Chaumme – Wikipedia


Overview of the Loire wine -growing regions. Chaum belongs to the Anjou region (reddish -colored area at Angers) and is located on the Layon River.

Thatch or CHAUME-PRIME CRU DES COTEAUX DU LAYON is the name of a viticulture area in the area of ​​the Loire. It is an enclave within the Appellation Coteaux du-Layon in the ANJOU area. Chaum is located in the Maine-ET-Loire department, about 16 kilometers south of Angers. The vineyards are distributed to the municipalities of Beaulieu-sur-Layon, Bellevigne-en-Layon, Bouchemaine, Brissac Quincé, Chalonnes-Sur-Loire, Chaudefonds-Sur-Layon, Denée, Mauges-sur-Loire, Mozé-sur-Louet , La Possonnière, Rochefort-sur-Loire, Saint-Baubin-de-Luigné, Saint-Lambert-Du-Lattay, Savennières, Soulaines-sur-Baubance, and Vauchrétien.


Thatch has had the status of an appellation d’Ormine Contrôlée (AOC) since September 19, 2003. The vines grow on steep slopes on the right bank of the Layon river, a tributary of the Loire. Before passing the corresponding decree on the AOC, the area was Coteaux du Layon Chaume called.

Only sweet white wines from the Chenin Blanc grape variety are produced. If possible, the grapes should be affected by noble rot (see also botrytis cinerea) and are read by hand in several rounds for better selection of the overripe grapes.

The yields are very low – the basic income should not exceed 25 hl/hectares. The unavoidable must should have a minimum content of 238 g/l sugar. The alcohol content must be at least 12 °, although the sugar is not fully fermented (a minimum contaminated sugar content of 34 g/liter is required). The wine is gold colors with greenish reflexes; In the fragrance it is very floral and perfumed. It is drunk at the earliest five years after the harvest. It can be stored at least 20 years. The drinking temperature is 8 ° C.

In the same area there is a second appellation, quarts-de-chaum.

Differentiation to the other areas of the Coteaux du-layon [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The legal templates of the individual appellations differ as follows. [first] [2] [3] [4]

AOC Earnings limit
(Hectoliter is a hectare)
Minimal must weight
(in gram/liter)
Minimal alcohol content in wine Minimal residual sugar content in wine
(in gram/liter)
Coteaux du Layon 35 hl/ha 221 g/l 11% 34 g/l
Coteaux du Layon + Gemeindename 30 hl/ha 238 g/l twelfth % 34 g/l
Coteaux du Layon ( + municipal name) + name Sélection de Grains Nobles 294 g/l No chaptalization allowed; The berry reading character must be confirmed in a sensor test.
Bonzeaux 25 hl/ha 238 g/l twelfth % 34 g/l The berries must be harvested in overhanging and may be affected by precious blight (but do not have to)
Thatch 25 hl/ha 272 g/l twelfth % 68 g/l The berries must be harvested in partial pink or are infected by noble rot.
If the natural must weight 323 g/l exceeds, the minimal alcohol content of the wine is 11% instead of 12%
Whirlwind 25 hl/ha 238 g/l twelfth % 34 g/l The berries must be harvested in overhanging and may be affected by precious blight (but do not have to)
  1. Inao: The AOC CHOME requirements, last revised on April 27, 2007
  2. Inao: Terms of the AOC Coteaux du Layon, last revised on February 21, 2007
  3. Inao: Terms of the AOC Bonnenzeaux, last time on October 10, 2003
  4. Inao: Terms of the AOC Qarts de Chaum, last time on October 10, 2003
