Arnao Guilén de Brotch – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia


Arnao Guillén de Brocar (Brocq, Bédeille, Atlantic Pyrenees, Aquitaine, France c. 1460 – Alcalá de Henares, 1523), also known as Arnaldo Guillén de Brocar and Arnold Guillaiermus of Brocario , it was a typographer, French recorder and editor, from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All his known work was done in Spain.

He could have worked in Toulouse with Henri Mayer and have met Juan Párix before moving to Spain.

He settled in Pamplona around 1490, where he worked for twelve years, up to 1501. From this period 28 impressions are known, between books and loose leaves, of which 25 are incunable. Among others are the According to the custom of the Church of Pampilonensis (1490), the Epilogue in Medicine and Surgery of Johannes de Ketham (1495), the Virginal title of Our Lady by Pedro de Fuentidueñas (1499), and the Troyana chronicle from Guido de Colonna (1500).

In 1501 he moved to Logroño; there he printed the Elegant De Agostino Data (1502), El Sacramental by Clemente Sánchez de Vercial (1504) or the Introductions of Nebrija, who presented Cardinal Cisneros. In 1511 he moved to Alcalá de Henares, allegedly to the street of the dye, required by Cisneros, although he did not close his Logroño workshop until 1514.

In Alcalá, he printed until his death, which occurred in 1523, texts for the University of Alcalá and the famous Complutense Polyglot Bible, distributed in 1522 after the religious permission, but printed between 1514 and 1517. The last work he printed is Logic questions by Antonio Coronel in 1523.

At the same time he worked in Alcalá, he set up the printing press of the Monastery of Our Lady of Prado de Valladolid, where he worked from 1514 to 1519, and that of the Convent of San Pedro Mártir de Toledo or the Bulas, which attended from 1518 to 1521. Both printers dedicated themselves to printing the bull of the Holy Crusade. They were real concessions, and for them he made the original Punzones and Matrices games. With that font design – Gothic – millions of copies of crusade bulls were carried out until the 1560s, of which a handful is barely preserved.

He was one of the most important printers of the Renaissance, distinguished by King Carlos V with the title of Royal Typographer, a distinction that his son Juan will get later. It has been written without any basis that their Greek types were taken to Antwerp to perform with them the Regia Polyglot Bible of Montano by the Cristóbal Plantino printer.

Stand out:

  • Castilian grammar , by Elio Antonio de Nebrija 1492
  • Latin-Spanish Dictionary (1492) and the Spanish-Latin vocabulary (1495).
  • Troyana chronicle , Spanish edition of History of destruction of Troy , De Guido delle Colonne, (ca. 1500).
  • Elegant De Agostino Data 1502
  • Sacramental by Clemente Sánchez de Vercial (1504).
  • The friendship is true and fiction of Rodrigo de Enciso, (ca. 1502-05)
  • Obra de agriculture compilada of different authors by Gabriel Alonso de Herrera, Alcalá de Henares, 1513
  • Brochures … Cato or the age of Marco Tulilio Cerrón, s. a.
  • Table of the diversity of days and hours , from Nebrija, 1516
  • Regulas of Otagraphá in the Master Antonio de Lebrixa (1517).

Complutense Polyglot Bible [ To edit ]

The Complutense Polyglot Bible, or New Polyglot, now the first impressed , between 1514 and 1517 was printed in six volumes in folio. Arnao Guillén de Brocar recorded and expressly melted new Latin, Greek, Chaldean and Hebrew characters. The text of the Vulgata is in Gothic lyrics, the Greek of the Old Testament in italics, and that of the new tiny. The typographic design is of great complexity since different alphabets appear on the same page to different bodies.


It was the first edition of the Bible in which the Latin text of the Vulgata appeared together, the Greek version of the seventies with the Latin translation, the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Caldea paraphrase. Next to all this a The terminology of Hebrew and Chaldean and the Introductions of the art of grammatically Hebrew . The edition was finally given to the public in 1520 after the authorization of Pope Leo X. Six hundred copies were printed that were sold to six and a half ducats, despite having imported at least 50,000 ducats.

It seems that Cisneros required the Brocar services advised by Antonio de Nebrija for those who had previously worked in Logroño.

See also [ To edit ]

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