Bilowing – Wikipedia


When Screens (English scrolling ) is referred to by shielding contents (both text and graphics). The purpose is the representation of extensive content on a limited space (such as screens, windows, list fields, etc.). To operate the scrolling, there is usually a slider on the edge of the window on a so -called scroll bar.


The “gentle screens” is the slightly delayed, pixel-like imitation of the image content to be shifted. In English is called screens scrolling what of scroll for scroll. Technically, the scroll can be done by both software and hardware z. B. can be implemented with the help of the graphics card.

There was no scroll bar with the limited graphics options of earlier computers, and a mouse was only optional. Instead, the function of the cursor keys could be switched over to the roller (scroll-lock) button so that the cursor was maintained its vertical location on the screen and the image content was postponed instead.

Due to the growing spread of touchpads and mice with scroll wheel, scroll bars are only shown in many newer user interfaces if the user actually scrolls. Buttons for scrolling at the end of the scroll bar are omitted in such surfaces. This should further simplify the user interface.

Where-birdlaufleiste (horizontal)

One Screens is a control of a graphical user interface. As soon as a section of the actual content, for example text, can be displayed, the displayed section can be changed by operating the scroll bar and reaching any position of the content. Most of the image strips contain a sliding element, the scroll field. The scroll bar can be operated with the touchpad or the mouse. There are horizontal and vertical screens.

For some programs, the middle mouse button can be used for scrolling. For some browsers, libreOffice, open office, Wordpad and Microsoft Office applies:

  • Clicking with the middle mouse button on an “empty” area (no link) of the document starts a special scroll mode, where the moving of the mouse pointer from the clicked area causes a scroll (vertical and/or horizontally). The further the mouse pointer is from this point, the faster it is scrolled. The mode is ended with another click, for some programs also by turning the mouse wheel or with the escape button.
  • Instead, you can also scroll with the medium mouse button held down. This also works in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Many two-dimensional computer games are side scrollers, the scrolling enables the player to explore areas that are outside the screen. In particular, this is available in the computer game genres Jump ’n’ Run (platform games like Super Mario) and Shoot ’em Up (shooting games). In the case of the latter, a distinction is made as to whether they scroll horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The first game with scrolling was the racing game Super Bug by Atari, 1977. The first acquaintance was Defender. Moon Patrol was the first parallax scrolling, with the foreground moving faster than the background.

In the kinetic screens (English kinetic scrolling ) is a scrollart that is often used on devices with touchscreen. The screen content moves synchronously to the finger, which strokes the touchscreen surface. When leaving the surface, the scrolling does not stop immediately, but is slowly delayed until it comes to a standstill. This offers, for example, the advantage that the accelerated wiping can let the content run past longer and at a higher speed and thus avoid a time -consuming linear scrolling until the end of a document.
