene Scheu-Riesz, Weimar 1912
  • Robert G. L. Barrett, Würzburg 1922
  • Klara Sternbeck, Berlin 1931
  • Werner Bloch, Berlin 1946.
  • Anita Hüttenmoser, Zurich 1947
  • Gerda Wachsmuth and Peter A. Horn, Hamburg 1948
  • Kurt Hansen, Hamburg, 1948.
  • Walther Günther Schreckenbach, Nürnberg 1948
  • Franz Sester, Düsseldorf 1949
  • Kurt Schrey, Charging 1950
  • Wolfgang Freitag, Munich 1955
  • Sybil Countess Schönfeldt, Munich 1955
  • Ingrid Strasser, Wiesbaden 1962
  • Christian Enzensberger, Frankfurt am Main 1963 (1967 as an island library 896)
  • Fritz Kölling, Stuttgart 1966
  • Lieselotte Remané and Martin Remané, Berlin 1967
  • Katrin Behrend, Stuttgart 1970.
  • Christiane Rochlitz, Göttingen 1974
  • Walter E. Richartz, Zurich 1977
  • Alexandra Marchl- von Herwarth, Bayreuth 1984
  • Otto Werdau and G. v. Kleist, Pressburg 1984
  • Nanette von Cube, Munich 1985.
  • Harald Raykowski, Munich 1987.
  • Dieter H. Hündel, Munich 1988
  • Barbara Teutsch, Hamburg 1989.
  • Angelika Eisold-Viebig, Erlangen in 1991
  • SIV Bublitz, Reinbek 1993
  • Günther Flemming, Stuttgart 1999.
  • Herbert W. Kolss, Rastede 2003
  • Friedrich Stockmann, Bad Vöslau 2004
  • Sonja Hartl, Stuttgart/Vienna 2004.
  • Martin Kundau, Berlin 2005.
  • Dorothee Lehlbach, Augsburg 2005
  • Angelika Beck, Cologne 2011
  • Nadine Erler, Wiesbaden 2016
  • Lieven Litaer, Saarbrücken 2021 (Klingon with a regression to German)

Film plays are not listed.

  • 1958: SWF/BR, with Karen Wellmann (Alice), Hans Söhnker (narrator), Karen Wellmann (Alice), Edith Heerdegen (heart queen), Charles Regnier (caterpillar), Hans Mahnke (Hutmacher), Hans Timerding (rabbit), Else Reval (cook), Hermann Pfeiffer (March Hase), Gudrun Gewecke (promise). Processing: Kurt Kusenberg, director: Marcel Wall-Ophüls.
  • 1971: Europe, with Hans Paetsch (narrator), Reinhilt Schneider (Alice), Dagmar von Kurmin (Alice’s sister), Konrad Halver (caterpillar/henker), Katharina Brauren (Herzogin), Rudolf H. Herget (laughing cat), Michael Weckler ( Gärtner), Ingeborg Kallweit (Queen), Peter von Schultz (Herold). Departure processing: Hella from the East sagging, directed by Konrad Halver.
  • ?: Paradiso, with Helga Anders (Alice), René Genesis (Dr. Rabbit), Christa Berndl (Queen), Ulrich Matschoss (König), Gerda Gmelin (Herzogin), Klaus Dittmann (Dr. Marabu), Hans Kahlert (Prof. Swan), Kathrin Heimann (Ms. Maus). Directed by Konrad Halver.
  • ?: Kolibri, with Harald Pages (narrator), Dagmar Berghoff (Alice), Joachim Brauner (Lord Lancelot), Ilse Bally (cat/turtle/heart dome), Siegfried Wald (Marabu/Ferdinand/Hutmacher/PIK as). Directed by Friedrich Reder.
  • 1999: The Berlin Picture Company, with Franziska Mager (Alice), Christoph Schobesberger (narrator/caterpillar/spring hare), Thomas Nicolai (the white rabbit/Hutmacher/Herzkönig), Nadja Reichardt (heart queen/chester cat), Ilka Teichmüller (countess), Stefan Kaminski (Mouse/Herzbube). Translator: John Clark, Karin Hahn, directed by Karin Hahn.
  • 2010: Titania, with Roland Hemmo (narrator), Luisa Wietzoreck (Alice), Tanya Kahana (sister), Wilfried Herbst (rabbit), Monica Bielenstein (bee/pigeon), Marcel Collé (Pat/Herz two), Robin Kahnmeyer (Bill ), Norbert Langer (caterpillar), Christel Merian (Duchess), Ursula Sieg (cook), Cornelia Meinhardt (grin cat), Marius Clarén (March Haser), Otto Mellies (Hutmacher), Cathlen Gawlich (sleeping mouse), Maximilian Artajo (heart five) , Robin Kahnmeyer (Heart Sieben), Regina Lemnitz (heart queen), Hasso Zorn (cardiac king), Timmo Niesner (Herzbube). Book: Marc Group, director: Stephan Bosenius and Marc Group.
  • Christian Enzensberger: The riot of the rules . Epilogue. In: Alice in Wonderland, With the illustrations by John Tenniel (= Island paperback. No. 42 Consider. It is also, Frank, Franc Franchs him my mind my 1963 (197: 354-317-317).
  • Lewis Carroll, Martin Gardner (introduction and note): Everything about Alice . Illustrated by John Tenniel. Europa Verlag, Hamburg/ Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-203-75950-0.
  • Lewis Carroll, Martin Gardner (introduction and note): The Annotated Alice: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass: The Definitive Edition . Illustrated by John Tenniel. W W Norton & Co, New York City 1999, ISBN 0-393-04847-0 (available original of the out of print ‘everything about Alice’).
  • Gilles Deleuze: Logic of meaning . In: Edition Suhrkamp . 2nd Edition. Band 1707 . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-518-11707-6 (original title: Logic of meaning . Translated by Bernhard Dieckmann).
  • Raymond Smullyan: Alice in the puzzle country . Fantastic puzzle stories, adventurous catch questions and logical dream trips, with illustrations by John Tenniel. Krüger, Frankfurt am Main 1982, ISBN 3-8105-1808-5 (original title: Alice in the Puzzle-Land . Translated by Thea Brandt).
  • Lewis Carroll, Walter E. Richarartz (Nobody): The little Alice . With the pictures by John Tenniel. Diogenes, Zurich 2008, ISBN 978-3-257-01132-6 (original title: The Nursery Alice . Translated by Walter E. Richartz).

University writings [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Angelika Zirker: The pilgrim as a child: game, language and redemption in Lewis Carrolls Alice books . Lit, Berlin / Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-643-10470-0 (Dissertation University Tübingen 2009, 415 pages).
  • Alexey Fedorenko: Lewis Carroll, „Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland“ . Limited edition. Add Books, Bad Salzdetfurth 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-034022-2 (Master’s thesis Mannheim 2009, 119 pages, mostly illustrated by the master car author: Alexey Fedorenko, 25 cm, 500 g, English).
  1. a b Jean-Jacques LECCLE: Philosophy of nonsense: the intuitions of Victorian nonsense literature Routledge, New York 1994, ISBN 0-415-07652-8, S. 1ff .
  2. a b Gabriele Schwab: The mirror and the killer-queen: otherness in literary language. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana 1996, ISBN 0-253-33037-8, S. 49–1 (Kapitel 2: Nonsense and Metacommunication: Alice in Wonderland. )
  3. 1000 Novels everyone must read: the definitive List. accessed on March 8, 2014.
  4. In the book The Annotated Alice (Extended version: All About Alice ) The numerous allusions to the work are explained in more detail from the American writer Martin Gardner.
  5. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, Vol. 23
  6. Book market
  7. Baltic States leaf
  8. Ceridwen Christensen: 8 Books that reimagine Alices Wonderland In: B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy. July 11, 2016, accessed June 2, 2021.
  9. Review: Alice in Zombieland In: Book Polygamist. September 7, 2011, accessed June 2, 2021.
  10. 8 Books that reimagine Alices Wonderland In: B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy. July 11, 2016, accessed June 2, 2021.
  11. The Matrix (1999) – IMDb. Accessed on October 1, 2021 (English).
  12. “Alice In Wonderland” References In „The Matrix“. Accessed on October 1, 2021 (English).
  13. Gabriele Metsker: Part of her remains in Wonderland. In: Stuttgarter Zeitung. June 26, 2014, accessed July 6, 2014.
  14. Alice in the Wonderland of Art ( Memento from June 9, 2012 in Internet Archive )
  15. Batman’s Deadliest Villains. In: Ranker Comics. accessed on July 10, 2015.
  16. „Alice“-Software der Carnegie Mellon University
  17. Project Gutenberg: Alice’s adventure in Wonderland.
  18. ORHER: Alice in Wonderland. Accessed on December 11, 2022 .