Carl Hukel – Wikipedia Wikipedia


Carl Jukel (* January 21, 1865 in Vienna [first] ; † August 20, 1931 in Schönau an der Triesting [2] ) was Lower Austrian innkeeper, estate manager and politician (CSP). In 1918/1919 he was a member of the Provisional National Assembly for German Austria and State Secretary (= Minister) for Transportation in the State Government of Renner I. From 1902 until his death, he was almost continuously a member of the Lower Austrian state parliament and was sent to the Federal Council by Lower Austria.


Jukel was born the son of a bourgeois master carpenter. He attended the Volks- and Unterreisschule and studied from 1880 to 1883 with an imperial scholarship at the agricultural school in Mödling. He paid his military service from 1884 to 1885 as a one-year-volunteer and then worked until 1898 as a freight administrator and agricultural official for large-scale landowners. In 1898, Jukel took over the inn and his father -in -law’s manor in Schönau, causing him to lose the officers’ patent. However, Jukel was awarded this by Emperor Karl I in the First World War. Shortly before his death, Jukel lived in his official apartment in the Lower Austrian country house in Vienna (1st district, Herrengasse 13) and had his manor in Schönau an der Triesting.

Jukel was elected to the municipal council of Schönau an der Triesting in 1900 and held the office of mayor from 1906 to 1918. From December 19, 1902 to July 20, 1908 and from January 8, 1909 to January 8, 1915, he represented the Christian Social Party as a member of the rural communities (Baden, Gutenstein, Pottenstein, etc.) in the state parliament. From 1907 to 12 November 1918 he was also a member of the Reichsrat (XI and XII. Legislative period) and from 1911, from the last Reichsrat election, until 1918 one of the three vice presidents of the House of Representatives.

Other functions of Jukel were chairman of the district school council, chairman of the district street committee, deputy senior curator of the Lower Austrian state mortgage and member of the state culture council. He was also a founding member of the Lower Austrian Farmers’ Association and chairman of the Baden district farmers.

After the First World War, Jukel, as the German Reich Councilor of Old Austria, belonged from October 21, 1918 to February 16, 1919 to the Provisional National Assembly for German Austria. At the same time, from October 30, 1918 to March 15, 1919, he held the Office of State Secretary for Transportation in the first government of the new state.

At the same time, Jukel was still active in Lower Austrian state policy. From November 5, 1918 to May 4, 1919, he belonged to the provisional state parliament. After the first full democratic state election on May 20, 1919, he was still a member of the state parliament in the joint state parliament. In the course of the separation of Vienna from Lower Austria, he belonged to the (in contrast to the Which wien ) MPs remaining in Lower Austria ( Curia Lower Austria Land ) on (Landtag of Lower Austria-Land), which he as president from November 30, 1920 to May 11, 1921. He then continued to be a member of the Lower Austrian state parliament, which had been constitutionally separated from Vienna since the end of 1921 (1st and II. Legislative period). The state parliament sent him on December 1, 1920 as one of the representatives of Lower Austria to the Federal Council (I., II. And III. Legislative period), the second chamber of the overall -state parliament, which he belonged to until May 20, 1927.

Monument to the church in Schönau

Jukel was also active in the fire brigade as a member of the Schönau volunteer fire brigade at the Triesting and was elected as the successor to Karl Schneck in 1922. He held this position until 1931 and was replaced by his deputy Ernst Polsterer. Under him, the fire brigade law was issued for Lower Austria (with the exception of St. Pölten and Wiener Neustadt), according to which the fire brigades also had to intervene in the event of floods or other elementary events. [3]


He was also involved in the Red Cross and was Vice President of the Vienna State Association, Lower Austria, Burgenland.

  • Jukel Karl. In: Austrian biographical lexicon 1815-1950 (ÖBL). Volume 3, publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1965, p. 145.
  • Lower Austria state parliamentary directorate (ed.): Biographical manual of the Lower Austrian Landtag and the Lower Austrian state government 1921–2000 (= Lower Austria writings. Volume 128). Lower Austria State Directorate, St. Pölten 2000, ISBN 3-85006-127-2.
  • Fritz Planer (ed.): The yearbook of the Vienna Society. Biographical contributions to Viennese contemporary history , Vienna 1929
  • Stenographic protocols of the House of Representatives of the Reich Council ( 18. , 19. , 20. , 21. , 22. Session) on Alex- Historical Legal and Legal Texts Online (committee memberships, speeches, applications, etc.)
  1. Matricula Online – Vienna – Erdberg, St. Peter and Paul, baptismal book, 1863–1865, page 155, 2nd line.
  2. Matricula Online – Schoenau an der Triesting, death book, 1903–1938, page 104, entry No. 6, 6. Line.
  3. Page no longer available , Search in web archives: @first @2 Template: dead link/ Commemorative publication of the Gerasdorf fire brigade from 1996. In:, accessed on October 5, 2009 (no mementos).
