Bahnstrecke Schiedam – Hoek van Holland – Wikipedia


The Bahnstrecke Schiedam – corner of Holland (also Hoekse line ) is a former railway line and today’s underground route of the Metro Rotterdam between Schiedam and Hoek van Holland along Nieuwe Maas. The railway line is also an important freight route in the west of the Netherlands. The route length is about 24 kilometers.


On August 17, 1891, the first section between Schiedam and Maassluis was opened as a railway line. The section between Maassluis and Hoek van Holland was inaugurated on June 1, 1893. In 1935 the entire route was electrified.

The Stena Line Allows you to drive off the Hoek van Holland Haven station by ferry to Harwich in England. In earlier times, international travel trains also drove on the route, for example from Moscow or Berlin, since travelers in Hoek van Holland could conveniently switch to the ferry to England. However, the importance of the route has dropped sharply since the opening of the Eurotunnel.

On March 31, 2017, the last passenger trains of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen drove on the route, since then there has been temporary rail replacement traffic until the route as part of the Rotterdam Metro around 2019 [first] [2] [3] should be reopened. The electricity system is converted to 750 V DC and the train stations is adapted according to the design of the Rotterdam Metro. In addition, the new station is in Maassluis Steendijkpolder Built, plans for further intermediate stations in Schiedam and Hoek van Holland have not yet specified. The station Hoek van Holland Strand is also moved closer to the beach.

The opening of the new route was originally planned for September 2017; Due to unforeseen events, the appointment was initially postponed to February 2018. This included a higher load on the ground, including With asbestos, as planned as well as the presence of unused or even used cables that were not discovered during the preliminary examination and which had to be removed or laid. [first] Software problems later resulted in the train protection, so that the reopening had to be postponed again and the conversion measures were expected for January 2019. [2] After it became known that this date cannot be kept due to the continued software problems, an opening before May 2019 is no longer expected. [4] On November 1, 2019, the new route to Hoek van Holland Haven was finally opened and will now be used by lines A (only to Vlaardingen West) and B. [5]

Until 2017, a quarter on the route ran on the route Sprinter From Rotterdam Centraal train station to Maassluis West and every half hour to Hoek van Holland Haven. During the main traffic, the trains ending in Maassluis West were extended to Hoek van Holland Haven, and the section Rotterdam C.-Vlaardingen Centrum was also compressed to a 7.5-minute cycle. After Hoek van Holland Strand, driven only every hour, formerly only in the summer months.

Since April 2017, four SEV lines (711, 712, 713, 714) have been running alongside two city lines (56 and 156). Line 711 is an express line that does not hold between Schiedam Centrum and Hoek by Holland Strand. [6]

After completion of the work, the subway line B from Nesseland is to be extended every 10 minutes from Schiedam to Hoek van Holland Haven, with half of the trains in Maassluis West (later in Maassluis Steendijkpolder). In addition, subway line A from Binnenhof to Vlaardingen West is to be tied through in the main traffic times. Früter trains are also to be used several times a day, the route that transferred to the national rail network in Schiedam.

  1. a b Hoekse Lijn completion is delayed until February 2018. Metropolitan region Rotterdam The Hague, 15. July 2017, accessed on September 15, 2018 (Dutch).
  2. a b Riding on the Hoekse Lijn again postponed. (No longer available online.) Metropool regio Rotterdam Den Haag, September 14, 2018, archived from Original am 16. September 2018 ; accessed on September 15, 2018 (Dutch).
  3. Yvonne Keunen: Hoekse Lijn runs at the earliest at the end of January. Algemeen Dagblad, 14. September 2018, accessed on September 15, 2018 (Dutch).
  4. Construction of Metro Hoekse Lijn delayed again. Accessed on March 16, 2019 (Dutch).
  5. Home. (No longer available online) archived from Original am 3. August 2017 ; Retrieved on November 13, 2019 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/
  6. Replacement bus transport Hoekse Lijn , Rotterdam electric tram, 2018
