Casilleja of the Custa – Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia


Castilleja de la Cuesta It is a Spanish municipality that is located in the Aljarafe region, in the province of Seville, Andalusia. In 2020 it had a population of 17,516 inhabitants. [ 3 ]


Its geographical coordinates are 37º 23 ‘N, 6 ° 03’ O. It is located at an altitude of 96 meters and about 6 kilometers from Seville. [ first ]

The town is located on the western side of Guadalquivir, in the Aljarafe region. Aljarafe is characterized by a penillanura with a difference of approximately 100 meters of altitude with respect to the Vega del Guadalquivir. [ 4 ] With its 2.14 km², it is one of the smallest municipalities in Andalusia. [ 5 ]

The town settled at the end of the so -called Cuesta del Caracol. [ first ] In the century XIV The area of ​​the Plaza de Santiago was populated. In this area are the church of Santiago, Palace of the Dukes of Las Salinas and the City Council. [ 6 ] In the century XVII He bought the Zoba on Real Street from the crown, this street was always populated since the time of King San Fernando. In the same are the parish church of the Immaculate Conception; The Palace of Queen María de las Mercedes, where Hernan Cortes died in 1547, today College of the Irish [ 7 ] And the San Ignacio hacienda. [ 8 ] The rest of the town was built from the century XX With neighborhoods such as Concepción, El Faro, Las Almenas and Nueva Sevilla. [ 9 ]

Limit with the following villages:

The V Centenary Highter (A-49) crosses the term of Castilleja from this to west by its southern third, dividing the nucleus into two clearly differentiated urban sectors.

Climatology [ To edit ]

The average annual precipitation in 1998 was 693.2 l/m². The rainiest month is December, with an average precipitation in that month that in 1998 was 1520.1 l/m². The warmest month is Julio, being the average of that month in 1998 the 35.3 ° and the coldest month is January, with average temperatures that year of 5.9 °.

There is no information until reaching the Calcolithic, where it was found under the influence of the settlements of Valencina de la Concepción. However, it is nestled in what should be tartsic territory. It is possible that, after the disappearance of Tartesos and the proliferation of small kingdoms the town was fortified after the Roman invasion of Hispania. From this hypothetical fortification, the name of Castilleja would come, which would derive from Latin camp (strength). In the Visigoth and Muslim Hispania, he met as Castalla Talaçana. After the reconquest of King Fernando III of Castilla de Sevilla in 1248 the area becomes known as Alijar (written Alixar, for pronouncing the X as J regularly in some in some [ which? ] Spanish areas). However, the name did not end up being used too much time and was again known as Castalla. Many Sevillian towns were called Castalla and the term suffered a double evolution. The towns that were alquerías but then became simple towns would be called Cazalla (for example, Cazalla de la Sierra) and those that remained like alquerías for a long time were called Castilleja (for example, Castilleja de la Cuesta, Del Campo , of Almanzor, of Talahara, etc.). [ first ]

In the cast of Seville that took place in the century XIII , Castilleja (known at this time as Castalla Talaçadar) was divided into two by Alfonso X. A part was given to his uncle, Rodrigo Alfonso, who in turn swaps to the military order of Santiago in 1267 in exchange for a nearby inheritance To Benavente. The repopulation of this part was a slow process, since the end of the century XIV . [ 6 ] [ first ]

Although since the time of Reconquista 1248 this area of ​​the town was depopulated and yerma. As a result of granting the second letter Puebla in 1408, it was when he began to repopulate.

The other part, called Realengo, Alfonsina or Camino Real, the reservation of King Ferdinand III under its domains, depending administratively and judicially on the crown, and forming part of the mitation of San Juan, for being the main route of communication between the city Hispanic, fog county and carve; Likewise, it depended ecclesiastically on the archbishopric [ which? ] and his council. Being the only area of ​​the town that did not depopulate after that reconquest. In that Camino Real, the ancient mosque of the Arab Alquería was settled, which is converted into hermitage after this reconquest.

In 1547, Hernán Cortés died in a house-palace on Real Street.

In 1538, the entrustment of the goods and vassals of the Order of Santiago in Castilleja ended by Royal. In 1539 Carlos I sold this area of ​​the town to the count of Olivares, Pedro Pérez de Guzmán and Zúñiga. The mayor of the town, Pedro de Castañeda, gave the same to the Count except Calle Real, which at that time was governed by the Council of the Villa de Tomares and remained the property of the Crown. The successive Counts of Olivares tried to acquire the street unsuccessfully, until the Count-Duke of Olivares Gaspar de Guzman in the century XIX The manors and the people will be governed by a town hall from 1808. [ ten ] However, the germ of the current Spanish municipalities was established by Royal ID in 1833. [ ten ]

The primitive nucleus is structured around the Plaza de Santiago and the Longitudinal Axis of Calle Real. From it there is subsequent urban growth, especially by the demographic increase that has occurred since the middle of the century XX .

There are 2 ecclesiastical brotherhoods with virgins crowned with their respective churches and 2 chapels (that of the Blessed College Virgin Mary, known as Las Irlandes) and that of the Chapel of the Virgin of Guide (Protective of the City Council).

On September 7, 2013, it was canonically crowned in the Jardines of the Convent of the Reverend Irish mothers to the Immaculate Conception, patron saint of the town of Castilleja de la Cuest as Brotherhood of Real Street.
On the other hand, on June 18, 2016, the image of Our Lady of Solitude was canonically crowned in the Plaza de Santiago, a fact that marked the future of the history of the Brotherhood of Santiago, because we talked about the coronation of the greatest devotion of the brotherhood of the square.
These coronations have been a great reference in the province of Seville.

Demographic evolution [ To edit ]

Has suffered an outstanding boom In the 70s and 80s for the improvements of communication with the capital and the large housing construction (highlighting the neighborhoods of floors). Currently, the municipality is with a stable population that is between 17,000 and 18,000 people.

Población de Castilleja de la Cuesta.png

Casa-Palacio where Hernán Cortés died, which was built as if it were a fortress. The house passed in 1855 at the hands of the Duke of Montpensier. In 1889 it was occupied by Irish nuns, who created a school in it. [ 11 ]

In the town there are several estates.

The Hacienda de la Sagrada Familia was built between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Formerly it had a chapel that became a chapel of the town. The set is a good example of Andalusian regional architecture. It also retains the counterweight tower of the oil mill. The set has been re-adapted as a library and house of culture of the municipality. [ twelfth ]

The Hacienda de San José, also known as Casa Salinas or Casa de los Seven Balcones, has a Renaissance cover of the century XVI . The house belongs to the Salinas family. Duchess Concepción Salinas Benjumea married the last century with Don Pedro de Alcántara Roca de Togores and Laffite, XIX Duke of Béjar, XXII Conde de Luna, XXI VIZCONDE DE PUEBLA DE ALCÓCER Y GREAT OF SPAIN. [ twelfth ]

The San Ignacio hacienda is called that because until the century XIX It was the seat of a Jesuit convent (order founded by Ignacio de Loyola). It became owned by the Sáiz de Rozas family around 1880 and today is a hotel. [ twelfth ]

The Santa Barbara hacienda was acquired in 1885 by Ana Cansino Cabrera, who was read to her descendants but, after losing her agricultural and residential use, since 1991 she belongs to the City Council. [ twelfth ]

In the center of the town there is a castle-shaped house-shaped house that was made in the century XVI . Don Alonso Rodríguez, a friend of Hernán Cortés, belonged to the jury, and the conqueror resided in it until his death in 1547. In 1855, already abandoned, he was acquired by the Duke of Montpensier who made some reforms inside it and created his current Gardens and, subsequently, for inheritance matters, passed to the crown. In 1889 he was rented to the nuns of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is an Irish order. The Irish nuns acquired the palace in 1903 and today is a school. [ 13 ]

Churches, Brotherhoods and Sacred Art [ To edit ]

Santiago Apostle Church [ To edit ]

View of the Plaza de Santiago.

The Church of Santiago Apostle is currently a Neo Mudejar -style building whose first building was built at the end of the century XIV erected on an old pillow mosque of the century XIII of which remains such as the start and foundations of the alminar are preserved that are part of the church bell tower, although it was the subject of some reforms, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In 1885 he was rebuilt again at the expense of Mrs. Nicolas Primitive Silver custody and being the building used as a stable for the cavalry of the troops occupied by the town.

The main altarpiece and the frescoes of the interior are neo -Gothic style, made from the late nineteenth and mid -XX respectively. However, the Church has older sizes. [ 14 ]

In the main altarpiece neogootica made in the century XIX We find Our Lady of Solitude crowned, anonymous work of School Sevillana S. XVI although it can be a work near the circle of Andrés de Castillejo. Flanking the Mariana image is a sculptural group formed by Santo Domingo and Santiago Pelegrino, anonymous works s) attributed to Duke Cornejo

In the left ship there is an altarpiece presided by the Virgen del Rosario of Miguel Adán, and later another presided by the Virgin of the spectación of the birth (better known as Virgen de la O), carried out in the century XVII By Ocampo. In the altarpiece of the Virgen de la O there is also a San Juanito of the Granada School of the century XVIII And an image of the Child Jesus made in the century XVII in Martínez Montañés workshop. In the head of the left ship there is a Yacente Christ in a neobarroca urn under the invocation of the Christ of Remedies. This Christ was carried out by the school of Pedro Roldán. [ 14 ]

In the right ship there is a chapel of the tabernacle where there are paintings with the heads of San Blas and San Laureano, as well as portraits of San Isidoro and San Leandro. This set was made by Valdés Leal. In the first altarpiece of the right ship we find San José with El Niño, this set attributed to Francisco Ruíz Gijón. In the right nave there is also a niche with a size of Santiago el Mayor on horseback, which is the head of the temple made by Juan de Astorga. [ 14 ]

This church is host of the Brotherhood of Santiago, better known as the Brotherhood of the Plaza, [ 15 ] Who holds the Christ of Remedios, the Virgen de la Soledad, Santiago Apostle and the Blessed Christ of the Vera Cruz.

Church of Our Lady of Conception [ To edit ]

In the same place where there was a mosque since the time of Al Andalus, the first place of the people originated where the Christian cult was given, this mosque was converted into hermitage after the reconquest by Fernando III and it was raised to parish in 1615. The invocation to the Virgen de la Concepción was brought by the Franciscan friars in 1400. [ 16 ]

The main altarpiece was made by Cristóbal Guadix between 1702 and 1706. It is baroque style and with Solomonic columns. The altarpiece belonged to a minimum nun convent on Sierpes Street in Seville. He is chaired by the image of the Immaculate Conception; anonymous size made in the century XVII , head of the Brotherhood of Calle Real. A primitive size of the century is preserved XV In the units of the Brotherhood House, [ 16 ]

In the presbytery there are two paintings made about skin and with a baroque frame of the Virgen de los Reyes and San Fernando. In the left wall of the ship there is a rococó altarpiece with a size of San José with the boy of Pedro Duque Cornejo and next to this, there is an image of Santa Inés and another from Santa Clara de Juan Martínez Montañés. [ 16 ]

In another altarpiece there is an image of the Virgen de la Piedad attributed by some authors to Luisa Rodán “La Roldana” and others to Benito de Hita and Castillo. A Christ of the Vera Cruz Anonymous of the century XVI , and an image of San Juan del XVIII. In the right wall is the sacramental chapel with an image of Jesus of Great Power, size of the early century XVIII by Francisco Ruíz Gijón. The chapel is decorated with frescoes from the beginning of the century XX and tiles of the middle of the same century, carried out in the Ceramic Workshop of Ramos Rejano by the local painter Juan Oliver. Next to it there is another chapel with the Virgen de los Dolores, this being a size of the century XVIII of the Pedro Roldan workshop on a neoclassical style altar. [ 16 ]

In the church there are several paintings of interest, such as a canvas of San Pío V of the century XIX , two from San Miguel from the beginning of the century XVII attributed to Valdés Leal, and a Virgin of the Paloma of the Granada School of the Century XVII ; A picture of the Virgin’s spatority, another from the sacred dinner, another from the Savior and an Immaculate, all of them from the century XVII of the painter Juan de Roelas, and a virgin of Guadalupe of the century XVIII . [ 16 ]

On the cover is the high choir, where a magnificent organ of the century is preserved XVIII . [ 16 ]

This church is the one known as the Brotherhood of Calle Real, founded on June 9, 1478, whose headlines are the Immaculate Conception Crowned, Christ of Vera Cruz, Ntro. Father Jesus of the Great Power and Mary Most Holy of Dolores.

Hermitage of Our Lady of Guide [ To edit ]

Apparently in that place there was a “mooring” or “rabitha” of the Almohade stage (XI or XII centuries) that was converted into a Christian church. Inside an image of Our Lady of Guide is saved, a virgin of the century XVIII . There is a legend that says that in the century XVI Rodrigo Ponce de León, Duke of Arcos de la Frontera, walked in a car pulled by mules and guided by his coachman. When the mules passed through Castilleja and the noble shouted the coachman “Guide!. Guide!” To continue. However, when the nobleman went down both discovered a virgin between the rocks and the name is in memory of that story. [ 16 ]

The Virgen de Guía is the protector of the Municipal Corporation.

The traditional industry has been the oil cake, of which there are several companies that manufacture it. In the middle of the s. XX, there were up to 5 oil cake industries such as Andrés Gaviño cakes. Among the five, most people of the town were distributed. Of all of them, the only survivors are Andrés Gaviño and the best known is that of Inés Rosales, which survived modernizing their machinery and selling their land in Castilleja and translating their factory to Huévar. On the other hand there are other less old producing companies, such as Upita de los Reyes, Dulces Giralda and brothers Prieto and Gordillo. [ 18 ]

The work carried out by the handmade carpet manufacturing and restoration workshop, located in this town since the 1920s, whose commercial name is Baldomero carpets. [ 19 ] The business began in Madrid in 1925, but moved to this town in 1929, when the Ibero -American exhibition took place in the nearby city of Seville. Baldomero carpets is the only carpet restorative company throughout Andalusia. [ 20 ] Another historical business of the town is a store called Yolanda which manufactures flamenco costumes and short costumes for gentleman since 1979. [ 19 ]

In 2004, the Ikea Furniture Store was installed in the town next to a shopping center, also created in the 2004, called AIRESUR. [ 21 ] It was the fifth IKEA store inaugurated in Spain and the first of Andalusia. [ 22 ] An extension of it was scheduled on the land located just in front.

Evolution of municipal living debt [ To edit ]

The concept of living debt contemplates only debts with boxes and banks related to financial credits, fixed income values ​​and loans or credits transferred to third parties, therefore excluding commercial debt.

GRAPH OF EVOLUTION OF THE LIVING DEBT OF THE COSTilleja City Council of La Cuesta between 2008 and 2021

Living Debt of the City of Castilleja de la Cuesta in thousands of euros according to data from the Ministry of Finance and Public Function. [ 23 ]

The Municipal Sports Delegation has a municipal sports pavilion and other sports facilities. This delegation organizes municipal sports schools every year, where we can find sports such as Judo (thanks to a subsidy to the Judolín Club), tennis, volleyball, basketball (Castalla Basketball Sports Club), Athletics, Soccer-Sala, Swimming, Aerobic, etc. Most schools participate in different sports competitions such as Federation, Provincial Sports Games (Diputación de Sevilla) or Municipal Sports Games (Ayto. Seville).

The town has two soccer club: Castilleja CF, a team founded in 1929 and which amounted to Third Division in 2015 where it was three seasons, as well as its first youth team that has promoted youth Honor Division in this 2018/ 2019. At present it is a team with 17 federated teams and with 12 promotions in the different teams of its quarry in the last four years. [ 24 ] And the recreational sports club Nueva Sevilla.

Prominent figures [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

  1. a b c d It is Florencio, op. cit., p. 2. 3. 4
  2. “Another councilor of the PP of Castilleja de la Cuesta resigns but this time the party retains the minutes” . Europa Press. May 27, 2014.
  3. “Tabla2895” . . Retrieved on October 27, 2017 .
  4. Aguilar created, op. CIT, p. 17
  5. Aguilar created, op. cit., P. 17
  6. a b Aguilar created, op. cit., P. 32
  7. Aguilar created, op. cit., P. 34
  8. Aguilar created, op. cit., P. 35
  9. Aguilar created, op. cit., PP. 35-36
  10. a b Florencio, op. cit., p. 235
  11. Castilleja de la Cuesta City Council. «The Palacio de Hernán Cortés House (current College of the Irish)» . Filed from the original March 30, 2014 . Retrieved on June 1, 2014 .
  12. a b c d Carrión y Gallardo, op. Cit. Ppp. 38-39
  13. Carrión y Gallardo, op. CIT., PP. 40-4
  14. a b c Carrión y Gallardo, op. CIT., PP. 42-4
  15. José Gómez Palas (June 1, 2015). “The brotherhood of the square reveals the acts and cults of the coronation” . The mail of Andalusia.
  16. a b c d It is f g Carrión y Gallardo, op. Cit. p. 45
  17. «Sweets of centuries ago in Castilleja de la Cuesta» . The mail of Andalusia. March 27, 2011.
  18. a b «Castilleja de la Cuesta» . This is my town . South Canal. October 12, 2013.
  19. Nicol Jiménez (April 16, 2016). We are the only company that is dedicated to restoring carpets in Andalusia » . The mail of Andalusia.
  20. «Airesur wants to expand the Castilleja de la Cuesta Shopping Center» . The mail of Andalusia. October 22, 2015.
  21. Reyes Rincón (January 16, 2004). “IKEA hopes to receive 100,000 visits in its center in Seville during the first four days” . The country.
  22. Living debt of local entities
  23. Álvaro Garcia ( May 17, 2015). “The Castilleja, in third division flyers” . The sports dean (the mail of Andalusia).

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Manuel Jesús Florencio et al. (1998). Seville Pueblo . ABC and publications service of the Diputación de Sevilla.
  • Javier Carrión, Miguel Gallardo and others. «Castilleja de la Cuesta». Treasures of the province of Seville 3 . ABC and publications service of the Diputación de Sevilla.
  • Encarnación Aguilar Criado (1983). The Brotherhoods of Castilleja de la Cuesta. A study of cultural anthropology . Publications Service of the City of Seville.

external links [ To edit ]
