Binary square shape – Wikipedia


One binary square shape (Often only in this article briefly only Form called), is a square shape in two variables in mathematics

x , and {displaystyle x,y}

, a polynomial of the figure


a , b , c {displaystyle a,b,c}

the coefficients of the form are. Form

f {displaystyle f}


you also write briefly as

In the following, binary square forms are considered in the number theory, which means that only integer solutions are considered. Square forms are a classic part of the number theory. Joseph-Louis Lagrange already dealt with integrated binary and ternary square forms. But only Carl Friedrich Gauß founded in his work Inquiry arithmetic [first] (Chapter 5) A comprehensive theory of binary square forms.

Formal is one binary square shape About a commutative ring with one -time element

A {displaystyle A}

A homogeneous polynomial from grade 2 in two indefinite with coefficients in

A {displaystyle A}


The binary square shapes above the body of real numbers are called real Binary square forms, the binary square forms above the ring of the whole numbers are called integer Binary square shapes.

A full binary square forms

f = ( a , b , c ) {displaystyle f=(a,b,c)}

is called

  • ambig if the middle coefficient is a multiple of the first coefficient, i.e.
  • primitive if the coefficients are foreign to the part, so

The discriminants

D f {displaystyle D_{f}}

a binary square shape

f = ( a , b , c ) {displaystyle f=(a,b,c)}

is defined as

D f : = b 2 4 a c {displaystyle D_{f}:=b^{2}-4ac,}


In theory of binary square forms, the following questions are of interest:

Representation of entire numbers [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  1. Which numbers are represented by a form?
  2. How many and which representations have a number through a shape?

A form represents

f {displaystyle f}

a whole number

n WITH {displaystyle nin mathbb {Z} }

, if it

( x 0 , and 0 ) WITH 2 {displaystyle (x_{0},y_{0})in mathbb {Z} ^{2}}

gives with

f ( x 0 , and 0 ) = n {displaystyle f(x_{0},y_{0})=n}

. The couple

( x 0 , and 0 ) {displaystyle (x_{0},y_{0})}

then means one representation from

n {displaystyle n}


f {displaystyle f}

. The representation means primitive if applies

ggT ( x 0 , and 0 ) = first {displaystyle operatorname {ggT} (x_{0},y_{0})=1,}



Minimum of shapes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  1. Which minimum has a form?

The minimum is

l first ( f ) {displaystyle lambda _{1}(f)}

a form

f {displaystyle f}

defined by

l first ( f ) : = inf { |f ( x , and ) |: ( x , and ) WITH 2 , ( x , and ) ( 0 , 0 ) } {displaystyle lambda _{1}(f):=inf{{sqrt {|f(x,y)|}}:(x,y)in mathbb {Z} ^{2},(x,y)neq (0,0)},}


Equivalence of shapes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  1. Are two given forms equivalent?
  2. With which matrix can two equivalent shapes be converted into each other?

For details on the concept of equivalence, see below.

With the theory of binary square shapes, the following problems can be solved:

  1. Find solutions
  2. Find a shortest vector in a grid (by means of the minimum of binary square shapes)
  3. Factorization of whole numbers (by means of ambigous forms)
  4. Problems of cryptography (about relationships with square number bodies)

If you arrange a shape

f = ( a , b , c ) {displaystyle f=(a,b,c)}


A {displaystyle A}

The triangle matrix

M d ( f ) = ( ab0c) {displaystyle M_{d}(f)={begin{pmatrix}a&b\0&cend{pmatrix}}}

too, so is

M d ( f ) A 2 × 2 {displaystyle M_{d}(f)in A^{2times 2}}


f {displaystyle f}

can also be written as

f ( x , and ) = ( x , and ) M d ( f ) ( x , and ) T {displaystyle f(x,y)=(x,y)M_{d}(f)(x,y)^{T},}

, whereby

T {displaystyle ldots ^{T}}

The transposition means.

Alternatively, a symmetrical

( 2 × 2 ) {displaystyle (2times 2)}


M s ( f ) = ( ab2b2c) {displaystyle M_{s}(f)={begin{pmatrix}a&{frac {b}{2}}\{frac {b}{2}}&cend{pmatrix}}}

to be used: then also applies

f ( x , and ) = ( x , and ) M s ( f ) ( x , and ) T {displaystyle f(x,y)=(x,y)M_{s}(f)(x,y)^{T},}

, but only

M s ( f ) A 2 × 2 {displaystyle M_{s}(f)in A^{2times 2}}

applies if 2 in

A {displaystyle A}

is invertable. For integrated binary square shapes

f {displaystyle f}

but is

M s ( f ) Q 2 × 2 {displaystyle M_{s}(f)in mathbb {Q} ^{2times 2}}


The one too

f {displaystyle f}

Corresponding symmetrical matrix

M s ( f ) {displaystyle M_{s}(f)}

one also briefly referred to

[ a , b , c ] {displaystyle [a,b,c]}

so that the following applies:

f ( x , and ) = ( x , and ) [ a , b , c ] ( x , and ) T {displaystyle f(x,y)=(x,y)[a,b,c](x,y)^{T},}


With the help of the symmetrical matrix

[ a , b , c ] {displaystyle [a,b,c]}

The discriminant of the form can be represented as a form as

D = b 2 4 a c = 4 the [ a , b , c ] {displaystyle D=b^{2}-4ac=-4cdot det[a,b,c],}


Definition of equivalence [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

One (unimodulare) Substitution

( x , and ) = IN ( x , and ) T {displaystyle (x’,y’)=U(x,y)^{T},}

the variables of a form with

IN S L 2 ( WITH ) {displaystyle Uin SL_{2}(mathbb {Z} )}


IN {displaystyle U}

Element of the special linear group over the entire numbers) determines a transformation of the form

( a , b , c ) {displaystyle (a,b,c),}

in a equivalent Form

( a , b , c ) {displaystyle (alpha ,beta ,gamma ),}

With the representative matrix

IN T [ a , b , c ] IN = [ a , b , c ] {displaystyle U^{T}[a,b,c]U=[alpha ,beta ,gamma ],}

. So two forms are called equivalent to if there is a matrix

IN S L 2 ( WITH ) {displaystyle Uin SL_{2}(mathbb {Z} )}

gives with

IN T [ a , b , c ] IN = [ a , b , c ] {displaystyle U^{T}[a,b,c]U=[alpha ,beta ,gamma ],}

In this case you write

[ a , b , c ] [ a , b , c ] {displaystyle [alpha ,beta ,gamma ]sim [a,b,c],}


( a , b , c ) = ( a , b , c ) IN {displaystyle (a,b,c)=(alpha ,beta ,gamma )U,}

. So it then applies

( f IN ) ( x , and ) = f ( IN ( x , and ) ) {displaystyle (fU)(x,y)=f(U(x,y)),}

For a form

f {displaystyle f}


This definition is motivated by the fact that equivalent forms represent the same numbers and the representation

( x , and ) {displaystyle (x,y),}

the number through the one form

f {displaystyle f}

From the representation

( x , and ) {displaystyle (x’,y’),}

the number through the equivalent form

g {displaystyle g}

directly results as

( x , and ) = IN ( x , and ) T {displaystyle (x,y)=U(x’,y’)^{T},}

, if

f = g IN {displaystyle f=gU,}


Annotation: The defined one in this way equivalence is often also referred to as “real equivalence” and the general concept of equivalence on transformation matrices

IN G L 2 ( WITH ) {displaystyle Uin GL_{2}(mathbb {Z} )}


IN {displaystyle U}

Element of the general linear group over the entire numbers).

Properties equivalent forms [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Equivalent shapes have the following properties, which then form on the equivalence classes f (amount of equivalent forms:

F ( a , b , c ) : = { ( a , b , c ) | ( a , b , c ) ( a , b , c ) } {displaystyle F(a,b,c):={(a’,b’,c’)|(a’,b’,c’)sim (a,b,c)},}

), transfer.

  • Two equivalent shapes have the same discriminant. With that the Discriminating

    the equivalence class be defined as

    D F(a,b,c): = D (a,b,c){displaystyle D_{F(a,b,c)}:=D_{(a,b,c)}}


  • Two equivalent shapes represent the same numbers.

Definity of shapes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Forms can according to their Definitheit be classified.

A binary square shape

f = ( a , b , c ) {displaystyle f=(a,b,c)}

is called

  • indefinite , if
  • defined , if

These definitions correspond to the definition of the matrices corresponding to the forms.

Regarding the representation Fully figures arise from the definition that defined positiv Forms only positive, and negatively defined Forms only represent negative numbers. Indefinite Forms can represent both positive and negative numbers.

Annotation: In case of

D f 0 {displaystyle D_{f}leq 0}

one speaks of ( positive or. negative ) semidefiniten Forms (if

a > 0 {displaystyle a>0}

a < 0 {displaystyle a<0}


Forms of the same discriminant [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Every whole number

n WITH {displaystyle nin mathbb {Z} }

that can be a discriminant (i.e.

n 0 ( against 4 ) {Displaystyle WAVIV 0 (operatorName {mod} 4)}


n first ( against 4 ) {Displaystyle WAVIV 1 (operatorName {mod} 4)}

, e.g. B. -8, -7, -4, -3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 8), all integer forms with this number can be assigned to this number. However, if one looks at the equivalence classes of shapes, there are only a finite number of equivalence classes of integrated forms with this discriminant per discriminant. This number will also Class number

h ( n ) {displaystyle h(n)}

called (eg

h ( 23 ) = 3 {displaystyle h(-23)=3}


Reduction of integer binary square shapes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In general, one strives to find a suitable representative for each equivalence class. In the case of binary square forms, this representative should have small coefficients if possible. Depending on the definition of the form (which is the same for all forms of an equivalence class because of the invariance, the discriminant is the same for all forms of the form:

  • For positive forms