Ernst Willkomm – Wikipedia


Ernst Adolf Willkomm (Born February 10, 1810 in Herwigsdorf near Zittau, † May 24, 1886 in Zittau) was a German writer.


Ernst Willkomm was born as the son of the pastor Karl Gottlob Willkomm and visited the high school in Zittau from 1822. His younger brother was Heinrich Moritz Willkomm, who later became known as a botanist. From 1830, Ernst Willkomm initially studied law at the University of Leipzig, later philology and aesthetics. Here he also came into contact with representatives of young Germany like Karl Gutzkow. In 1833 he published his first novel, Julius Kühn , and the tragedy Bernhard, Duke of Weimar .

Willkomm published time -critical novels, travel sketches and stories. With the title of his novel The European valley In 1838 he picked up a keyword that had been shaped by Heine in 1828 and with which an important aspect of thinking was recorded in the Vormärz. [first]

In 1844 he belonged to the group around the composer Robert Schumann, who met regularly in the restoration for the coffee tree. [2]

In the years 1845/46 Willkomm went on a trip to Italy, the experiences of which he in 1847 in the travel sketches Italian nights And in the novel The night meal brothers in Rome processed. In 1849 he was a war rapporteur in the Schleswig-Holstein War and became the editor of the Lübeck newspaper . The following year he married the youth writer Anna Marie Christine Rosendahl (1826–1879), daughter of the merchant Christian Rosendahl. Willkomm had to be the editor of the Lübeck newspaper Giving up and moving to Hamburg, where he was editor of the fictionally critical magazine until 1857 Seasons and as a feature editor of the Hamburg -based referees worked.

In 1859, Willkomm and his wife opened a girls’ pension in Hamburg, which he gave up in 1880 after the death of his wife. Willkomm retired to Zittau, where he died on May 24, 1886. Posthum appeared in 1887 Jonerish greenikenament . Four children emerged from the marriage.

  • Julius Kühn . 1833 (short story).
  • Bernhard Herzog von Weimar . 1833 (tragedy).
  • Book of the kisses . 1834 (poetry).
  • Civilization novel . Wunder, Leipzig (1837–1839).
  • The European valleys. A modern life picture . Wunder, Leipzig 1838 ( – Roman, created between January and June 1837).
  • Lord Byron . A poet life. 1839.
  • Grenzer, fools and pilots . 1842 (no novel collection).
  • Sagen and fairy tales from Upper Lusatia . C. F. Kius Hannover 1843 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • Members of an Austrian dungeon master . 1843.
  • Iron, gold and mind . A tragicomic novel. 1843 (4 parts).
  • White slaves or the suffering of the people . Kollmann, Leipzig 1845 ( – five -volume novel).
  • The night meal brothers in Rome . 1847 (Roman).
  • Italian nights . Travel sketches and studies. 1847 (travel description).
  • Hikes on the North and Baltic Sea . 1850 ( ).
  • In the forest and on the gestade . 1854.
  • From Berlin to Hamburg. In addition to descriptions from Lübeck and Hamburg . Brockhaus, Leipzig 1855 (travel description).
  • The Ammer family . Then the rome. 1855 ( The Ammer family. First division. The Herrnhuter In the Gutenberg-DE project The Ammer family. Second division. Modern idols In the Gutenberg-DE project The Ammer family. Tested souls in the Gutenberg-DE project-tragedy).
  • R (h) Eeder and sailor . A Hamburg novel. 1857 ( Reeder and sailor in the Gutenberg-DE project-Roman).
  • Bank . A novel from Hamburg’s life. 1857.
  • Meteor . 1858 (Novel).
  • Poet and apostle . 1859 (Roman).
  • At the domestic stove . Criminal and beach stories. 1859 (stories in 2 volumes).
  • Stray souls . 1860 (Roman).
  • The daughters of the Vatican . 1860 (Roman).
  • Modern sins . 1861 (Roman).
  • Mosaic . 1861 (narrative).
  • Men of the deed . 1861 (Roman).
  • In spell and magic of passion and delusion, of Ernst and joke . 1862 ( In spell and magic of passion and delusion, of Ernst and joke. First volume in the Gutenberg-DE project-Roman).
  • From German Gauen in south and north. Folk and moral signs . W. Opetz, Gotha 1863.
  • Stalaktiten . 1863 (narrative).
  • On the bristle earth . 1863 (short story).
  • The last drink . 1865.
  • Mrs. von Gampenstein . 1865.
  • Satan journeyman . 1866 (Roman).
  • A stepchild of happiness . 1867.
  • Happily overgrown . 1873 (Roman).
  • Sore heart . 1875 (Roman).
  • Jonerish greenikenament . 1887 (posthumously published fragment).
  • The impregnable shadow . In: The gazebo . Heft 49–52, 1857, S. 665–711 ( Full text [Wikisource]).
  • The silk runner. Mysterious stories from the North Sea coast . Ed.: Theo Schuster. Schuster, Leer 1991 ( The silk runner in the Gutenberg-DE project).

more publishments:

  • The Halligmann. [3]
  • Stories of a meadow ship. [4]
  • Looks. [5]
  1. Otto Ladendorf: Historical key dictionary. One try. Trübner, Strasbourg / Berlin 1906 (reprint: with an introduction by Hans Gerd Schumann. Olms, Hildesheim 1968), p. 76 f.
  2. Another member of Robert Schumann’s round of table in the “coffee tree” †. In: Leipziger Tageblatt and Anzeiger Jg. 80, No. 147, May 27, 1886, 3rd supplement, p. 3094 ( Web resource ).
  3. The Halligmann In the Gutenberg-DE project
  4. Tales of a meadow ship In the Gutenberg-DE project
  5. Supreme faces In the Gutenberg-DE project
