European rail traffic management system


He European rail traffic management system , better known by its acronym Ertms (of English AND uropean R second T raffic M anagement S ystem ), It is an initiative of the European Union in its efforts to guarantee the interoperability of rail networks, creating a single standard worldwide. [ first ]


The ultimate goal is that all European lines form a single network, and that a train can circulate freely along the different countries of the European Union, something that is currently not possible due to differences in road width, Galibo, Galibo, electrification and technological systems that exist between the networks of each of the community countries. Anyway, you will need an support system, which will be the one itself.

System Components [ To edit ]

The ERTMS system consists of several subsystems (or layers):

-He European Train Control System (ETCS, European Train Control System), is responsible for control and traffic safety, that is: the blockade. It is a control system that allows a train to overcome the maximum established speeds or the signals that indicate stop, it is an improved system on automatic alarm systems already installed in many European countries. This system has 5 levels.

-He European Traffic Management Layer (ETML, European traffic management layer), is responsible for the management and regularity of traffic in the Regulation and control centers (CRC, equivalent to the CTC of many conventional lines), which is the place from which traffic is directed. The Madrid-Toledo/Sevilla lines, as well as the Madrid-Valladolid and the Orense-Santiago are controlled from the central CRC located in Madrid-Puerta de Atocha; the Córdoba-Málaga line from the one located in Antequera; the Madrid-Figueres line from Zaragoza; and the one that connects Madrid with Valencia and Alicante is managed from Albacete. In turn, it integrates other subsystems, such as capacity planning (gear creation) and the operational environment (circulation regulation, automatic trains, and environment: communications, telemonds and detectors). Although there are many more, in Spain is the Davinci, which allows to follow the complete life cycle of the railway business, from planning, the creation of a train in the operation environment, its regulation and automatic monitoring and monitoring with deviations and predictions .

Optional subsystems :

-The GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway), is a specific digital cellular communication for the train, is responsible for voice transmission and data between the train and fixed facilities. This system is similar to public GSM systems in terms of network architecture, but uses a separate frequency band and provides exclusive services for the railway field: group calls, emergency calls, functional numbering, etc. Essential with etcs 2 and 3.


-System of positioning (Galileo, GPS or Glonass), serve to locate trains with etcs 3.

Many times the whole is confused with the part and is spoken, even in official documents, of “Ertms level 1” or 2. but the Ertms is the “everything” that encompasses the different subsystems, also to the levels of etcs, by You can’t talk about “Ertms 1”. [ 2 ]

The GSM-R can also act as support at level 1 and other lines, such as the vicinity, as well as etcs, which is installed in 73 km of the C4 of Madrid (for 160 km/h) and He will put in the C3, and is in 123 trains Civia, 20 S-451, 31 S-446 and 43 S-447; Also in the S-252 locomotives for France. In the same vein, GSM-R is being installed in conventional lines (it is already near Madrid, Bilbao and Santander) to replace the train-earth. [ 3 ]

Levels etcs [ To edit ]

ETCS has 5 levels (0, 1, 2, 3 and STM), 17 technical driving modes (from ON Sigh to full supervision) and innumerable versions of SRS software (System requirements Specifications, usually from 2.3.0d to 3.1 .1.2 through the European standard 3.0.0).

ETCS Nivel 1 [ To edit ]

Since 2002 (on Spain: 05/19/2006) allows up to 300 km/h. It is based on road circuits or axis counters, and orders, through the Euroba, movement authorizations (MA) with its speed curve until the next beacon. Information is also transmitted before the signals through the Eurolazos, even so the communication is punctual. It allows a train frequency of a train every 5 and a half minutes at 300 km/h. By comparison, with ASFA is 200 km/h every 8 minutes.

ETCS Nivel 2 [ To edit ]

Since 2006 (on Spain: 10/24/2011, only in Madrid-Lleida, variant of Perales and Albacete-Aliante) allows the speed to be increased up to 350 km/h since the information refers to several cantons. In addition, supervision and communication is continuous between the RBC (Radio Block Center or radio blocking center), the beacons and the train thanks to the GSM-R. At level 2 it is not necessary to install side signals (the cantonation remains fixed thanks to virtual screens), but the beacons and track circuits or axis counters, also the movement authorizations (MA) are also used. It allows a frequency of a train every 2 and a half minutes at 350 km/h thanks to the continuous information and the virtual cantons.

ETCS Nivel 3 [ To edit ]

On the other hand, this level will not be based on the road circuits but on the situation of the trains generated by the train itself thanks to the GSM-R or the GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO. In N1 or N2 it is enough for a train to occupy a circuit with only the last vehicle so that the entire canton is occupied for the system, that is: several kilometers. With the so -called mobile cantons, greater proximity between trains (greater saturation) is allowed and, in addition, the N3 has the enormous advantage that the lateral signage and track circuits are dispensed with. The problem is how to ensure that there has been no lane break if there are no road circuits. The maximum speed of this level will be 500 km/h. This level has just begun to develop through two different projects:

ERTMS Regional [ To edit ]

Part of a project sponsored by the EU under the name of ERTMS Low Cost , and consists of directly installing a variant of the control system etcs level 3. By not needing lateral signaling or beacons, it lowers its cost and maintenance: according to the EU, 30%. The problem is that without road circuits you cannot know if a lane has been broken and has “islands” without coverage, for example the tunnels. In addition, the cantons are fixed (with axis counters), although this is no problem in low density lines.

It only works in Sweden in a pilot line (Västerdalsbanan, between Malung and Borlänge, 134 km and 16 trains per day), from 02/21/2012, but the new Swedish plans [ 4 ] And Norwegians [ 5 ] They go through the installation of etcs n2.
It is designed to suppress, with a cheap system, telephone blockages in very low traffic lines, although not even Sweden will fulfill its plans to extend this system to other eleven lines before 2020. [ 6 ]

Recently Bombardier are installing this blocking system in the 980 km chingola-livingstone line in Zambia. [ 7 ] [ 8 ]

ERSAT EAV (ERTMS on Satellite-Enabling Application and Validation) [ To edit ]

It is a pilot project funded by the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency), coordinated by Ansaldo STS and installed in 2015 in 50 kilometers of the Caglia-San Gavino railroad, in Sardinia (Italy). [ 9 ] The most novel element is that it uses virtual beacons generated by the satellite every 50 meters; To ensure its integrity, the train receives (in the head and tail) the signal of the satellites through the LDS (Location Detection System). To lower the cost, instead of using GSM-R, use GSM of public networks. The first tests cover from 02/01/2015 to 01/02/2017, being able to be in operation in 2022. [ 8 ] There is also the EATS (ETCS ADVANCED TESTING AND SMART TRAIN POSITIONING SYSTEM), a collaborative research project funded by the Seventh Framework of Science and Innovation Program of the European Commission, which started in October 2012 with the aim of facilitating migration to etc. level 3 in between of the improvement of laboratory test systems to reduce time and effort in the verification and certification process. [ ten ]

He Level 0 It is used in areas not equipped with etcs and nivel STM (Specific transmission modulation or specific transmission module) is used when circulating from another system (in Spain: Asfa or Ebicab). The STM module translates the information of the other system into the ETCs, being visible in the Machine Interface Driver (DMI, driver’s machine interface).

Summary of the different levels:

ETCS 1 ETCS 2 ETCS 3 ERTMS Regional Replaced
Lateral signals AND Optional NO NO NO
Way circuits / axis counters AND AND NO NO NO
Eurobaline Yes a lot) Yes (enough) Yes (few) NO NO
Speed 300 km/h 350 km/h 500 km/h Low Low
Trains frequency 5 and a half minutes at 300 2 and a half minutes at 350 Very high Low Low

Driving modes Upon entering the system, the system passes by total supervision (full supervision, FS), where the movement authorizations (Movement Authorithy, MA) that contain the maximum speed that the system granted for a certain time and for a distance are received and for a distance determined (up to 32 km in etcs 2). As you advance on the way, new ma are receiving.
In total supervision mode, the system does everything, depending on the train series, except to open and close the doors: regulates the speed, the train tightly closes in the tunnels, performs the necessary operations in the neutral areas and leaves the train braking next to The topera.
The system supervises the machineist’s performance acting on the service brake if it exceeds the maximum speed of the MA or does not meet the braking curve until the next.

Implantation [ To edit ]

Registration of use of the Ertms system on a Thalys train.

The implementation is progressive in European lines, and is initiated by those lines that have greater potential for international traffic. It has also been installed in some lines without international traffic because being a new implantation system has a technological development that allows greater benefits than the different national systems previously used.

The first commercial circulations with Ertms are the following:

  • 2002. First commercial circulations with etcs level 1 in the Mattstetten-Rothrist Switzerland line. [ 11 ] [ twelfth ]
  • January 22, 2006. First commercial circulations (4 ETR 500 per direction) with ETCS level 2 and 300 km/h in the Lav Roma – Naples. As of September 17, 2006, 7 trains are passed.
  • May 19, 2006. The 102 to 250 km/h series with ETCS 1 between Madrid and Lleida begin to circulate. They are the first circulations at this speed with etcs level 1. The other trains of this line continue to circulate with ASFA200.
  • July 2, 2006. Commercial circulations begin with etcs level 2 at the Mattstetten – Rothrist line (45 km section between Berna and Zurich): every night about 12 circulations from 22:30. The maximum speed is 160 km/h. Although restricted at the schedule, it is the first commercial circulation with etc. level 2 and with trains of various types and manufacturers. On July 22, 2006, the schedule is extended, starting at 9:30 p.m., which is about 20 trains per day that circulate with etcs level 2.
  • October 16, 2006. ADIF allows between Madrid and Lleida 280 km/h with etcs level 1.
  • October 24, 2011. ADIF allows the circulation of AVE trains at 310 km/h in the Lav Madrid-Barcelona due to the implementation of the etcs level 2.
  • 2015. The NSR project (North South Railways) in Saudi Arabia enters operation with 2400 km, a part dedicated to load trains (with diesel locomotives up to 100 km/h, and trains up to 2.5 km long) and another Dedicated to passenger trains (with diesel locomotives up to 200 km/h)

See also [ To edit ]

[ 13 ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
