Ernesto Madero Vázquez – Wikipedia


José Joaquín Ernesto of the Sacred Heart of Jesús Madero Vázquez (Born November 26, 1913 in Morelia, Michoacán, † 1996) was a Mexican journalist and ambassador.


Ernesto Madero Vázquez Father died before his school visit. At the San Nicolás College He studied engineering for four years. In his youth he worked with José Rubén Romero in a publisher with a printing company in Morelia. Madero was a member of the “Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios”. As such, he wore a greeting address on August 20, 1936 Latin American Congress of Socialist Students in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Among other things, he designed the image of the Heroic struggle of the Cuban people against the octopus arms of treacherous militarism, which bears the head of Fulgencio Batista.

Héctor Pérez Martínez, der Chefredakteur von The National Madero sent to the organ of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río in 1937 as a correspondent to the second Spanish republic to report on the Spanish civil war. His chronicles were also in the Route The red. Socialist Youth of Mexico and the Shout published. Madero traveled as a representative of the UNIVERSIDAD OBRERA DE MEXICO and further revolutionary youth organizations. In a press ID from February 1937, he was promised access to all sections of the central front for ten days in accordance with the respective commander of the sectors. At the front he saw himself as a assistant by Colonel David Alfaro Siqueiros der 82nd Mixed Brigade Despublicano Spanish Army in Teruel. In Spain he interviewed André Malraux. In April 1937 returned to Mexico, Madero wrote on the suggestion of the Confederation of Texicods Workers A brossite with the ‘mexikly mess, La Paz tribute’. Lazaro Cárdenas Ernannte Carrode 1938 to Konsul in Barcelona.

On March 1, 1939, Madero was sent to the message in Havana as Chancellor’s third degree. He was granted $ 45.33 for the facility in Havana. On March 31, 1939, he came on a steamer of the Ward Line Accompanied by his wife and mother to Habanna and submitted to the instructions of the ambassador José Rubén Romero. Luis Padilla nervo was also accredited at the Mexican embassy in Habanna at that time. As the coupons of the Spanish military union In April 1939 in Spain, hundreds of democracy fled over Cuba. These included Niceto Alcalá Zamora, José Giral Pereira Manuel Altolaguirre and María Zambrano. From 1939 to 1944 Romero was accredited in Havana, where Fulgencio Batista, which he characterized in 1936, was elected President in 1936.

After the war he joined the diplomatic service again, which led him to the Soviet Union. There he rose until the second embassy secretary before he was recalled to Mexico in 1962.

Because of his invaluable experience, Ernesto Madero was sent to Ghana in September 1966, where he presented his certification letter in February 1967 President Addo. At the same time, he should represent his country with the governments of Morocco and Senegal as an ambassador. In 1968 he obtained the accreditation as an ambassador in Morocco and in 1970 as an ambassador in Senegal. Accra remained his office until he went to Manila as an ambassador in 1972. [first]

Ernesto Madero Vázquez published several writings: [2]

  • The Indalecio Prieto politician. ” Ed. Posters, May 25, 1941
  • The last letter written in Veracruz; “Martí in Mexico. Apostle’s firstfruits ”(Ed. Posters, February 1, 1942)
  • Vals Sobre Las Olas, about the composer Juventino Rosas,
  1. Anniversary of the birth of ambassador Ernesto Madero (1913–1996) , Ghana, Morocco and Senegal from page 35 of the PDF file 2.37 MB
  2. Ambassador Ernesto Madero (1913–1996). Brief biographical synthesis: a life at the service of Mexico ( Memento from September 7, 2014 in Internet Archive )
  3. Mexico ambassadors
  4. Mexico ambassadors
  5. Mexico ambassadors
