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Antonio Armando García Barrios , better known as Armando Busoini (Ezcaray, July 16, 1904 – Logroño, June 9, 1940), was a Spanish bohemian poet. The writer Juan Manuel de Prada considers him the “custodian angel” of his literary vocation. [ first ]

Biographical [ To edit ]

Registration in the Natal Casa Armando Busoini.

He was the son of Asunción García Barrios, a single mother who returned to his town Ezcaray from Argentina (where, apparently, he emigrated looking for a better life) to give birth to his only son. At the early five -year -old age he traveled to Madrid in his mother’s hand and soon manifests his desire to make a living – or simply dedicate it – to being a writer, for which he adopts the heteronym of Armando Busondi, alleged surname of his father, whom he never met.

After having written some stories about his hometown and the occasional graceful song to his cousin, he published some story in the journal youth The boys edited in Madrid.

In 1918 he publishes Excited adventures of Calck-Zettin. Detective emperor -There disappeared- and, a year later, the plaquette of prose and verse poems entitled Dreams . To this booklet followed as many poetry notebooks, dramatic and narrative works such as Songbook of the stream (1920), Painful wandering (1921), Black roses (1921), Me and my verses (1921), The revenge of the gypsy (1921), [ 2 ] Shadow (1922), For the love of God (1922), Sor (1923, theatrical work written with Mario Arnold), The flood (1924), Maruja that of Christ (1924), My memories (1924), The king of miracles (1924), The Queen of the Forest (1925), Ballad (1926), Los Alas (1926), The courtesan of the regina (1927), The two potters (1927), The Rufián (1928) … that Buscadi sold as he could in his street position. When the sales were going wrong, the day ended between the contestants of Madrid’s Café Pombo, where writers such as Ramón Gómez de la Serna or Rafael Cansinos Asséns attended.

To others, like the brothers and playwrights Serafín and Joaquín Álvarez Quintero, Buscari threatened and blackmail them with committing suicide by throwing from the Segovia bridge, a viaduct that has been a door towards the usual death in Madrid for the suicides.

His own mother entered the Psychiatric Hospital of Madrid, from where he was transferred to Valladolid (where he wrote his will) and, finally, he died sick with schizophrenia and syphilis in the logroño asylum on June 9, 1940. Buried in a niche From the local cemetery, on August 10, 1970 his remains were transferred to the common ossary.


Recovery [ To edit ]

Calle Armando Buscaini in Ezcaray.

The Life of Busteat has been rebuilt by Juan Manuel de Prada from the chronicles of César González Ruano, Ramón Gómez de la Serna and Tired Asséns, as well as what was written by the psychiatrist Achievement Alberto Escudero Ortuño in The roads of Hippocrates .

In 1981, the psychiatrist Alberto Escudero Ortuño, director of the Psychiatric Hospital of the beneficence ‘La Been’, of Logroño, included in his memoir For the roads of Hippocrates The semblance ‘Armando Boyoini, the cursed poet’. Although Buscadi died in the bene, Escudero Ortuño did not treat him as a patient but had contact with José M.ª Villacián, the psychiatrist who attended the poet in Valladolid; From the epistolary relationship between the two, the information that overturned in his book arises.

In 1995 Juan Manuel de Prada took Search as a secondary character in his novel The hero’s masks , which reviewed the bohemia life of some writers from the beginning of the century XX , parallel to the generation of 98. He also dedicated the semblance Armando Busoini or the art of hungry , with which he won the Breton de los Herreros de Logroño prize and is dedicated to the psychiatrist Alberto Escudero Ortuño; corrected and augmented, he published it jointly to other sowings of rare writers in Torn and eccentric . The Albacete actor Miguel Ángel Gallardo has adapted to the scene the theater monologue Armando Busoini or the art of hungry , Based on Prada’s text. In 1996 he published an edition of the book My memories .

In 2006, the brothers Rubén and Diego Marín A. created the website , dedicated to his life and work. In addition, that same year they published the unpublished epistolary entitled ‘Live Letters’ , with five cards crossed by the Bohemian Riojan with Rafael Cansinos Asséns and Andrés González Blanco. For the first time, all the poetry of Armando Busondi has gathered in a single volume: ‘Pride. Poetry (in) Complete of Armando Busondi ‘ , published in Logroño with introduction by Juan Manuel de Prada and edition by Rubén and Diego Marín A., founders of the Buscani publishing house.

In the collection The Armando Print From this editorial stamp it has been published ‘Lyric epistles. Correspondence with Antonio de Lezama ‘, a book that brings together the poems dedicated by Busciai to the journalist of Laguardia, editor-chief of La Libertad, Antonio de Lezama. The work ‘the rufian. Theater, narrative and memory’ Complete the edition of his works, when gathering all his non -poetic literary production, already published in the volume ‘Pride’.

The flamenco singer Juan Pinilla has versed some poems of searching for tangos and tonás and usually interprets these issues in his shows. [ 3 ]

The Universal Critical Theater Group (Tecu) of the University of La Rioja premiered the assembly of its work The Rufián on September 27, 2012 in the drop of milk (Logroño). [ 4 ]

To a clear avenue, with a lush wooded/will give tomorrow the name of who fought so much. I./ The children’s love will have purified/the memory of a man who for loving, sinned. Warm summer/open path to the sweet loving confidence,/when the bride and groom crossing the hand/and souls move away from prose …! (‘Avenida Armando Boyoini’. The Rufián, 1928)

  • The Ezcaray City Council also ordered to place a tombstone in the poet’s home house on Mercedes de Mateo No. 1 street, which contains the following legend:

In this house the poet was born/Antonio Armando García Barrios/”Armando Busoni”/1904-1940/”… It is true that I suffer, but hear me: What do I care if I am a poet?” Ezcaray, September 2004.

  • The director of the Municipal Band of Music of Ezcaray composed in 2006 the Pasodoble-Marcha Armando Busoini , which was released, in front of his home house, on July 2 of that same year. He then appeared in the public library of Ezcaray the book Orgullo. Poetry (in)complete . The score was given to the authors of this book, the brothers Rubén and Diego Marín A., in October 2010, after being performed in the Plaza Conde de Torremúzquiz. [ 6 ]
  • The Institute of Riojan Studies (IER) sponsored in 2006 and 2008 the study on his life and work.
  • The Rioja Bodeguero Gonzalo Gonzalo Grijalba, owner of has named one of its wines Pride , title of the most famous Poem of Armando Busandoini, and that elaborates with varieties of ink and white grapes. He has usually collaborated in literary tastings, maridating his wine with the poet’s work, in events such as the Jazz Festival of Ezcaray and at the Mariquitina’s Day Festival. [ 7 ]
  • Has given name to Editorial Buscadi , a cultural and literary initiative, born in La Rioja and directed by the brothers Rubén and Diego Marín A., of Ezcayense ancestry.

Narrative work [ To edit ]

  • 1917 – excited adventures of Calck -Zettin. The Emperor of Detectives
  • 1918 – Cantares
  • 1923 – Risk is the sublime axis of life
  • 1924 – The art of hungry
  • 1924 – The flood
  • 1924 – My memoirs
  • 1924 – Maruja that of Christ
  • 1924 – The Lights of the Virgen del Puerto
  • 1925 – San Antonio de la Florida
  • 1927 – La Cortesana del Regina

Poetic work [ To edit ]

  • 1919 – dreams
  • 1920 – Shadows
  • 1920 – Songbook of the stream
  • 1921 – Romanticism
  • 1921 – Name poems
  • 1921 – Black roses
  • 1921 – Me and my verses
  • 1922 – With the cross in tow
  • 1922 – For the love of God
  • 1922 – painful wandering
  • 1924 – Spring without sun
  • 1926 – Ballads
  • 1926 – Los Laurs
  • 1928 – The souvenir threshold

Drama [ To edit ]

  • 1923 – Sor Misericordia (signed with Mario Arnold)
  • 1924 – The King of Miracles
  • 1925 – The Queen of the Forest
  • 1927 – The two potters
  • 1928 – The Rufián

Other works by the author [ To edit ]

  • The revenge of the gypsy [ 8 ]
  • Eternal roses
  • Romantic Crusade. Prose of exaltation and love of humanity
  • Swallow
  • Will, soul and poverty
  • San Juan de Dios
  • Hospital days

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • 2017 – Pride. Poetry (in) complete. Editorial Busoini (Personal Reasons’ Collection No. 10). Introduction of Juan Manuel de Prada. Foreword, edition and notes: Rubén and Diego Marín A.
  • 2008 – The Rufián. Theater, narrative and memoirs, Armando Buscandi. Editorial Busoini (Collection ‘Personal Reasons’, 3). Introduction of Luis Antonio de Villena. Foreword, edition and notes: Rubén and Diego Marín A.
  • 2007 – Lyric epistles. Correspondence with Antonio de Lezama. Editorial Busióni (Collection ‘The Press of Armando’, 1). Introduction of Luis Alberto de Cuenca. Foreword, edition and notes: Rubén and Diego Marín A.
  • 2006 – Pride. Poetry (in) complete. Editions of August 4 (Dog Days ‘Collection’ No. 10). Introduction of Juan Manuel de Prada. Foreword, edition and notes: Rubén and Diego Marín A.
  • 2006 – Live letters. Unpublished epistolary with Rafael Cansinos Assens and Andrés González Blanco. Editions of August 4 (Collection ‘Alia Opera’, 10). Introduction of Javier Casis. Foreword, edition and notes: Rubén and Diego Marín A.
  • 2000 – torn and eccentric. Seix Barral. Juan Manuel de Prada edition.
  • 1996 – Mys Memories. Amg Editor. The edition of Juan Manuel de Prada.
  • 1995 – The hero’s masks. Valdemar. Juan Manuel de Prada.
  • 1994 – Song of Stream. Government of the river. The edition of Juan Manuel de Prada.

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
